How to Get into Medical School: The 10 Steps

Last Updated on June 24, 2022 by Laura Turner

By Dr. David Steinhardt

Now that my medical school application process has come to an end and I’ve made it into med school, I feel a personal responsibility to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained while getting into medical school.

First, here are my stats; I applied to 25 medical schools, got six interviews, was accepted at four schools, and wait-listed at two.

I applied alongside lots of other people with differing backgrounds and successes. It is impossible to go through this process with friends and not constantly talk about it. I heard countless stories about other applicants, students, and doctors from those conversations, both triumphant and tragic.

Here are the main things I learned and now recommend to get into medical school, in order of importance:

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  1. Have a Solid Overall GPA and Science GPA

    There is no substitute for high grades. If you’re reading this during your senior year of college right before opening your AMCAS application and haven’t done well in school, don’t give up hope!
    Consider entering a post-bac program. Although medical schools care more today about your background, personality, and extracurriculars, their number-one concern remains: will this person make it through medical school?

    The primary way to answer that is by looking at a student’s science classes. If you’re not ready to commit to being a doctor at age 18, it might be in your best interest to get a liberal arts education, grow up, and do a post-bac after getting a year or two of work experience post-college.

    I know many people who had mediocre grades in college but then rocked the post-bac classes due to newfound motivation and maturation. However, it’s better if you’ve gotten good grades all along. The other option is starting at age 18, working hard, and doing well in college. If you’re a genius, this isn’t that hard. If you’re not, get ready to sacrifice some fun. Of course, I’m biased because I had tons of fun in college and delayed the whole medicine thing – but that’s because I was in no position to decide what I wanted to do with my life when I was 18 or 19 years old. I’m rambling now, but suffice to say, get good grades, the higher, the better.

  2. Get a Good MCAT Score (508 or greater)

    At this point, you may be thinking that this is an obvious list. In a way, it is, but I’m honest here.

    The people who have the most trouble getting into school (besides people with bad grades, who pretty much don’t get into schools) bomb the MCAT. Now don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t say I like the MCAT. On the contrary, I hate the MCAT. But you need to post a decent score.

    In my non-expert opinion, the 505-507 range is a passing grade on the MCAT. Anything lower will hurt you; anything higher will help you. So don’t stress too much about it: study a lot, take TONS of practice tests IN exact testing conditions (no breaks, same time as real test, sitting at a desk quietly, etc.), and then do as well as you can.

    I also recommend taking the test as early as you can be ready for it. If you take it too close to the application timeframes and do poorly, you have to retake it, which delays your entire application.

    The best thing to do, though, is to do well the first time. I did not take an MCAT class and instead used Sn2’s famed study schedule, available on the StudySchedule website.

    A class works for some, but a good study plan works for everyone. StudySchedule is a free service from the Health Professional Student Association.

  3. Apply Early

    AMCAS opens in May of each year, and the first day you can turn it in is June 1. You don’t HAVE to turn it in on June 1, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. I recommend anytime in June, preferably in the first half of the month. There are a few reasons, some of which everyone will tell you and some won’t.

    First, the obvious: it is a rolling admissions process, so the earlier you apply, the fewer spots have been taken and the more spots schools have to fill. Applying early is not foolproof as the admissions offices readily note. They’ve been through this process before, so they know how to spread out their acceptances throughout the year, but at the same time, who believes that they give March interviewees the same chance as the people who interview in October? No one. This brings me to my next and, in my opinion, a more critical point.

    Apply early for your peace of mind. Peace of mind is the big one for me. In short, prioritize your application year and make it a happy one. The most optimistic person I know was accepted at UC Davis in October. Once he was accepted, he could relax and work the jobs he wanted, take the vacations he wanted, etc. The most unhappy people are still, in early March, unsure where they will get in.

    If you’re in the latter boat, all is not lost, you still might get in, but your year has doubtlessly been more stressful. So save the stress for residency.

  4. Get Recommendations Early

    Gather your recommendations early and get writers who can be personal, if possible. Most schools like a committee letter, so get it if your premedical department or post-bac does it.

    I also recommend a research recommendation and a letter from someone who’s seen you do clinical work. If you’ve had a legitimate job, get one from there too. Professors are great, but the committee letter takes care of that aspect for you, at least it’s supposed to. Since you want to apply in June, you should contact your recommenders by January. That way, they have plenty of time to write it, you can send them reminders each month, and everyone is happy.

