How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
1.95 | 97 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 86 |
Negatively | 6 |
No change | 5 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
2.89 | 96 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.86 | 79 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.66 | 73 |
Response | # Responders |
In Person | 0 |
Virtual | 5 |
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 0 |
15 minutes | 0 |
20 minutes | 0 |
25 minutes | 1 |
30 minutes | 5 |
35 minutes | 1 |
40 minutes | 14 |
45 minutes | 16 |
50 minutes | 7 |
55 minutes | 6 |
60+ minutes | 47 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 89 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 6 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 97 |
In a group | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 32 |
Closed file | 64 |
Response Average | # Responders |
1.95 | 97 |
"Why Rural medicine, Why ETSU, what type of physician do you want to be (specialty)"
"What are your hobbies?"
"Tell me about a challenge you faced & how you overcame it"
"What do you think the largest issue facing rural health is?"
"Tell me more about your sorority experience and how it impacted you."
"Tell me about a mistake that you have made."
"Why Quillen?"
"What are you looking for in a medical school program?"
"Tell me how you came to apply to medical school."
"How do you manage stress?"
"As a father and husband, how will (do) you handle stress?"
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"Is there anything that scares about being a doctor?"
"What do you think is a big health issue today?"
"What are some of the greatest problems we are facing in healthcare today?"
"Why you?"
"Is there anything that scares you about being a doctor?"
"What should I tell the admissions committee about you?"
"An ethical question all basically summed up in, "What will you do as a physician if the advice/treatment plan you give to a patient is not accepted or implemented?" That is, if you were to tell him to stop drinking and smoking, get more exercise, etc., and next time you see him he hasn't done any of it. How do you respond?"
"Why did you choose medicine?"
"What are 5 words that describe you?"
"How do you feel about preventative medicine?"
"How will you balance the difficulty of medical school with your life outside of it?"
"How do you understand other people's values?"
"How will your research experience contribute to your work in medicine?"
"Why do you want to become a doctor?"
"(Open file but only partial - no grades/ MCAT) Why ETSU?"
"Why do physicians have twice the suicide and depression then the general population?"
"Why do you want to go into medicine?"
"Biggest problem facing healthcare"
"What made you interested in Medicine? Tell me about your family. "
"Who are you?"
"Why do I want to practice medicine?"
"Do you know the origin of your hometown's name? (The interviewer had grown up in the same area that I was from, so we talked a little bit about common experiences and places that we knew. There seemed to be a heavy emphasis on making sure that I was connected to TN)"
"Use 5 adjectives to describe yourself."
"tell me about your volunteer experiences"
"How did your undergrad prepare you for med school?"
"Why medicine?"
"What do you think are the pros and cons of medicine?"
"Situation; a colleague won't perform a necessary procedure (that you can't perform) because he's afraid he won't get paid. How do you handle this?"
"How do you make and difficult decision? Have you ever made one that you regret and how did you deal with it."
"What do you do to relieve stress?"
"What do you feel is your personal responsibility to other people?"
"USMLE practice question. If you get one of these questions (multiple choice question with about 8 answers), you won't know how to answer it, so just stay calm and talk about how you are reasoning though it. The interviewer just wants to see how you think through a practice question."
"It's been to long for me to remember"
"How did you get to this point in your life?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"How do you deal with conflict among a group of your peers?"
"why X specialty?"
"What is the mechanisim of HIV infection and describe specific treatments?"
"Give me an example of one your activities that demonstrates devotion and commitment."
"What experiences have you done in the medical field?"
"What do you like to do outside of medicine?"
"See the other SDN interview reports on this school."
"Tell me about yourself?"
"What book are you reading right now?"
"I am in my last year of law school, so i had lots of questions on why i wanted to go to med school and how my law degree could help me."
"Interview 1: Began with discussion of family history and TN. Jumped into the science, disease questions (see above). What about the immigrants, followed with a little politics, and discussions of the necessity of having a second language. At the end, the interviewer turned and said "I've really enjoyed spending this hour with you and getting to know you. I hope to see you here next Fall." That seemed very kind after the 30 minute science grilling. So, I must have done alright."
"What was the hardest class you had in college and how did you adjust in order to get through it?"
"Why do you want to be a doctor?"
"Tell me about your family."
"(I had two seperate interviews) Give me a brief overview of yourself. What do you think of the war in Iraq? Women in the military? The job of the President? Do you believe in Euthanisia? Should it be legalized? Would you give a letal dose to a terminally ill patient? How will you pay for school? "
"What are your views on spirituality in medicine?"
"What type of physician do you want to be?"
"Why do you want to attend ETSU? What draws you to be interested in primary care?"
"Tell me about an instance in which you overcame adversity."
"Why ETSU?"
"What is it about ETSU that makes you want to come here?"
"What do you believe is the biggest difference between your generation and past generations?"
"If there were 5 other students like you, why should we pick you to go here?"
"Tell me about yourself? (Both of my interviews started with this question. The rest of the questions were built off of the answer to the one above.)"
"Why this school? "
"Do you see yourself practicing in the eastern Tennessee area?"
"What are you passionate about?"
"Strengths & weaknesses"
"What is your biggest turn off in a person?"
"What is the greatest lesson you've learned from any of the jobs you have had in the past?"
"Why did you apply to Quillen?"
"How would you chose a specialty if you fell in love with more than one?"
"Why medicine (physician)?"
"What was the last book you read?"
"What is one of your weaknesses and how are you addressing it?"
"Why medicine (specifically rural medicine, see Quillen mission statement)"
"What books have you read recently?"
"If you and another doctor have conflicting ideas about how to treat a patient, how would you handle that?"
"Tell me what you know about the Affordable Care Act"
"Why ETSU?"
"What is your biggest weakness?"
"How do you handle stress? What do you do for fun?"
"Tell me something you have done that has made an impact."
"Why did you choose Quillen?"
"What opportunities do you expect to find at Quillen?"
"How well do you do with open-ended and self-directed learning and provide examples from prior class-work."
"Ethical scenarios"
"Please explain your research"
"What do you see in 10 years? What types of medicine do you want to practice (specifically)"
"Tell me about your research."
"How does healthcare in the US compare to other first world countries?"
"What is the biggest problem in healthcare?"
"How would you change healthcare in America?"
"If you could go back to a freshman now, and give them some advice about applying to medical school what would you say?"
