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Interview Feedback

All Questions & Responses

  • American University College of Arts & Sciences
  • Psychology School
  • Washington, DC
Individual Feedback 1 6 Responses
Overall Experience

How did the interview impress you?

Response # Responders
Positively 4
Negatively 2
No change 0

What was the stress level of the interview?

Response Avg # Responders
4.17 6

0 = low, 10 = high

How you think you did?

Response Avg # Responders
6.40 5

0 = low, 10 = high

How do you rank this school among ALL other schools?

Response Avg # Responders
4.17 6

0 = low, 10 = high

Was this interview in-person or virtual?

No responses


How long was the interview?

Response # Responders
5 minutes 0
10 minutes 0
15 minutes 0
20 minutes 0
25 minutes 0
30 minutes 5
35 minutes 0
40 minutes 0
45 minutes 0
50 minutes 0
55 minutes 0
60+ minutes 1

Where did the interview take place?

Response # Responders
At the school 6
At a regional location 0
At another location 0

What was the style of the interview?

Response # Responders
One-on-one 6
In a group 0

What type of interview was it?

Response # Responders
Open file 1
Closed file 4

How many people interviewed you?

Response Average # Responders
3.33 6

What impressed you positively?

"Dr. Carter. And the program seemed clinically strong. Various therapeutic perspectives. You begin seeing clients first year. Some of the cohort seemed close." More from this Member | Report Response

"The faculty were all fantastic and were very down to earth." More from this Member | Report Response

"Students seemed at ease and very satisfied with the program. Their stress level seemed relatively low. The program is non-competitive amongst current students. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Professors and grad students were nice and friendly" More from this Member | Report Response

"Students and professors were very enthusiastic about the program, emphasized availability of clinical training. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Enthusiasm of both students and professors. " More from this Member | Report Response

What impressed you negatively?

"Their disorganization. I was not scheduled to interview with one POI, while the other mentor I interviewed with had no idea I wanted to work with him. After hearing I did, he didn't even acknowledge it. He just made a face and never asked a pertinent follow-up question, like "Why?" or "Well, what are your research interests?" Overall, I felt deceived and injured by their invitation to interview, when clearly no one there had any interest in me as a candidate. I hope others have a different experience, and that admissions becomes more mindful in the future." More from this Member | Report Response

"The responses of the students to questions about clinical work. There was no emphasis on ESTs." More from this Member | Report Response

"Only a portion of the students receive funding. Not all professors run an active lab and therefore not all students have office space. The facilities and program space weren't very attractive. The university is somewhat inconvenient to reach by public transportation. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing that I can remember" More from this Member | Report Response

"A little casual? " More from this Member | Report Response

"Facilities were not the nicest or prettiest" More from this Member | Report Response

What are your general comments?

"Great research with the faculty on ESTs, but that does not translate to the clinical training." More from this Member | Report Response

"Overall, I really did enjoy the school and the experience of visiting it. It was a nerve-wracking experience just because it was an interview - but the faculty, staff, and current students were so nice, that it made the overall experience very enjoyable" More from this Member | Report Response

Tour and Travel

Who was the tour given by?

Response # Responders
Student 6
Faculty member 0
Admissions staff 0
Other 0

How did the tourguide seem?

Response # Responders
Enthusiastic 5
Neutral 1
Discouraging 0

How do you rank the facilities?

Response Avg # Responders
6.20 5

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your in-state status?

Response # Responders
In state 0
Out of state 6

What was your total time spent traveling?

Response # Responders
0-1 hour 0
2-3 hours 0
4-6 hours 3
7+ hours 3

What was your primary mode of travel?

Response # Responders
Airplane 4
Automobile 1
Train or subway 1
Other 0

What airport did you use?




Where did you stay?

Response # Responders
At school facility 0
With students at the school 1
Friends or family 2
Hotel 1
Home 0
Other 0

What is the name of the hotel you stayed in?

Would you recommend the hotel?

About how much did you spend on room, food, and travel?

Response # Responders
< $100 1
$101-$200 1
$201-$300 2
$301-$400 0
$401-$500 0
$501+ 1

Comments on where you stayed

No responses

General Info

How do you rank this school among other schools to which you've applied?

Response Avg # Responders
5.00 6

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your ranking of this school's location?

Response Avg # Responders
8.25 4

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your ranking of this area's cultural life?

Response Avg # Responders
9.60 5

0 = low, 10 = high

How is the responsiveness of the admissions office?

Response Avg # Responders
8.50 4

0 = low, 10 = high

How is the friendliness of the admissions office?

Response Avg # Responders
9.00 4

0 = low, 10 = high

How eco-friendly are the school's application materials and interview process?

Response Avg # Responders
6.00 4

0 = low, 10 = high

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