As we approach the end of 2022, we wanted to share some of the Student Doctor Network (SDN) highlights from the past year.
Best of 2022 Articles
The Student Doctor Network publishes articles weekly, and we’ve had some great ones this year across a variety of topics.
Health Professional News
At the beginning of the year, we covered the ongoing accreditation woes of California Northstate University College of Medicine. The recently opened school was denied full accreditation by the Liason Committee on Medical Education and was instead placed in “Provisional, on probation” status.
Later in the year, as the Supreme Court took up the question of affirmative action, we delved into the idea of “Overrepresented Minorities” and the history of discrimination against people of Asian and Middle Eastern descent.
In December, we detailed the results of our student survey on Situational Judgment Test experiences. These tests, such as Casper, AAMC PREview, and Kira Talent, are becoming increasingly common in health professional admissions. Learn what students’ experiences with these exams are and what insights can be drawn from the admissions outcomes they provided.
Admissions Answers
In addition to health professional news, our articles covered a breadth of topics on health professional school admissions.
In January, we detailed the results of a study showing where premed students tend to fall out of the medical school path – so you can know where the risks lie and hopefully avoid the pitfalls.
In April, we covered how you can find undergraduate research, including providing a template for an email you can send to researchers you would like to work with.
In July, we provided a step-by-step guide and templates for writing great post-interview thank-you notes.
In August, as applicants settled into a potentially long wait for news on interviews, we published “While You Are Waiting,” which breaks down in detail what happens behind the scenes of an admissions office. They aren’t trying to torture you by making you wait – they are very busy!
September brought an overview of new shorter pathways to health professional careers, detailing three-year medical school programs. Three-year programs are available for dental and veterinary school as well.
In addition to our how-to articles, we also launched a new series of interviews with admissions committee members. In 2022, we featured an interview with Goro, famed SDN forums contributor and adcom member, and Dr. Steven Chang, Director of Admissions from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry.
Best of 2022 Provider Interviews
On our Youtube channel, we completed a series of interviews with healthcare students and providers.
Physician interviews included Pain Management, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurosurgery, and locum tenens physicians.
We also interviewed Dr. Angelica Cifuentes, Optometrist; Drs. Allison McKay and MeMe Earnest Stanley, Physical Therapists; and Podiatrist Dr. Alton Johnson.
Best of 2022 Tool Launches and Updates
In addition to articles and interviews, SDN was busy in 2022, launching new and updated tools to help students with their goals.
Activity Finder allows you to find opportunities for extracurricular enrichment, including clinical jobs, community service opportunities, and research programs.
In conjunction with Pride month in June, we supported the launch by the Health Professional Student Association (our parent organization) of “Treating Trans Patients”, a free course to help healthcare professionals learn more about the transgender community and how to provide supportive care.
In July, the self-paced “Becoming a Student Doctor” course was launched. This advanced online class is designed to help students understand the complexities of the healthcare system and articulate how they see themselves serving within it. We have just opened the January 2023 cohort for this course, so reach out if you are interested in learning more!
In addition to these new offerings, we also made major updates to our Medical School Application Cost Calculator and the LizzyM Application Assistant. These have been refreshed with the latest information from the AAMC.
Finally, all throughout the year, we began on-demand advising with our Director of Advising Services (Dr. Emil Chuck), who has been giving strategic feedback to those in the current and upcoming application cycles.
Whew – that’s a lot of activity! Our team will be taking a well-deserved rest for the remainder of the year, but stay tuned to our social media channels (Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter for now) for the latest updates as we move forward into 2023!
And if you’d like to support our nonprofit efforts to provide tools and resources to students dreaming of becoming health professionals, please consider upgrading your forums membership or making a tax-deductible donation.