"Tell me about yourself"
"Why ETSU? How do you deal with stress?"
"Why medicine?"
"Why did I choose Quillen?"
"Could you tell me a little more about ''...'' in your personal statment?"
"What other schools did you apply to?"
"what are some problems with the healthcare system in america?"
"Can you tell me all of your volunteer experiences? (I had a bunch.)"
"What do you think will be toughest/least enjoyable about medicine?"
"Tell me about [hometown]. Where is it?"
"What was you best and worst academic experiences? What was your best and worst non-academic experiences in life?"
"What do you least look forward to about medicine? (asked twice)"
"How do you deal with strees?"
"Why did you choose your major?"
"Why Quillen?"
"What qualities do you think make an individual a good primary care physician?"
"How would your friends describe you?"
"It's been to long for me to remember"
"Tell me about your family. "
"What kind of medicine would you practice if you were graduating now?"
"How do you deal with stress? "
"do you want to go into academic medicine?"
"What is Mad cow disease?"
"What will you do if you dont get in? "
"What about family medicine?"
"What inspired you to choose Quillen College of Medicine?"
"What area of medicine are you interested in going into?"
"Why Family Medicine?"
"How do you deal with stress?"
"Tell me why you want to be a doctor."
"What are the three things you would look for in a candidate for medical school?"
"Why should we pick you?"
"questions as to what area of medicine i wanted to practice and why."
"Interview 2: Very pleasant, seemed to be entirely conversational after the first couple of questions: What got you interested in medicine? What area of medicine are you interested in? What do you see as being the biggest disadvantage of being a family medicine doc? What do you foresee as being the hardest aspect of medicine? Tell me about this story with your family (from personal statement - the only part of your file they have). We discussed parallels between M.D.s and D.O.s as my interviewer found out that my childhood family physician was a D.O. Discussed the benefits of being a returning student."
"What area(s) of medicine have you considered going in to?"
"Tell me about your research. "
"What hobbies have prepared you for medical school?"
"Tell me about something that is not in your application. How do you think your MPH will help you. How do you think you can use your MPH in your practice? What do you do to relax? Hobbies? What do you do if the patient is noncomplient in listening to your consultation? We also talked current health issues."
"What was your favorite class?"
"What would you do if a series of tests that a patient needed was not paid for by their insurance?"
"Why QCOM?"
"How would you expect your graduate training has prepared you for the rigors of medical school? "
"Why do you want to attend ETSU?"
"What is your interest in Rural care?"
"What are you going to do if you want to have a family in the next few years? How are you going to manage your time and make it work?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years? "
"Tell me about a recent challenge."
"what is your style of learning?"
"What would you be if cannot be physician?"
"Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Would you practice in this are?"
"What are the biggest health issues in the country?"
"How serious are you about attending Quillen?"
"What can you contribute to the Quillen class and community?"
"What do you do to relieve stress?"
"Is there anything about yourself you want me to know that is not included in your application?"
"What instrument do you play?"
"Why medicine and why us?"
"Provide an example of failure and how you have or have not grown from it."
"What is a problem in health care today?"
"Was there a particular moment when you first considered medicine as a career?"
"Why change careers?"
"Tell me about a time you overcame adversity."
"What has been eye-opening in your experience shadowing and working in a hospital?"
"Who is one of your positive role models? Do you have a negative role model?"
"What would you do if you did not get into to medical school?"
"Who are some of your role models?"
"What are some of your favorite classes? What kind of research have you done? Why your major?"
"What is the most challenging situation you have ever encountered?"
"What is one peace of advice that you would give to an up and coming pre-med?"
"Life success?"
"So suppose you are the go-to physician in your town. Two patients come in, both of whom are very involved in the community and well-to-do citizens. Both need liver transplants. The only practical difference between the two is that one is an alcoholic. Who gets the liver? What if the alcoholic has been clean for 10 years?"
"How has your environment affected you in recognizing/ promoting cultural diversity?"
"Specific question about a line in my personal statement."
"A Sihk couple, who believes it is their spiritual duty to conceive a male child, also claim that they can only raise three children (they already have two girls). During the course of the conversation they strongly imply that they will abort an accidentally conceived female fetus. They ask you to help them conceive a boy. what do you do?"
"What specialty do you want to go into?"
"Tell me about your highschool and college experiences that showed leadership."
"Who was your fav. professor and why?"
"What do you think your biggest challenge will be, personally?"
"What's your greatest accomplishment? What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
"Why Quillen?"
"What do you feel are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?"
"What attracts you to ETSU?"
"Tell me about your greatest accomplishment and greatest regret."
"if you didnt become a doctor, what would be your next choice of profession?"
"Why should ETSU accept you if you are out-of-state?"
"Are you interested in primary care?"
"Where do you see yourself geographically in the future? Will you go back to the area you were raised in?"
"How would you handle being so far away from your family? (I live in AZ)"
"Tell me a little about your Meth Free Tennessee Act of 2005 involvement/research."
"What do you like to do for fun? (this took me by surprise...I forgot to mention sports activities)"
"What motivates you?"
"If there was no way that you could do medicine, what would you do?"
"Why didn't you pursue a pre-med track in college?"
"What specialties are you considering and why? What experience do you have to back up your decision?"
"What motivated you to apply to medical school?"
"It's been to long for me to remember"
"What have you done that exemplifies perseverance and dedication?"
"What kind of population do you see yourself serving?"
"Why should we pick you?"
"whats the square root of 565498754? (j/k)"
"Why QCOM?"
"What do you like to do?"
"Why did you decide to pursue medicine as a career path?"
"What hobbies, outside of school, do you enjoy?"
"Do you have any weaknesses?"
"How did you juggle pre-med with a non-science major?"
"What sort of doctor do you see yourself as?"
"What do you like to do in your free time?"
"What do you envision your medical school experience to be like?"
"i also got asked by both interviewers what i would do if i didnt get in this year?"
"What do you think the first two years of medical school will be like?"
"Why ETSU?"
"How do you deal with stress?"
"What do you want to practice/What intrests you in medicine?"
"How do you handle stress and a heavy workload?"
"Strengths and weaknesses? What are some positive and negative aspects of being a doctor?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"How did you deal with the patient's death in the ER? How did it affect decision to apply to medical school while in undergrad? "
"Why do you think you would make a good doctor?"
