This interview season, Student Doctor Network has partnered with the admissions team at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University to bring you an interview master class, exploring the dos and don’ts of medical school interviews. This video will help you prepare for your interview. It includes several vignettes depicting scenarios an interviewing student may face. Watch how one student performs in his interview, and listen to feedback on the student’s performance from Dr. Kelli Braun, MCG’s Associate Dean of Admissions.
Topics covered include the following:
- How to answer the “Why Medicine” question
- Managing your body language
- Interacting with student interviewers
- Preparing for when they ask if you have questions
You can also view feedback on interview experiences of other medical school applicants on the SDN Interview Feedback database. The Medical School Interview Feedback tool is a databank of previous questions that were asked at medical school interviews and feedback from pre-med and pre-health students about their medical school interview experience with each medical school.
Updated July 28, 2020 with additional information on the topics covered in the video and the SDN Interview Feedback database.