    Most people will agree to write you a letter if they know you, but try to get people who genuinely know you and who you can level with. The best recommender is someone you can sit down with and say, “this is what I think should be in my letter, blah blah blah.” I’m not saying you should be able to write your own letters, but you want your recommenders to have a personal stake in getting you into school, and the only way that will happen is if you have a personal relationship with them.

    If you don’t have a personal relationship with any of your recommenders, don’t freak out; get someone (anyone) to write your letters. It’s preferable if you have recommenders who know you beyond your name.

  5. Do something unique!

    The best applicants are those that jump off the page.
    Start something, get some unique experience, and make it legitimate. Don’t just do it because you want to get into medical school. Do it because it’s something you want to do, and this is your life to live. Getting into med school is not everything, but it turns out that if you do something unique and extraordinary (it doesn’t have to be medically related), it catches people’s attention. And when you’re trying to get into a class of 100 out of 7,000 applicants, you have to stand out somehow.

    The application has three spots for “most meaningful experiences.” Ideally, two of these are medical/research-oriented, and the third is something outside of medicine that you’ve done that application readers want to tell their friends about.

  6. Get Real Medical Experience

    Get medical experience to prove you know what it’s like to be a doctor. The second half of this is the critical part. If you’ve had an incredible hands-on clinical experience or responsibilities, that’s a plus, but the important thing is that you’ve spent lots of time with physicians while they’re on the job. Schools want to make sure you know what medicine is all about and have realistic expectations.

    Schools want to make sure you don’t just like the concept of being a doctor but that you like the reality of the job. This is important for your clarity too. Being a doctor is not Grey’s Anatomy; this is actual life. So be sure you know what you’re getting into, and prove that on your application.

  7. Do Research

    Do scientific research of some kind, any kind! It’s nice to have research on your application. If you’re applying for an MD/PhD program, move this advice to number one, but if not, you don’t necessarily need tons of research.

    Of course, if research is what you’re into, your experience should reflect it. Also, it’s not necessary to do bench research if that’s not your cup of tea. There are tons of clinical research going on in every major hospital. So if you want to do stuff more directly patient-related, get involved with it.

  8. Have Experienced People Read your Application Essays

    After all of the hard work you’ve put in at school, in your extracurriculars, getting your recommendations, etc., the essays on your application are critical too.

    After all, how else will the admissions office people know what you’ve done if you don’t know how to write about it correctly? I recommend having a few doctors read your essays and give comments, and then someone who knows the current application process, like a premed advisor at your college, also read it. This will provide you with various opinions, and then you can take it from there.

    One important thing to note is that everyone has their own opinions about what schools are looking for. This is, of course, because each school and admissions officer is different. So, in the end, you have to decide how you want your essays to read. Ensure that it’s your essay and that you don’t take every person’s opinion on every little thing. More importantly, make sure you get multiple readers for those essays and make sure everything is grammatically perfect (unlike this blog post). 😉

  9. Do Practice Interviews

    Get prepared and do some practice interviews. My practice interviews helped me a lot. However, some people are natural interviewers and don’t need practice. Decide which one you are and go with that.

    Again, current doctors and premed advisors are the best people to conduct practice interviews. It’s easy to explain to your friends who know nothing about why you want to be a doctor – it’s much harder to explain it to an actual doctor.

    Before your interviews, make sure you can talk about ALL activities on your application and why medicine suits you. Beyond that, and this is a cliche, of course, but be yourself. If the person interviewing you likes you as a person by the end, you have a good chance of getting in.

    Some schools do the MMI (multiple mini interviews), which are their own story. To prepare for these, you need to understand the ethical dilemmas doctors face and know how to take a stance. I recommend Googling MMIs, and you’ll find tons of practice scenarios. Also, use the fantastic interview feedback resource for actual questions from each medical school. (Be sure to post the questions you got too!)

    Discuss them with your girlfriend, boyfriend, and parents, and you’ll be fine. The most important part of the interviews is being relaxed and appearing to be an average, friendly person. Your numbers speak for themselves; now, you have to show you are fit for a career that will work with patients every day.

  10. Apply Broadly

    Apply to many medical schools, expect many rejections, and make your own final decisions on where you apply and where you go. Consider using the LizzyM score to find the schools in your application range. I think applying broadly is essential. Getting into medical school is an absolute meat-grinder. Most schools have a 1-2% acceptance rate.

    Apply to lots of schools. If there’s a particular school you’re on the fence about, apply to it. I will likely be going to the school I added last to my list, not because I didn’t like it, but because I didn’t think I could get in because I was out of state.