"Can you see yourself doing anything else with your life?"
"Briefly summarize Lord of the Rings: The Twin Towers."
"What do you think you will like the least about practicing medicine?"
"Tell me about a time that you had to verbally solve a problem with someone."
"what is a concern someone might have about you?"
"What barriers causing health inequity?"
"A specific question about something in my personal statement"
"If you had a full day off, how would you spend it?"
"A lot of really in-depth, thought-provoking questions based on specific parts of my application."
"If you were given all the necessary resources, what steps would you take to fight the obesity epidemic in the U.S.?"
"What was the last book you read for fun?"
"What kind of podcasts do you listen to?"
"What is an issue you are passionate about, either in medicine or not?"
"How do you feel we should approach discrimination?"
"Fill in the blank: Thou shalt not __________ (completely open ended)"
"Finish this sentence: "Thou shalt not ________.""
"In your shadowing and volunteering experience, have you ever observed a physician do or say something that you didn't agree with?"
"What more do you want me to know about you?"
"What do you like to cook?"
"What will you NOT like about being a doctor?"
"Is there a disease that particularly interests you?"
"Have you read any good books lately?"
"What will be the greatest challenge you face as a doctor? What will be the greatest challenge you face as a medical student?"
"Tell me about your personal statement."
"Is there anything on your record you'd like to explain prior to me looking at your file? What role do you think doctors have in the community? Do we as doctors have other obligations?"
"How do you expect medicine to frustrate you?"
"What does curiosity lend to medicine?"
"A lot of ethical questions - what if patient was not compliant? what if your referring physician rejected your patient? what if your colleague physician stopped sending patients to you? etc... (at the end this interviewer asked me series of questions which took about 30 min total)"
"Role models?"
"Question 1."
"Tell me about your childhood and family relationships."
"Why do you want to go into medicine?"
"Freshman question above"
"If I had 10 of your friends here, what would they say about you?"
"What do you think about the political candidates?"
"If ten of your friends were in this room, what would they said they liked about you? What would is something you do they would say makes them angry?"
"If I was a fruit what would I be?"
"Would you do some hiking in the mountains in this area if you attended this school? (A follow-up to what I had previously said about enjoying outdoor activities.)"
"Who is your mentor?"
"I defend you in front of the committee. What would you like me to make sure they DON'T see?"
"Ethical question about end of life situation and treatment."
"::Long description of the really awful parts of medicine:: What makes you think you can handle that? And why would you ever want to?"
"List the pros and cons of medicine."
"Lets imagine you are an ill patient at your current point in life, and at the same time you are a doctor (back from the future). Would you let the doctor you treat the ill patient you?"
"What are the best and worst things that have ever happened to you?"
"Are you in a relationship?"
"What would you do with the American health care system if you were queen for the day?"
"What do you feel is your personal responsibility to other people?"
"A doctor that interviewed me gave me an ethical situation that involved him and his family and asked if I thought that he had done the right thing."
"Was asked about my high school activities, which stumped me, being almost 4 years ago."
"1. What word would your close friends use to describe you? 2. What was the last book you read? "
"Has your family lived in Tennessee long?"
"Would you be willing to start a nonprofit healthcare organization here? (specific to my interests)"
"Should doctors be trusted as much as they are?"
"There wasn't any unusual questions asked, it was very conversational."
"Why do you want to do X specialty?"
"What is a racemic mixture?"
"My interviewer pulled out a question from a past step one exam and asked me to tell him the answer. It was multiple choice, but there were 10 choices so I crashed and burned. I felt such pressure that I had to read the question several times to comprehend it, but I still didn't know half of the vocabulary. The guy couldn't let it go, though. I struggled over that stupid question for 10 minutes."
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years? If a patient needed a test, but he was unable to pay for it and his insurance company would not cover the cost of the test, what would you do?"
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"
"None really."
"Why did you choose Quillen College of Medicine?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Both interviews were just open conversations where the interviewers tried to learn if you could hold a conversation and look for your motivation to be a physician"
"For me, none were really bizarre or interesting. Then again, I like to talk so I'm used to "interesting" questions, so maybe I didn't notice. :)"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"What do you consider to be negligence in the medical profession?"
"What do you think about Johnson City being 97% W.A.S.P.?"
"How do you feel about memorizing things?"
"If you could go back in time and change any one event, what would it be?"
"what has been your most difficult life experince?"
"How do you think your MPH can be utilized as a physician? How about a primary care physician?"
"What types of books do you read?"
"We talked about spirituality and medicine and the hardships of being a doctor."
"I got a situational/cross-cultural question that was rather strange."
"If you were to walk in someone's shoes for one day who would you pick and why?"
"How did you start clogging?"
"Describe a situation in which you overcame adversity."
"Why do you want to ruin the next eight years of your life by going to medical school?"
"What do you believe is the biggest difference between your generation and past generations?"
"Case: An 88 year old Catholic woman is bleading to death. She is not conscious enough to make decisions. Her power of attorney is her daughter who is a Jehovah's witness. The pateient needs a blood transfusion. What she is aked about a blood transfusion, she says that the doctor should consult her daughter. The daughter says that she doesn't want her mother to go to hell. What would you do since the Catholic belief does not prohibit blood transfusions?"
"I had an accident a while back so they asked me a lot of questions about how that affected my decision to enter medicine."
""You say you aren't in this for the money. How will you feel about that in your residency when you realize you make about 3$ an hour?""
"what is a concern you have about medical school?"
"What would you do if a patient refuses care?"
"Nothing was really difficult, it was very straightforward"
"Describe a time you made a decision you regretted"
"What about being a physician scares you most?"
"How would you chose a specialty if you fell in love with more than one?"
"Why is Quillen a good fit for you?"
"None were difficult. It was very laid back."
"Is there anything that worries you about becoming a doctor?"
"If I (the interviewer) were to present you before the committee and had to select one factor as most important to your application, what would it be?"
"What would you do if you were not accepted to any medical schools this year?"
"In your shadowing and volunteering experience, have you ever observed a physician do or say something that you didn't agree with?"
"What are the weaknesses in your application?"
"What will you NOT like about being a doctor?"
"If you were advising President Obama on how to solve obesity, what would your recommendation be?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"I don't remember exactly how it was asked, but he asked me a question about what I thought was the biggest challenge that medicine was facing with the whole medical reform legislation...not that difficult of a question, but it was the most difficult of the ones that I was asked."
