"A decent school, but a total rip-off. Your medical education is almost totally determined by your own effort. All the information you learn in the first two years is available on the internet on in textbooks. During the last two years you perform a large amount of scutwork which the hospital bills for, so you actually make them money. So why is it so expensive? They have a small army of deans that make north of 500K, while the secretaries do most of the work, and a large facutly that give a few lectures a year and otherwise do research. My advice is to go to the cheapest school available. A US public school, or an overseas school. Whatever you do, do not borrow money for school. It seems benign but can easily ruin your life. If you borrow from AMC and you stumble financially , you go into default and AMC bumps up your interest rate by 25%! They call it a collection fee and it is perefctly legal."
"Seems to get a bad rap on SDN, but most students here are happy. Very non-competitive environment. All the resources you need to succeed are provided. AMC is by far the biggest game in town for a couple hours in any direction, so you see patients with just about every imaginable problem."
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