With loan debt for students in graduate health professions rising exponentially, the conversation around choosing the right student loan repayment option and/or opting for the public service loan forgiveness (PSLF) program is becoming much more popular. Instead of focusing on what repayment plan gives a graduate the lowest monthly payment or whether or not he/she should pursue loan forgiveness, why not focus on minimizing expenses and working hard to pay off the debt as fast as soon as possible? This will allow for moving on to other financial goals with more intensity and focus such as buying a home, saving for retirement, and giving to name a few…all without any student loan debt getting in the way.
Timothy Ulbrich
Timothy Ulbrich, Pharm.D. is an associate professor of pharmacy practice and associate dean at Northeast Ohio Medical University College of Pharmacy. He lives in Rootstown, OH with his wife Jess and three boys Samuel, Everett and Levi. After paying off over $200,000 in non-mortgage debt, he is motivated to empower health professions students to take control of their financial future. He is the author of the blog Your Financial Pharmacist and The Path to Debt Free: An E-Guide for Pharmacists. You can follow him on Twitter (@FinancialRPh) and Facebook at www.facebook.com/yourfinancialpharmacist.