"What, in your opinion, would be your greatest challenge as a doctor?"
"Why haven't you done research?"
"What are some current problems in healthcare that interest you?"
"Tell me about yourself (Since this was closed file, I didn't know where to start - or if I should say things in my file/not in my file)"
"Considering the number of challenges that face medicine, what hope do you have for progress within the field?"
"First interviewer went rather inquisitorial in insisting that I prove that I was not "suthern" stereotype based on only my state of residence as the rational for this view."
"Biggest failure?"
"If you get into XX school and ETSU, which school would you choose?"
"Tell me more about yourself."
"Question 3."
"Why should we accept you at our school?"
"How would you change healthcare in America?"
"none really. One of my interviewers asked me what the hardest thing I had to overcome was and those kinds of things are a little personal, so I didn't answer it."
"If one of those 10 friends raised their hand and said ".. but .." , what would that "but" be?"
"Greatest strength"
"Who are you?"
"Nothing was really difficult. The interview was more of a conversation than an interrogation."
"How does the quality of the U.S. health care system compare to that of the health care systems of other countries?"
"None were really was more of a conversation with both of my interviewers, so I guess it would be ''Tell me about some current medical issues you have read about''"
"Tell me how the malaria parasite reproduces in the body. (and then later...) Tell me how the HIV virus replicates in the body."
"How are you different than the three other OOS here interviewing today? (ETSU takes about ten OOS so it was an abrupt question.)"
"Same as most interesting"
"Tell me the number one thing that is wrong with healthcare in the United States, and why? Really not a hard question, but there are many issues with our healthcare so I had a hard time choosing one thing to discuss. "
"Why do you want to be a doctor (other than everything you've already said in your essays). Lets just say I was through the first time..."
"What are three things that set you apart from all the other medical school appliciants?"
"I was given a practice USMLE Step 1 question and was asked to show how I would reason through it."
"see above."
"1. What is the major issue that doctors of your generation will face and how would you go about ameliorating that major issue?"
"Tell me about your family?"
"Why medicine and not social work?"
"Are doctors really helping anyone when they simply prolong life a couple of years so that patients can shrivel away in nursing homes?"
"How would you handle conflict among a group of your peers?"
"Why ETSU? What do you think about this headline in the newspaper? "
"nothing very difficult, why did I want to go to this school I suppose"
"There were no difficult questions, well, except for one: What if you do not get in this year? What do you do? This was difficult because my only option was to committ suicide, just kidding, but I had never thought about that."
"Tell me about yourself. What do you want me to say about you to the admissions committee."
"A USMLE sample question to "see how I attacked it"."
"What is your greatest personal accomplishment?"
"If you were in my shoes as an interviewer, what would you look for in a prospective student?"
"How will you deal with potentially having a family and being a doctor at the same time?"
"What do you think of HIPAA?"
"What is the biggest problem in medicine?"
"What do you think is the most important characteristic of a physician?"
"If you were a personal advisor to President Bush, what one thing would you suggest that he propose to the Congress to help problems with the healthcare field?"
"Tell me what you know about Mad Cow disease, HIV, and rickets? In case you are curious, rickets is a disease, especially of children, caused by a deficiency in vitamin D that makes the bones become soft and prone to bending and structural change. He wanted to know if I knew that Mad Cow disease was caused by an abnormal transmissible protein (prion) and was related to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. In asking about HIV, he wanted me to know HIV was a retrovirus and wanted me to explain its process of infection and how it spreads as well as suggest some ideas on how to combat it (what sort of drugs to use and what mechanisms those drugs had). My answers were less than acceptable. I asked a lot of questions and was honest when I didn’t know the answer. He acknowledged when I got an answer correct. It was very much a science interview for about half of the hour I was in his office. To note, he was extremely kind and I think he was honestly curious what extent of knowledge I had. He wasn’t trying to be mean. He may have wanted to check for honesty, ability to acknowledge you just don’t know, and to see how flustered you would when put on the spot. I must say, I was broadsided, but I felt that I was able to hold my own and even learn a few things during the process. You better believe I will not forget anything I learned in that 30 minute barrage. "
"Every year we are bombarded with hundreds of applications for awesome students who want to go to medical school here. Unfortunately, the state only gives us funding for an entering class of 60. Based on your AMCAS, grades, and MCAT score, the admissions committee has recognized you as a competitive candidate for a spot at our school. As your interviewer, my job is to be a liaison between you and the admissions committee to give them more information about you. So let's start with you telling me what is NOT on your AMCAS or secondary that sets you apart from the hundreds of other competitive cadidates we are currently considering."
"Same as above."
"What do you think of the situation in Iraq? Do you think women should be in the military? What do you think of people arguing about the way the troops are stationed? Is that traitorous? (BTW I'm a guy)"
"all were pretty easy and standard"
"As a female, what are some stereotypes that you may have to face?"
"Same question"
"How would you fix the current health care crisis?"
"Please describe your graduate organic research. Keep in mind that I [the interviewer] haven't had organic in 45 years. "
"How have you shown leadership in your activities?"
"Do viruses have introns?"
"How will you handle situations where a patient needs a treatment that is not provided for by their insurance."
"None of the questions were "difficult." Just answer honestly and you will do fine."
"What is your greatest strengths and weaknesses?"
""Do you like truck-stop coffee?" "
"SDN, practice answers"
"mock interviews, reading SDN feedback questions, and practicing my responses"
"prepped questions online, research school annd formulate questions"
"Mock interviews, reading posts on sdn, read books on medical ethics, had done a lot of secondaries (which required a lot of introspection) so everything was very straightforward"
"Practiced with family, including someone who recently graduated from Quillen."
"Researching the school and one mock interview."
"I reached out to students prior to see what the environment was like and did a lot of research online."
"Read the school's website several times, paying special attention to specific programs and aspects of the curriculum that differ from other schools. Read over common interview questions and practiced talking points."
"practiced interview questions online"
"Read aamc application/secondary, practice common interview questions"
"Practiced answering questions while hiking the local trails in JC."
"SDN interview feedback, reading over my app."
"SDN (collected and recorded overall thoughts on questions and practiced with my father), read the school website/MSAR"
"SDN, online research into ETSU and their rural medicine mission"
"Researching the school's website and reading on SDN."
