Last Updated on June 26, 2022 by Laura Turner
The interview is one of the most important steps in the medical school application process. It’s your chance to get to know the medical school in person while demonstrating good communication skills, professionalism, maturity, and your passion for medicine.
Below are six tips to help you make a good impression:
1. Research the school. Know the school’s mission statement and why you want to attend this program in particular. Be sure not to ask any questions that are easily answered by reading the school’s website or in materials already provided to you!
2. Know the format. There are different kinds of interviews, such as one-on-one interviews, panel interviews, and multiple mini interviews (MMIs). You’ll likely also have a campus tour and lunch, so read all the interview day information carefully so you know what to expect at each school.
3. Dress professionally. For both men and women, it’s best to wear a neutral colored business attire and comfortable shoes. Don’t wear any distracting accessories or strong scents. It’s okay to bring a water bottle and something for note taking, but keep your phone turned off and inside your pocket, bag, or your car.
4. Practice. Set up mock interviews with a friend, advisor, or mentor so that you can practice expressing yourself articulately and logically. Be careful not to over practice to the point where you memorize answers that sound rehearsed and no longer genuine.
5. Review your application. Review your primary and secondary applications so what you wrote is fresh in your mind. Depending on the school, interviewers may be able to view all or part of your application so it’s good to be prepared for potential follow-up questions. At the same time, don’t assume that everyone in the room has read your application, so it’s okay to repeat some information about yourself.
6. Engage. Your interview starts the moment you step on campus so be engaged the entire time. Be friendly to everyone you meet, including the other interviewees. Remember, they may be some of your future classmates! Actively listen during every part of the day, ask questions, and keep your phone out of sight. It’s fine to get a ride to the interview, but be sure to arrive and attend on your own.
See the Aspiring Docs website for more information on preparing for medical school interviews.