Recent content by nade0016

  1. nade0016

    Academic OMFS

    Great question. I am not sure about the "other" dental specialities. I am sure that there are perio, pros and orthodontists out there absolutely crushing it. But I believe this is an average salary nation wide. So there are OMS's making 50% more and 50% making less (roughly speaking). As for the...
  2. nade0016

    Academic OMFS

    This is tricky. Salary is publishable. Augmentations and supplementations are not necessarily published. What you will see on state websites is base salary. There may be more that is not reported.
  3. nade0016

    OMFS Application Question

    You apply and rank to the programs you want to train at. Do not apply. interview or rank at programs you are not interested in or places you do not want to live. Its that simple.
  4. nade0016

    Personal Statement

    Agreed, Always focus on your positives.
  5. nade0016

    OMFS Internship 2024- H1B visa.

    Each program is specific. Easiest way is to reach out to programs you would like to intern at.
  6. nade0016

    Are 3 LORs from OMFS necessary for a complete application?

    PD's opinion here: Yes, 3 LOR from OMS. No general dentists or faculty at your SoD. Reason? Because a GP or most faculty have no idea what OMS residency entails so they have not way to judge your ability to be a good resident. Here is my hierarchy: OMS Chairs and PD's OMS Faculty who teach...
  7. nade0016

    Weekend/Holiday Externships?

    Very much would NOT recommend "helping" scrub techs. Great way to never get into the OR again.
  8. nade0016

    Applying to every single omfs program in the country

    oof, a lot to unpack here. So you are so unfamiliar with OMS training programs and so don't care about where you get in that you want to apply to all programs? This will lead to getting in nowhere. My reccs: Extern at a couple very different programs (4 vs. 6, hospital vs. SoD) to get a good...
  9. nade0016

    Starting up a OMFS Internship?

    Internships are not accredited by CODA. Anyone can start an internship that is why there is such variability in training and experiences among internships. My two cents are as follows: find an internship that will challenge you and allow you to learn. Hospital based internships are usually...
  10. nade0016

    OMFS Application and INBDE

    That is fair to put in the application/CV. Just dont try to get cute. If you are going to list them all, list them all or none.
  11. nade0016

    OMFS Application and INBDE

    When you say "scores" you mean pass/fail correct? Also, just put pending on your application. Thats all that matters for OMS.
  12. nade0016

    Academic OMFS

    Depends where you are but thats my situation. It didn't start that way but I have worked to get to where I am. I have a feeling that 10 years from now those PP (VC and Corp gigs) are not going to paying out such huge annual salaries. The PP discussion is one of my favorites because the early...