"The usual - internet research."
"Looked up practice questions online, read up on current health topics, researched the school."
"Coming up with mock answers, reviewing this page and talking with current medical students at Quillen and elsewhere"
"Visited the campus. Talked to students."
"Went over information about the school, read reports on SDN."
"Looked over my application and tried my best to catch up on current events."
"SDN and reviewed my application."
"Looked over this site + my primary and secondary applications."
"SDN, mock interview, good breakfast"
"Mock interview with hospital staff."
"SDN, read over my AMCAS application, went to bed early and ate a big breakfast!"
"this website, school website, school profiles in USNews and Journal of Academic Medicine"
"Did not have enough time to really prepare. Just winged it."
"SDN, other interviews"
"SDN, AMCAS essay, secondary, school website, the usual..."
"SDN, website, ETSU COM catalogue"
"Interview feedback and the website."
"SDN, ethics websites, mock interviews, talked to former interviewees."
"Looked over my AMCAS and secondary essays"
"Read SDN interview feedback and practiced questions. Printed out all kinds of material from the Quillen website. Made a word page of questions that I wanted answered."
"SDN, website, mock interview"
"I didn't specifically prepare for this interview. I had been to several interviews before this and just had some frameworks for answers that I was going to use."
"SDN, school website, reviewed AMCAS, studied area"
"SDN, Primary, Secondary, School Website"
"Looked over my AMCAS application."
"SDN, read my AMCAS and supplemental application, got a good night's sleep."
"SDN, personal statement, secondaries, school website"
"read over my amcas and secondary, talked to professors and friends"
"SDN feedback, healthcare policy book, looked over primary and secondary, ethics website"
"MSAR, School Web Page, SDN, Mock Interviews"
"Interview feedback, read over essays, read exerpts from my medical ethics book"
"Read over AMCAS, school website, SDN"
"SDN, read school website and catalog, refreshed myself with current health topics "
"SDN, essays I've written, school literature."
"Reviewed my AMCAS and my secondary application. Looked at the schools website and read interview feedbacks on SDN."
"secondary app, interview feedback for school, looking up possible interview questions"
"SDN feedback, MSAR, read over my primary and secondary application."
"SDN, read the ETSU catalog and website, asked others that had interviewed at ETSU for advice"
"SDN, researched school's site, health politics, scoped out the area at a local restaurant, amcas app, my app"
"Relax, slept good, and wore my best-looking ensemble because if you look good (even if it is your personal opinion) you will generally feel good. That and I looked foward to getting drunk after the interview (just kidding)."
"I drove to the school."
"read website, SDN feedback, looked over AMCAS. "
"Read some articles on medicine, got some sleep. "
"SDN, school website"
"read website, viewbook, relaxed."
"read AMCAS and website"
"read amcas app, sdn"
"Read SDN feedbacks, studied the schools website, MISSION STATEMENT, and i picked up a lot from the students on the tour. Basically i repeated everything the students said to us during the tour! "
"Read SDN, read the website, and made questions to ask. Had a mock interview."
"Read interview feedback on, studied school web page, read medical school guides."
"I reviewed SDN interview reports, generic interview question lists, and my application"
"Mock Interviews with family and a professor; Student Doctor Network; other online lists of potential medical school interview questions"
"Read SDN, read the website, reread my AMCAS, secondary app, and my personal statement. All the interviewers have is your personal statement, so make sure you can talk about it."
"Read the ETSU website and here."
"Review my application, the ETSU website, and interview feedback on student doctor"
"website and sdn"
"SDN and ETSU website"
"SDN, and ETSU's website."
"Read over personal statement, visited this site and read other interview experiences."
"SDN and practiced with wife, doctor, and advisor."
"read amcaas and secondary"
"SDN, meet with the admissions staff two times at ETSU, read the website, and had previous interview experience"
"looked over my ETSU application, AMCAS application, talked with medical students from ETSU, and website."
"Read this site"
"I overkilled big time...I went over the questions posted on this site and every other question I could find. I have known for some time that I wanted to go here so I knew alot about the school going in."
"I talked to friends who had already interviewed there and with friends who were students there."
"SDN, other online rescources, and talked to my wife."
"Interview feedback, reviewed my AAMCAS application, practiced numerous times with my dad."
"I really didn't prepare. I didn't want my answers to sound like they were memorized. "
"Reviewed AMCAS application, secondary information, and read up on the website."
"This site. My AMCAS application. ETSU web page."
"A lot of looking at the ETSU website and going over the basic questions; why medicine..."
"I wore the most fabulous Liz Claiborne wool suit I could find, and tried very hard to "zone out" and relax the day before the interview."
"Very welcoming atmosphere."
"The staff appears like they really care about the students. It seems like a small school but a lot of attention is given to the relationships between medical students and staff."
"genuine, easygoing interviews, coordinators very polite"
"How comfortable it was, they really just wanted to find out more about who I am"
"How relaxed everything was."
"Everyone was so genuine and approachable. Interviewers were extremely knowledgeable about my application."
"The interviewers made me feel welcome and comfortable. I actually had the best time interviewing and getting to know them and more about Quillen. It was very conversational and relaxed."
"The strong sense of community and support of students by faculty, administration and other students. Campus is on beautiful, well kept federal grounds. There are many resources to help you succeed."
"Everyone was very genuine and happy."
"Love the campus and new facilities they have built"
"The overall atmosphere was great, the students seemed genuinely happy and low stressed. Every one I got the chance to talk to was so nice and welcoming."
"Everyone was so amazing and warm. I really felt welcome and like I belonged. The students all seemed very happy, and we ran into a bunch of students finishing up a presentation on the rural primary care track, and they ran over to give a mini presentation on it for those of us who were interested, even though they had somewhere else to be. There is a small class size, and they are very transparent about their admissions process."
"The collaborative and supportive culture of the school, students, and faculty. I felt a "family" vibe the whole time I was there."
"Everyone was interested in you and invested in making sure your day was well spent and all questions answered (within reason of course)."
"The campus was beautiful. Everyone I spoke to was very nice and seemed to genuinely enjoy being there. While being interviewed, I could really tell they cared about getting to know me."
"Cohesion of the student body"
"The warmness of everyone, from faculty to students Everyone was so nice and open."
"The entire day! I know everyone says it but I was so nervous going in; everyone really tries to make you feel at home. The staff and students around campus and the hospital could not have been more friendly!"
