Recent content by paisley1

  1. P

    failed pediatric boards - looking for study partner and advice

    Re: the ABIM pass rate being in the 90s--I hear 'ya! My internal medicine friends are in disbelief regarding the low pass rate for the peds boards. Oh well, not much we can do about it other than give it our best shot. Good luck to everyone taking the test next week! I, for one, can't wait...
  2. P

    Anyone have any last minute advice on cs exam.

    -Just remember to pace yourself. -Empathize, empathize, empathize. -Remember to counsel patient who smoke to stop smoking. -PAMHUGSFOSS! All in all, I thought this test was not that bad. The cases were purposely vague so don't feel like you need to nail down the ONE right diagnosis...
  3. P

    Where did you match?!?!?!

    First off, Congrats to everyone who matched this year. I'm going to Seattle! Would love to hear from some of my fellow incoming interns, feel free to PM me.
  4. P

    Help, CHLA interview!

    I interviewed on a Friday at CHLA and my day also began at 9:45am. Enjoy those few extra hours of sleep!
  5. P

    Roll Call

    Hi all, Great idea for a thread! I'm also applying in peds this year. Will be applying to about 12 programs--mostly all in CA but also Seattle, OHSU, and a couple out in the midwest (Denver Children's and UMich). Wish I was more adventurous but my family is in CA and I've been spoiled when...
  6. P

    Questions about UCSF?

    For the poster who inquired about searching for housing in the Sunset: try the UCSF housing website's off-campus listing service (, or Craigslist (you can specify a neighborhood). I would say about 90% of my classmates found housing via one of these two methods...
  7. P

    BRS Path

    You know, I did almost exactely what you described in terms of alternating between BRS and Robbins, Stinger, except I didn't go back to skim BRS and take note of the main points. I'll give it a try (your right, it doesn't take that long). The major concepts are not as big a problem for me, I...
  8. P

    BRS Path

    I've started reading through BRS Path and am having a really difficult time remembering (for more than a day or two) what I've read. I have a fairly decent memory--it's just that the information in this book is SO condensed, I don't know how to process it all. Does anyone have any useful study...
  9. P

    Any Bangaloreans?

    Hi everyone, just wanted to share in on all of the Bangalorean love. :) I'm not a dental student, just wandered into this forum by accident. I was born and brought up in this country but my parents are originally from Bangalore. It is SO nice to see/hear that there are so many Kannada people...
  10. P

    Berkeley or UCI?

    Hi there, It's been a LONG time since I've posted on SDN but I felt compelled to write after reading your post. I graduated from Cal in 2002 and am currently a first year med student at UCSF. I was in precisely the same predicament as you when I was in high school, the only difference...
  11. P

    Questions or advice about UCSF?

    Wow! So many UCSF MS1s on SDN....I just had to add to the love fest. :) Goldenbear, I was in pretty much the same situation as you last year. I graduated from Cal in May of 2002 and began med school here at UCSF this past fall. It was and still is a bit awe-inspiring having classmates...
  12. P

    For UOP dental school graduates

    HI, Sorry to butt in on your thread. I posted this in a different forum but perhaps you can help me. I have a friend who is a foriegn dental grad and is currently trying to prepare for the Step 1 (?). She's trying to find a UOP student who would be willing to sell/give away his/her prep...
  13. P

    UOP prep materials for Step 1?

    Hi, I am posting on behalf of a friend of mine who is a foreign dental grad. She is planning on taking the Step 1 and would like to buy a set of the prep books that University of the Pacific gives to their dental students. If you would like to sell yours or know someone who may, please let...
  14. P

    AMCAS ESSAY HELP...Feel free to PM to me

    zephyr_97, I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back to you. Can you please forward me your e-mail address?
  15. P

    Need help understanding interest rates

    Thank you very much for the info. I think I've got it all straightened out now (emphasis on "I think"!). I may consolidate my federal unsubsidized loan at the end of the 2002-2003 school year. Depending on what the interest rates will be like for successive years, I may or may not consolidate...