Med school can test a relationship.
Lauren wrote in to ask us to what extent her love life should play a role in her selection of a medical school, and how we thought med school challenges relationships. Gabe Conely, Joyce Wahba, Claire Casteneda, and new host Brendan George discussed their perspective on how med school can affect romantic relationships, and what role it should play in the selection of a school to attend.
And, after reading an article about how blind people use echolocation–and that they were better at it even than previously thought, Dave thought up an experiment to test his co-hosts. A stupid experiment, but he’s a podcast host not a doctor.
This Week in Medical News
The opioid epidemic isn’t going anywhere…and it’s getting worse despite the hand wringing done around the country about how to arrest it. And 23andMe has the green light from the FDA to test customers for BRCA mutations.
On The Short Coat Podcast, medical students from the University of Iowa and their co-host Dave Etler discuss news, fresh views, helpful clues, and interviews. Hear new episodes on iTunes and the Short Coat Podcast website every Thursday, republished Fridays on the Student Doctor Network.