"Everybody knew my name."
"The facilities were excellent and every single person I met was incredibly kind and helpful."
"The entire experience was incredibly positive. Their facilities are very impressive. The town has really blossomed from where it was before. Last time I was there, there wasn't a whole lot to it, but it has developed A LOT in a very short amount of time. There are lots of good places to live near campus. The area geographically is beautiful, in the mountains, and very close to some skiing resorts. Mr. Doug Taylor is a very good sponsor and advertiser of the school, and the admissions committee is very nice. Overall, I really love this school and can't wait to get there."
"During our tour, we had an opportunity to communicate with current medical students. I was very much impressed by how open and friendly everyone was to us and to each other. Moreover, the facilities we looked at seemed to be nearly brand new, with lots of new construction going on all around - which was surprising in this economy."
"How friendly everybody at Quillen was!!"
"My interviewers were very personable. The conversations were easy. I approached them with a good attitude and treated them just like I was meeting someone new."
"That the campus was small but also seemed quite large. The facilities were very beautiful and the technology available was pretty impressive."
"beautiful campus and nice facilities, active student participation on all med school committees including admissions, plans for future study center, low-stress and happy students"
"The admissions office tells you first thing when you arrive that they try to make it a very low stress day, and it is! Everyone was very friendly. A MS1 was walking into the building when I was, and he offered to show me to where I needed to go."
"Nice campus, almost block-like schedule seems to let you be focused on one subject at a time."
"The campus-- the facilities are really beautiful, they have a brand spanking new children's hospital, and the area is gorgeous. The students we interacted with were extremely personable as was Doug Taylor, the admissions guy who spoke to us at the beginning."
"The friendly, tight-knit community. Quillen is definitely not a cutthroat school, and would be a wonderful place to learn and study medicine. Definitely a place conducive for success in medical school."
"Building & environments were really nice. A lot of affiliated hospitals were pretty nice and new. Students giving us tours were really nice. (Funny story - while we're touring with 4th yrs we were locked inside of New NICU unit... We all survived at the end haha)"
"How happy every student appeared and how valued the students and their feedback is."
"The staff and the students."
"The friendliness of everyone I met there. I had 3rd and 4th year students introduce themselves to me in lunch line and all over campus. People are genuinely interested in helping their classmates succeed. The area is beautiful and full of outdoor activities."
"The campus was beautiful. Everyone in the admissions office is very friendly. They explain the selection process in great detail including when the admissions committee will be meeting again to make final selections."
"everything i really liked the school, facilities, location, students, faculty, staff"
"Very small school, very friendly admissions staff."
"The interviewers were so laid back. The assistant dean of admissions was VERY nice and friendly. The interviewers hadn't looked at anything besides my personal statement, so it was a very open and relaxed interview."
"Very nice facilities as far as technology, very enthusiastic students, very nice faculty, better than a 1:1 ratio, very friendly people"
"The unpretentious, yet professional atmosphere. And the fact that they were truly interested in the applicant as a person."
"Incredibly laid back and friendly atmosphere from both students and faculty. Nice new building. Beautiful surroundings."
"The school was excellent. All of the faculty and staff I met were extremely helpful and friendly."
"the facilities for students, and the small class size"
"Facilities are great, the campus is quite pretty, everyone helps and likes each other, they put gunners in their place, really like the rural preceptorship."
"Just about everything. Campus, location, facilities, but most of all the people. (Students and faculty)"
"The facilities are amazing, and the setting is beautiful. The atmosphere was very welcoming and it seemed like a tight knit community."
"Technology is amazing! Ranked high in rural health, and fairly high in primary care."
"Everything. The students and faculty really seemed to be happy at the school. The facilities are impressive, and the area is absolutely beautiful. "
"The location is beautiful, the buildings and technology are up to date, the patient simulators are impressive, and I liked how tight the whole medical school community was. "
"All the medical students seemed to love the school."
"The campus, students, curriculum, were all superb - much better than I had anticipated. The city of Johnson City seemed large enough to have things to do on weekends, and was located in the most beautiful area. "
"the students seemed to really enjoy going to school there and the faculty seemed to be very approachable"
"The students were all very friendly. The facilities are new and in wonderful condition. Opportunity to do rural and international rotations."
"The facilities are all brand new and the patient simulators are amazing. The campus is beautiful. The cost of living in Johnson City is relativly low."
"the faculty/students were VERY friendly -- what an amazing interview experience. mr. taylor was down-to-earth and welcoming. the student interview was almost fun - students have lots of pull in the acceptance process."
"The facilities are top-notch. "
"The facilities and the area were the prettiest settings for a medical school I saw on the interview trail."
"The location is absolutely stunning, the students are really at an advantage due to the 1:1 faculty:student ratio, and they have more up-to-date technology that the majority of schools I have applied to. "
"On the tour, we visited the cadaver lab where all the first years were studying for an upcoming anatomy test. Despite being stressed, they were all so happy and having fun at what they were doing. Everyone loved their school, and they were all dying for us to ask questions. Also, the campus is gorgeous. And if you like the outdoors, this is definitely the school to be at. If you visit, you'll probably want to go here."
"The facilites are amazing and they have state of the art technology such as patient simulators. Small class size. The location is beautiful."
"Everything. the school, the curriculum, the location, the students. most of all the facilities. you will not find a better facility that I know of. beats the 'other' tennessee school hands down. one-to-one class ratio, hospital was top-notch... could go on-and-on."
"The facilities were top notch, everything looked brand new, by far better than any of the 12 other school I applied too."
"The class is small so I'm sure the students get plenty of attention."
"EVERYTHING, the area, the people, the students, the staff, and that million dollar dummy."
"The facilities were great. The culture engendered in the students was great. They made all people feel welcome."
"The students and faculty all seemed to like each other and to be happy to be attending school at ETSU. The facilities were new and the scenery was beautiful."
"everything exceept that..."
"The excited attitudes of the current students that gave the tours."
"The come-on-in-you're-welcome-here aura."
"The students seemed happy and the medical school was new and had a patient simulator which was introduced to M1s."
"Just about everything. I loved the area, the class structure, the programs. I just felt like I "fit"."
"The people of the school are very nice and always willing to help. The 1:1 faculty student ratio is a big deal. The patient simulator they have is also really awesome"
"Everyone was really friendly and the students there seem to have a life outside of school."
