For more details, click on the categories below
What is your in-state status?:
Out of state
On what date did the interview take place?:
How do you rank this residency among ALL other residencies?:
7 out of 10
How do you rank this residency among other residencies to which you've applied?:
6 out of 10
What is your ranking of this program's facilities?:
6 out of 10
What is your ranking of this program's location?:
4 out of 10
What is your ranking of this area's cultural life?:
4 out of 10
What was the stress level of the interview?:
2 out of 10
How do you think you did?:
9 out of 10
How did the interview impress you?:
How long was the interview?:
20 minutes
How many people interviewed you?:
What was the style of the interview?:
What impressed you positively?:
Supportive faculty. Interest in promoting research. Happy residents. Report as inappropriate
What impressed you negatively?:
Cleveland in winter. Report as inappropriate
How was your interview day? Please summarize.:
Very positive overall experience. Report as inappropriate
What was your primary mode of travel?:
What was your total time spent traveling?:
7+ hours
What airport did you use?:
Where did you stay?:
What is the name of the hotel you stayed in?:
Crowne Plaza Downtown Cleveland
How would you rate the hotel?:
8 out of 10
Would you recommend the hotel?:
About how much did you spend on room, food, and travel?: