"Besides the ridiculous tuition, this program also has a ridiculous testing schedule. Roughly 2 exams a week throughout each quarter. Due to the fast pace, we never had the opportunity to spend a good amount of time with any of the material. There also seems to be a more is the better mentality with some of the courses, where they add in a good amount of unnecessary or low-yield information. I recently heard about 1/3 of the class of 2025 were so unprepared they had to delay taking their boards. The osteopathic course and 2nd-year clinical course are highly unorganized, known to have the worst online lectures, and always find ways to waste our time through their workshops/labs. Lastly, there is an obsession with GPA at this school that creates a high-stress environment."
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"With my experience, AZCOM should be worth half of what the tuition actually costs at most. The interview experience is misleading as you only see what is presented (a very clean facility). The education is not the best and the clinical rotations are adequate at best. The students are the only redeeming quality and it is because of the drive and perseverance to be well educated and ready. AZCOM has not provided me with much to brag about except a 400k+ bill. The faculty is not responsive to student requests, however reasonable they might seem (Uworld instead of COMBANK). The administration is absolutely awful and unorganized. At least the campus always has bright green grass..."
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"Pkenty of research oppurtunties to"
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"Even though I intend to graduate in 2021, I wish I had considered my options more carefully before committing to this program. It is underwhelming and very expensive."
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