    Apply to as many schools that interest you, but don’t apply to schools you don’t want to attend. If you wouldn’t go there, don’t apply. I applied to 25 schools. That’s a little on the high end, but I’d do it again. You have you assume, even if you are an absolute genius, that you’ll be getting rejected from 75% of the schools you apply to, most of them pre-interviews. That’s just the way the process is. So keep your head up and move on. You can only go to one school anyway.

The last piece of advice I have is to make your own decisions. My advice applies to every aspect of the process: from the classes, you take to the strategy you use to study for the MCAT, your recommenders, your essays, etc.

There’s a lot written about getting into medical school — some by experts and some by non-experts. The simple fact is that there is no one way to get in, and there’s no one strategy. You have to be you, take the classes you want, write the essays you are proud of, and hope for the best.

Getting into medical school isn’t a race; it’s a journey. So if you need to improve in any of the ten steps above, it’s time to start that journey now!

24 thoughts on “How to Get into Medical School: The 10 Steps”

  1. Having an MCAT under 508 will hurt you in med school apps. Will it keep you out? Not necessarily, but the article doesn’t say it will. Sure people with MCATs under 508 get in, but you can be sure they had some other positive aspects on their apps to make up for it.
    Btw great article, haven’t read one of these since I got in last year and this one says everything you need in a practical, straightforward type of way.
    -med student

  2. I had mentioned previously that I’ve been running a blog with a medical school interview question daily (mmiqd wordpress). I would not just say “give up” if you had a rocky first semester or first year. It is going to take time for some people to adjust to the rigorous demands of college, which will seem like a tea party compared to adjusting to professional school. But I will say what you should give up on is the thought that you must get into professional school immediately after you graduate from college. That is definitely no longer the norm in admissions. However, (to Alex) you need to probably think about the social science coursework and experiences you need for the MCAT in 2015 since that’s more likely when you’ll be taking the exam.

  3. Medicine actually is the highest paying field. Maybe not the best lifestyle, but according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, physicians and surgeons have the highest annual salary of any other career in the U.S.

  4. Beautifully crafted! I definitely fall in the category of those with below average mcat score and I am paying for that. But, I also did my best in preparing for the test so I don’t have any regrets.
    Thanks for sharing and all the best in medical school!

  5. Yeah, I agree, the MCAT isn’t everything. Getting in the 510+ range will definitely help you but you still stand an excellent chance with anything above a 508 as long as the rest of your application looks great. Likewise, if you have absolutely no clinical experience, no ECs, and poor letters of rec, a 5000 on the MCAT isn’t going to get you in. Schools look at your entire application and many schools have a weighted scoring system that doesn’t give any more points to MCAT/GPA than it does to volunteer experience, interviewing skills, etc. I believe too much emphasis is put on grades/MCAT by premeds and not enough emphasis on ECs/letters/interviewing. I’m not saying forget about your grades/MCAT but just don’t over-emphasize it.
    -Dr. Jake MD in T – 15 days

  6. You have to understand how the #’s work, it’s not talking about % chance of getting into medical school, but instead there are many schools that receive lots of applicaitons and they end up accepting only 1-2% of those. For example, I believe Georgetown gets 10,000 applications or so, as you can imagine, the acceptance rate will be low.

  7. Actually, 1-2% sounds about right for some schools.
    10,000 applicants to BU
    ~1000 interview, 300-400 accepted.
    Sure it’s not a perfect 1-2% but pretty darn close.
    Great article which sums up the reality well.

    • 3-4% is a lot different than 1-2%, IMO.
      The lowest acceptance rates are at Mayo and Stanford, and those are around 2.3%. Clearly saying MOST schools are around 1-3% is misleading.
      Trust me, I’m quite familiar with all the numbers in this process, I just think it’s a mistake to report a number that’s about half as small as it should be in most cases.

    • Actually, the acceptance rate to medical school in the US is a lot closer to 40%. If we want to talk about the acceptance rate to Mayo, then that’s different. In general though, a premed has a much better shot at getting into med school somewhere in the US than 1-2%.

  8. I got put on Academic probation my first term, then rocked my first semester with a 2.75 (also got a C in chem). Granted, I did turn my habits around and never got below a 3.7 after that, but you can still do it. And even if you don’t go to Med School, good grades will not only earn you money but it will open so many doors for whatever you do after college.

  9. Yeah, that 1-2% figure is pretty misleading. If you divide the number of graduating medical school seniors (roughly 16K) by the total number of medical school applicants (roughly 40K), the acceptance rate to medical school is closer to 40%.

