Recent content by Doctor Octagonecologyst

  1. D

    why ask why?

    There's a strong chance it will be worth it if you have an exceptional tolerance for delayed gratification. You don't necessarily have to tolerate 100 hour work weeks, because there are a number of specialties that require a relatively small amount of your time. However, you're not going to be...
  2. D

    What kind of doctor........

    A primary care physician, of course. :wink:
  3. D

    SGU vs. NYCOM?

    •••quote:•••Originally posted by shakia: •I didnt get in to us, I got in to SGU and DO. thanx••••<font size="2" face="Verdana...
  4. D

    What is the AOA???

    •••quote:•••Originally posted by ItNeverEnds: •Also, American Osteopathic Association, American Optometric Association, Administration on Aging, American...
  5. D

    do I have a chance?

    That MCAT is good for three years, so just get as many BCPM A's as you possibly can in that 3-year window. Then apply and you'll be in awesome shape.
  6. D

    Future medical class of 2006 classmates

    INSTRUCTIONS FOR POSTING: Make sure to indicate the school at the top. Just click on the quotes icon (above right at end of date line) to retain the bold and delete the quote codes at beginning (along with previous poster's comments) and at end of list. Also, check to see if someone posted at...
  7. D

    Accepted to... (another list)

    (DO NOT DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!!!) Instructions: Make sure to copy the latest list!! Just click on the quotes icon (above right at end of date line) to retain the bold and delete the quote codes at beginning (along with previous poster's comments) and at end of list. Also, check whether...
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    Do not delete these instructions. To reply to the thread, click on the quote button above, and then delete the {Quote} and {QB} notations from the beginning and end of the post. Please add your name alphabetically. Abefroman: *Downstate -- Tulane Alphacentauri: *Stanford -- UMich, Hopkins...
  9. D

    honestly, do i have a shot?

    If you're not appropriately freaked out by the prospect of going to the Caribbean, check out this thread from the International forum: <a href=";f=12;t=000945"...
  10. D

    During interview: say that school is your first choice?

    •••quote:•••Originally posted by The Mysterious Stranger: •I'm glad you asked this question because I was wondering the same thing. Someone posted a thread...
  11. D

    Getting into Carrib Med Schools

    Remember, that MCAT is good for three years. So you have three years to raise your GPA with post-baccs. By that point your GPA should be at least half-way decent. If you have great extracurriculars at the same time and apply to lots of schools, you'll most certainly get in somewhere (thank...
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    honestly, do i have a shot?

    •••quote:•••Originally posted by kittyjuice: •i think im just gonna start at St. George's in august or january. i dont think i have a decent shot at any...
  13. D

    INTERESTING STORY of acceptance to Med School

    "Cristina...sent letters to the schools begging them to waive their fees. All but Harvard did." Doesn't do much to erase any stereotypes we associate with the H, does it? The bastards... :mad: The article did kind of gloss over her academic problems at MIT. "The first years at MIT were a...
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  15. D

    Transferring medical schools

    Transferring is definitely not something you can plan on, so it's never a good idea to apply to any school that you know you would not be happy at. You should be able to find out enough information during interviews to see if you would really want to go to each school. Remember, medical school...