Last Updated on June 24, 2022 by Laura Turner
It’s time for a change, whether we want it or not.
Oh, gosh. It’s Kaci McCleary and Amy Young’s last show as co-hosts. Irisa Mahaparn and Teneme Konne join them to discuss their impending moves to Colorado and Minnesota. Also, they lament Iowa’s new Fetal Heartbeat Bill and what some observers believe will be an associated collapse of OB/Gyn in Iowa should the law go into effect. But life goes on, and Amy–a relatively new parent–talks parenting fails. Luckily for her little Sammy, and sadly for his own children, Dave has her beat. And listener Corey reaches out on Facebook to tell Dave he’s wrong. Shocker.
Plus, Dave reveals how you can get free swag Dave made with frickin’ laser beams…listen to find out how.
This week in Medical News
Meanwhile, Indiana is recommending that it’s citizens get vaccinations before traveling to…Kentucky and Michigan? Trump’s old doctor finally admits that his former patient really did dictate his note that praised the then-candidate’s health. And the Golden State Killer is nabbed by a DNA ancestry website, while privacy advocates fret.
On The Short Coat Podcast, medical students from the University of Iowa and their co-host Dave Etler discuss news, fresh views, helpful clues, and interviews. Hear new episodes on iTunes and the Short Coat Podcast website every Thursday, republished Fridays on the Student Doctor Network.