School Stats
- Resident Tuition $67,440
- Non - Resident Tuition $67,440
- Application Fee $0
- LIZZYM Score N/A
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Admissions Information
- Office of Admissions and Student Affairs
- EC10
- 9500 Euclid Ave
- Cleveland, OH 44195
- United States
- Phone: (866) 735-1912
- Fax: (216) 636-3206
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: portals.clevelandclinic.org/cclcm/CollegeHome/tabid/7343/Default.aspx
School Overview
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western University Fast Facts
School Info
The Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of CWRU (the College Program) is one of two educational programs leading to the MD degree at Case School of Medicine. The College Program builds on the strengths of two leading academic institutions in Cleveland - the Cleveland Clinic, one of the top five hospitals in the US with a history of excellence in clinical care of patients, medical education, and research, and Case Western Reserve University, ranked in the top tier among US medical schools for NIH funding and its educational programs. Students in the College Program have access to all the resources available to other Case medical students, and are awarded their medical degrees by Case Western Reserve University. Most of the College's teaching faculty are Cleveland Clinic staff physicians and researchers. Almost all teaching in the first two years occurs at the Cleveland Clinic, where the classrooms, student lockers and lounge, library facilities, and the medical education offices are in the Education Wing of the Lerner Research Institute, near research labs, clinical space, and offices of many of the faculty.
The curriculum provides a "graduate education in medicine." Teaching methods focus on active learning methods, including problem-based learning (PBL), labs, problem sets, electronic (self-study) curriculum, and seminars. Research is a major thread in the curriculum. A research thesis will be required and research topics will be addressed throughout the curriculum. Each student has a physician adviser and a research adviser. In order to provide students with time for a substantive research experience, the course of study for the M.D. degree extends over 5 years. The curriculum is organ system-based and integrated with related clinical experience. Clinical experiences are integrated throughout the curriculum and the program is designed to educate graduates with excellent clinical skills.
Almost all teaching in the first two years occurs at the Cleveland Clinic, where the classrooms, student lockers and lounge, library facilities, and the medical education offices are in the Education Wing of the Lerner Research Institute, near research labs, clinical space, and offices of many of the faculty. The Cleveland Clinic is just a mile from the Case School of Medicine, and class schedules for the first two years coincide, so that students from the College and Case's University-based Program can easily participate in activities on either campus. During the last 3 years of the College Program, students can elect their clerkships at any of the teaching hospitals in Cleveland that are affiliated with Case.
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