Recent content by Supafly MD

  1. S

    Got Yelled at by an Admissions Secretary Today!

    Thanks, guys for all the support. But, things don't look good. Only 2 days to go and still no call for getting in off the waitlist!
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    Still on a waitlist and waiting...blah

    I heard the last day to hear from Mt. Sinai would be this Friday, August 2nd.
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    I-20s and Student Visas

    Hey everyone, Does anyone know whether its ok to use an I-20 form from one school to get a student visa, then, attend another school if accepted from the waitlist? Both schools start class on the same day and I haven't heard from my waitlist school yet...just hoping... I feel guilty...
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    Dorm life

    Well, the dorm I'm going to is only biomed grad students, dentistry students, and medstudents. So, they should have some element of 18yr olds(Thank, God!) And, I was thinking this could be a temporary solution until I get a car and get settled in the city. The rent is really...
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    Still on a waitlist and waiting...blah

    Hey Knish! My congrats go out to you! You need to share some of that good luck. When do you start school? Still waiting!!!!
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    I encourage all who don't care about their waitlist status---to call and let the admissions office know that you are no longer intrested. This would open up spots for other waitlistees to have a shot at an acceptance during this hectic final week!
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    Nope. I haven't lost interest yet. But this is the last week so I'm preparing for the school that has already accepted me. Best of Luck!
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    Dorm life

    I may need to live in a dorm for first-year because that is all the housing that's left on campus. I have been advised that's the best option for me(no car, no furniture etc) However, having never seen the dorms(plus its insanely cheap), I am really anxious about this. I think med school is...
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    Got Yelled at by an Admissions Secretary Today!

    Today, I called one of the schools I am waitlisted at to check on my eternal "no decision yet" status. I guess I caught the admissions secretary at a bad time(16:30) because she freaked out on me. She was like "I already know your name...there's nothing I can tell you...if you don't hear...
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    I got in at Mount Sinai!!!!!!!

    Congrats, Vinsanity!!!!!!!! Wow, maybe there's still hope for me at Mt. Sinai!
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    Hi Vinsanity! Congrats on your Tufts acceptance! Is that your first one? I knew you could do it! Tufts is an excellent school(even though I didn't even get an interview)!--very innovative program. I am especially happy for you because I've seen your perserverance and I know what its like...
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    Still on a waitlist and waiting...blah

    Hang in there everyone, especially Bushbaby. I'm in the same boat as you guys. I have one acceptance and I am waitlisted at my first choice. Plus classess at both of these schools in early August. So turmoil is my middle name. I guess one highlight is I am becoming a more spirtual...
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    Congrats to all of you who have been pulled off waitlists. Those acceptances definitely mean more when you have been waiting months for them on waiting lists. I hope to be added to the the ranks of this list soon!!!! Pray for me!
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    Meharry Housing

    Hi Kandygirl, I'm glad to see that you're so relaxed about this. I spoke with the Housing Office and they will be sending me a housing applications. The lady said that right now there are no spots available but hopefully there will be some students moving out. If you check out the...
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    Waitlists and Physicals

    Hi everyone, I have been accepted to a school and still waitlisted at two others. The school I have been accepted to is requiring a complete physical exam and form to be filled out by my physican. If I am pulled off the waitlist late at another school, will I have to get another complete...