"the new facilities, the students (everyone seemed really nice and i got the impression that the 60 person class really is very collegial), the location (I am from this area and wouldnt mind staying here)"
"Almost everything, the reputation of the school, the facilities were incredible, the clinicals seemed to be amazing, the scenery is second to none. I was especially impressed by "Phil" (sometimes called "Phillis"). They (3 professors) took the time to give us a full 25 minute presentation on this super upgraded version of "Harvey." We were told that students can reserve a full hour any time you want with a professor and Phil starting after January of your first year. They hope to procure two more "Phil"s in the next couple of years."
"The interview was very laid back and the admissions staff was friendly and inviting. They stressed over and over that we could ask honest questions to the student tour guides about their good and bad experiences and it would in no way get back to the admissions committee or affect our interview process. Also, they gave us the option of a third interview if we felt that one of the interviews did not go well- i.e. had a personality conflict with the interviewer or felt like you made a bad impression. Even though I had no intentions of using this "out", it was still comforting to know that if one of my interviews went sour, that I wasn't doomed completely. The new adademic building for 1st and 2nd year students is amazing! Very impressive lab facilities and classroom technology."
"ETSU was not one of my top picks...till I went there. The people are great, the facilities are great, and Johnson City is a beautiful town with lots of outdoor activites."
"the people were so friendly, there was a great sense of community, it's set in a beautiful area"
"I was impressed with the home town feeling and the idea they they really were looking for those that fit in. The students were very friendly and when we went into gross while a class was in session they took the time to talk to us and so did the professors. Also as we toured the hospital the 3rd student was very open and honest with the school. Gave a great image of the level of education done there."
"the small class size and the family atmosphere. plus, they had new facilities"
"The students are awesome! The small class size really gives the class a great sense of comradery. Everyone just wants you to be the best you can be! I love the rural aspect of their medicine, too."
"The main building (Stanton-Gerber) is as nice as any that I have seen. Also, the students and support staff help sell the school."
"The rural primare care track is great and the school is on beautiful grounds! "
"The staff was amazingly amicable. I felt as if I really belong ed there, more so than at any other interviews I have attended. Also, I saw a number of people at the school that I knew."
"The general atmosphere and the willingness of the students and interviewers to get to know me. The facilities are top-notch."
"The school is brand-new, the facilities are state-of-the art, and the cafeteria food was actually good. Also the 1st years are happy and really are excited to be there. "
"Everyone that I met was very nice. The class sizes there are small so everyone knows everyone else in their class and there is very little competition among classmates. Everyone seems to care about everyone else, including the professors and administrators."
"The interviews were EXTREMELY relaxed. They really just want to know if you are a good fit for their school. They already know you can do the work if you got an interview."
"Access to hospitals. New med school building. "
"The interviewers cared about what I haed to say and they did thir best to make me feel comfortable."
"The entire day was wonderful- all of it. They have a brand new 60-million dollar building and a brand new 16-million dollar athletic center. The staff, students and interviewers were all warm and professional."
"interview day occurred over two separate days"
"I didn't like that it is virtual because I would have enjoyed touring the area"
"Slightly disorganized, but understandable b/c virtual format"
"The hosts weren’t able to answer some of the applicants’ common questions."
"Nothing. It's been the best interview experience that I've had!"
"Nothing, I had a top notch experience at Quillen."
"One of my interviewers answered his phone multiple times during the interview."
"Clinical research is limited."
"There is a class ranking and there are letter grades. That's it. Not a deal breaker, but it is a negative to me."
"Nothing to note: I left with an even greater appreciation for the school all around and any concerns were relieved."
"One interviewer talked a little too much but with an hour interview, I had plenty of time to effectively make my pitch."
"One of my interviewers seemed to have not read my file until right before the interview. The interviewer seemed to know little about my application."
"Not one thing."
"Nothing! If I were an OOS student, however, the OOS tuition would be a major drawback. M3 is about $100,000 with expenses according to their information."
"I wish I had something to say here, but nothing."
"Absolutely nothing."
"There were no negatives."
"That it's in Johnson City. Although it's safe, I felt as if my exposure to different medical scenarios would be limited."
"if you're looking for city life, you'll struggle to find it here"
"See difficult question. Said interviewer seemed to almost automatically stereotyped me as a redneck/hick based on only my location of residence. Seems rather low-brow."
"I felt a little bit like I was being grilled in my second interview."
"The location is very rural. For me that was a downer, but if your into nature, outdoorsy stuff..."
"Nothing; though those looking for a larger class size should look elsewhere."
"The fact that the interviews were both closed file. I felt we missed a lot that should have been talked about."
"One of the student interactions was a little arrogant and unprofessional considering they were interacting with interview candidates."
"OOS tuition, and the drive there was absolutely crazy"
"The school seems to be much less developed than many other schools. The departments seem to have fewer staff and fewer opportunities to gain experience. The population out there is very homogeneous. They're behind in their use of technology for the curriculum and inside the hospital."
"Because of its location, it doesn't get as interesting cases as a big city would offer."
"location, a little too far out in the mountains for me, but really not that far from neat places like Asheville, NC"
"The hospital isn't as busy as I might have liked, and the RPCT students are frequently separated from the rest of the class since they have to travel a lot more."
"Nothing...except the rain ;)"
"one of the interviews"
"Not very OOS friendly - didn't talk much about how OOS paid for school ($200 grand in the hole), didn't talk about how they adjusted to the school and area. Not a HUGE deal, though."
"Cost...not that I didn't know it before I applied, but it just seems more real at the interview."
"Not much of anything. I was very, very impressed by the school."
"Location. It's in a tiny, tiny town...kind of a shock if you're from out of state."
"Nothing really, except if you can count the bad cafeteria food as being something to whine about!"
"Nothing, really. Everything was actually better than expected."
"Rotations during your 3rd year are in hospitals scattered around the area - some are 40 miles away from Johnson City. "
"the area seems a little too small for me"
"There didn't seem to be much to do in Johnson City."
"out of state tuition. if you can get past this fact, GO!"
"I spilled pizza sauce on my crisp white shirt during lunch time, that was my own fault but darn it, that incident still negatively impressed me. Here is a tip: take your jacket off during lunch so if something like that happen you can use your jacket to hide it. Also, don't eat something messy like pizza for lunch."
