Hi! My name is Courtney, and I am currently a third year Podiatric Medical student from Indiana, studying in Ohio. I hope that I can help those of you reading this learn a little more about the field of podiatry and what it is like to be a Podiatric Medical student.
Get into podiatry school and become a successful doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM) with our articles for pre-podiatry students.
Why I Chose Podiatry School
For many students looking for a career in healthcare, allopathic medical school is the only option that they have considered. While information exists on podiatry as a professional career choice, it can be missed behind the stacks of information on allopathic and osteopathic medicine.
Podiatry school, or podiatric medical school, is very similar to its allopathic and osteopathic medical school counterparts, with some key differences. The biggest difference is the degree earned. A graduate of podiatric medical school receives a doctoral degree of podiatric medicine, or a DPM. This degree certifies the graduate to be a complete and specialized physician of the foot and ankle.