"Innovative curriculum, excellent mentorship, excellent and diverse clinical sites, good research"
"Flexibility of the administration to suit student needs."
"pass/fail grading for first 2 years; availability of world class research; close proximity to high level biology/engineering research; close collaboration with Cleveland Clinic foundation (which is only improving); excellent balance of hospitals with university hospital, VA, county hospital, and large private hospital (CCF)"
"Excellent lecturers and clinic faculty. Flexibility in the schedule to get the requirements done but also pursue your interests. Lots of extracurricular student activity. VERY diverse student class with regard to race, gender, class, age, religion, and sexual orientation. Good deans of students. Best of all, 4 main hospitals at your fingertips that are all nationally known for research and clinical ability... and Case is the only med school (except for CCLCM) in the city so no other medical students to compete with for rotations. You get your choice of training sites and can spend time at all!"
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