  10. I want to clarify a couple of things, since this is my article. If you read carefully, the article states that medical schools have a 1-2% acceptance rate. Stanford, for example, has about 90 spots and about 5,000 applicants.That’s about a 1% acceptance rate. Some of you are confusing overall percentage of getting into a medical school (40%) with acceptance rate at a specific school (1-2%). 40% of applicants get in somewhere, but your chance at each school is fairly low. Of course, some schools have a slightly higher acceptance rate and some lower, my point was that it is by far the most difficult type of professional school to get into.
    Those of you who had an issue with my MCAT comments. If you score below a 508, it will of course hurt your application. You still might get into med school because the application process takes your entire file into account, but as far as the MCAT portion is concerned, you’re going to want to get above a 508 in order for the test to be a positive attribute on your application.

  11. I think this is a great summary of what needs to be done to get into medical school. BTW, I am a physician and have been out of residency now for 6 years. I am now in the process of helping my son go through the whole process and I want him to avoid the mistakes that I made. My grades were only so so and I had a couple of Cs and C minuses in my tougher undergraduate classes and even though I retook those classes and got As, those grades definitely hurt my ability at first to get into medical school. I initially had a 34 on the MCAT and had some medical research as well as a lot of clinical experience. After not being accepted for a couple of tries, I ended up retaking the MCAT and posted a 38. That was what proved to them that I would succeed.
    I would emphasize that there is no one way to get into medical school, but the better your grades are and the better your MCAT score is, the more likely you will be accepted. Like the author says, there are exceptions, but the majority of people who get in have very good grades and very good MCAT scores. Each school lists their average grades and MCAT scores, so you know where you stand. This is a bell curve, so there maybe a few outliers, but the majority fit nicely into that bell curve. If you don’t have the grades or MCAT, then be extraordinary at some other aspect – I mean do overseas humanitarian projects, etc.

    • Yes, any med school would take a student who got a 3.2 gpa at Yale or Georgetown, vs someone who got a 3.5 at a community college or lesser accredited school.

  12. I think the 1-2% acceptance rate is really the author using #matriculants/# verified applications a school received (probably per MSAR data). I think this number is a bit deflated because 1) schools accept a greater number of applicants than the # of students who actually matriculate, and 2) there are a lot of people who end up withdrawing their applications from particular schools at various points in the process (be it because they didn’t feel like filling out or paying for secondaries for schools they weren’t completely sure they wanted to go to or had a chance at, got into the school of their choice and didn’t feel like spending the $ to travel to interview at other schools, didn’t get LORs or other requirements in time–you get the point). However, the actual acceptance rates are obviously mostly in the single digits–still pretty low.

  13. Hey. I’m actually from Europe and currently at my second year in med school. I was just researching American medical schools and found your article. All I can say is that it seems to be a lot harder for you to get in (we only have 6 people for 1 spot on average. We also go to med school right after high school, so you have to know what you want to do when you are 18 or 19).
    I wish everyone of you good luck in applying to med school! If you get there it will be the time of your life, just don’t forget that you have a life besides studying all the time 😉
    Good luck everyone!
    Stud Med II
    Northen Europe

  14. I thought this article was great for helping me find incite on the medical school process. I am only a junior in high school and i have a lot of time to prepare. I am currently taking biology, math, and anatomy college classes. I was wondering if getting a bachelors degree in nursing will help me a lot, or just slow me down. Do you even have to have a bachelors degree in order to be accepted into medical school?

  15. A big question for me is, Does a 52-year-old stand a chance? It has been 11 years since I last graduated, but before that I earned a B.S. in Psychology, two M.A.’s in Psychology (animal behavior, neuroscience), and one Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience. I have also spent about 16 years as an adjunct college professor. Maybe I’ll be able to cruise through the courses?

    • There is no cut-limit age to go into med school…. you can go at ANY age. In fact, the more experience you have, the better. The questions is do you really want to spend 5-6 years more of your life in school at this age? [ approximately 2 year post-bac (since the curiculum of required science courses you took back as an undergrad needs to be RE-taken), 3 years in med school, and 1 year residency, then speciality, etc] so the answer is that is up to you and how badly you want to do it. If you do decide to go into med school…I am not an expert nor can I predict the future, but your life, maturity and enormous experience and qualifications at this point deff make you stand out of the rest with a high likelihood to get in (if of course you do well in those science courses + mcat… but since you Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience+ adjunct college professor, the science courses prob won’t be too hard for you I am assuming) 😉

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