Recent content by PSU2002

  1. P


    Quite a bumber. I found a program called Guest PC for $80 which I was able to get for a mear $40 as a student. So it's much cheaper than Virtual PC, though a bit slower. In the end, however, it let me run windows and IE on my 12" powerbook :D
  2. P

    number of programs

  3. P

    Number of Letters of Recomendation (LOR's)

    We were told by a dean to submit no more LOR's than asked for on the FREIDA site as this often upsets program directors. Has anybody else heard this? I have 4 good letters, but most programs only request 2 or 3.
  4. P

    Does Chairman's Letter count as rec letter?

    I'm doing my ERAS now, and I can't figure out what pograms require a Chairman's Letter. FREIDA says nothing. Also, FREIDA mention "required letters," does thies mean no more and no less?
  5. P

    OFFICIAL STEP I Results thread

    I'm posting here because for some reason, reading these posts really made me feel better while going throught this whole process. I feel like I owe someone something, so I figured I'd finally contribute. I would have to say that the absolute toughest thing about this whole experience is nerves...
  6. P

    So I hear that you can check if you passed...

    And for those that have passed, what happens if you login, and then try to register from this site?
  7. P

    So I hear that you can check if you passed...

    I know the Oasis trick for IMG, but is there a similar trick at ?
  8. P

    Step 1... the wait

    What is Oasis? I know you can register via, is this the same thing? If so, how far into tghe application process must you go? What if your exam staus is still "scheduled" instead of "complete"? Who's burried in Grant's tomb?
  9. P

    Step 1... the wait

    That IMG thing seems to ring a bell
  10. P

    Step 1... the wait

    How do you do the registration trick to see if you passed?
  11. P

    CONFUSED! anesthetics

    Wait a tick, Wouldn't demyelinated fibers lose sensation first? Or does FA have me totally confused.
  12. P

    8 QBank Blocks at a time?

    Anybody recommend doing 8 QBank blocks at a time before taking the real thing. Something tells me this would just be a waste of time, and not make the real thing any easier to bare. Any thoughts?
  13. P

    What's a good score on the free 150 q's from NBME? I just got....

    I thought rumor had it that the NBME Self-Asses items were tougher than the released items. No?
  14. P

    Anatomy/Embryo/Neuroanatomy Review

    Anybody have any tips for Anatomy/Embryo/Neuroanatomy review? I'm so very tempted to stick with QBank and FA for these topics. Any thoughts?
  15. P

    Would you go to Temple or Drexel?

    I'm currently a student at Temple. Class of 2006. I am very very happy with Temple. The probationary status is a little scary, but it's understood that it is only in effect as a result of the facilities, and that the education is still top notch, especially the clinical years. I can't think of a...