"The apparent attitude of some of the alumni of the school.(One of my interviewers was an alum)"
"The social scene may need a little work, but I'm pretty picky. "
"The hospital was strange. Some areas were really nice, some were not so nice."
"NOTHING. It is definately my first choice."
"nothing! maybe johnson city leaves a little to be desired for some city-slickers..."
"Not much research going on there. While I could have been very happy there as a medical student, I really wanted to pursue a combined degree program and decided it wasn't for me."
"My first interviewer was a second year student 2 years older than myself. It was much harder to talk to him. Also, he was totally stone-faced. I tried to joke with him and couldn't get him to smile once. My second interviewer told me if he was paying for his daughter's college tuition, he would choose her major, regardless of her opinion. (He doesn't think she'll get much money with her current career path.) Fortunately, she had a scholarship. He then informed me that the best thing for her would be if she married a rich man. I guess I didn't hide my disgust well because I didn't get in."
"NOTHING, everything was great, the hotel service, the malls, the secretaries, but the food at the hospital cafeteria was not good at all, but i can cook so that wont be a problem. "
"The interviews were closed file, so you had to talk about yourself. I don't know if my interviewer really read my essay and knew what I did."
"One of my interviewers was a second year med student. I didn't feel he was very qualified to know if I'd succeed as a physician or not, especially since he seemed intent on showing off how much more than me he knew. He also had not read any of the preparatory material, which I took to mean that he really wasn't that dedicated to his job as an interviewer."
"it was really cold"
"Nothing, it was an absolutely wonderful day."
"Very small school (class size is 60) and a good number of students are older and have families"
"Not much. The hospital is small, but there are tons of other hospitals in the surrounding areas."
"My first interviewer works nights and so was extremely tired."
"JCMC was not the newest or nicest hospital that i have ever seen, the cafeteria food for lunch"
"Nothing really, maybe my broadsided science interview. Even that seemed completely acceptable to me though."
"Right before lunch, the group was supposed to go on a tour of the nearby teaching hospital and the 3rd year student who met us there basically told us "a hospital is a hospital" and we went straight to the cafeteria. That stood out to me because everything up until that point had been very professional and I didn't perceive a tour of the hospital to be a waste of time. After all, if admitted, that would practically be my home for 3rd and 4th years."
"Lack of research and clinical exposure. Strong emphasis on primary care is a little over-kill."
"Not a whole lot. It was pretty much as I expected."
"the city is not very big"
"My taxi was very expensive."
"I would have liked to have toured the entire VA campus but we only saw Stanton-Gerber."
"My second interviewer had to cancel and I was randomly assigned to the head of the organ donation program/anatomy department."
"One of the interviewers was late, aparently he had forgotten that he had to give an interview that day."
"The city is kind of small."
"I got lost a few times trying to find the school."
"The focus on primary care was not really my thing. I also heard that their rural care tract is not as good as they make it out to be."
"I wish we had had a better tour of the facilities."
"The hospital cafeteria's food was average."
"it is a very relaxed interview"
"how chill it would be!"
"To relax"
"They tell you who your interviewers are at the start of the day with a little biography about them which was a really nice perk. Did not feel like I needed to go google search them in a bathroom stall lol"
"How chill and nice everyone would be"
"Nothing was a surprising or caught me off-guard."
"How much colder it is there than where I drove from (only about 6 hours away). We did a little walking outside, and it was freezing."
"I wouldn't have time to sit down and collect my thoughts much before my interviews."
"Nothing. Stop being neurotic, relax, show up and be you. This is literally a school that wants to get to know you. They won't put you in stressful situations to see how you respond. Be a decent human being and relax."
"That I need to be prepared to brief my application in its entirety in a few minutes."
"Everybody's name who knew mine."
"Not to be so nervous!"
"That I had nothing to stress over, but I probably would've still been nervous."
"They provide the prospective students with all-you-can-eat lunch :)"
"One of my interviews had 2 situational questions. Those are difficult to answer."
"I was given some basic information about my interviewers. That sufficed."
"That it was going to snow - and high heels and ice do not mix. Bring a back up pair of shoes!"
"how low-key and well-organized the day would be"
"Prepare for lots of non-medicine related questions. Did not interview with any practicing physicians the entire day."
"That one of my interviewers would be tough."
"This is NOT a research institution. One of my interviewers got kind of defensive at my question, "What research opportunities are there at Quillen COM?" After the interview, he asked me "So is the lack of research at Quillen really going to deter you from coming here?" (obviously not, b/c why the fuck would I apply if I weren't interested???)"
"Just how conversational the interviews really are."
"The questions they would ask. Baring that, the interview invitation email was very good."
"I had known that a community represenative interviewer was an option. However, I did not have questions prepared for her. It was difficult because I am from the area and had no questions about the community."
"the shorter way to collegiate the atmosphere really is"
"I apparently didn't take good directions to the school. What I had with me said the road it was on was Memorial (which my GPS didn't recognize), but it was really Ashe."
"If I knew how relaxed an environment it was, I would not have stressed as much."
"As much food as you like for lunch!"
"How nice everyone would be. "
"Nothing that I can think of"
"about the rural program there"
"How top rate the facilities were and how organized and unbiased their admissions process is. They really set the standard in admissions. "
"They do not interview many out-of-state applicants. If you get an interview, you are in great shape! Accept approximately 2/3 of out-of-staters they interview! Must be true...I got in! :)"
"That the day/interviews were going to be so laid-back and conversational."
"That medical students are allowed to conduct interviews. "
"etsu is in a very rural and very pretty part of tn. despite the rural feel, they have some great technology and are doing wonderful things with patient simulators."
"Pizza stain (see negative impressions)."
"That I would walk all over campus in 90 degree weather with a suit on right before my interviews. That hurt me. Once I start sweating, I don't stop. During my interviews, one of my interviewers even went as far as to call me untruthful, because I was sweating like a criminal under the light in one of those old detective movies. "
"How wonderful this school is! The people are amazing and I know I will get an excellent medical education if I attend. Also, there are plenty of students to choose areas besides primary care."
"be prepared for a fun day!"
"nothing really, its better not to be too well prepared and for things to happen as they will."
"Be prepared to talk about yourself and your experiences."
"Where the admissions office is. The maps they gave me were really bad."
"Nothing, between professors and the information online I felt very well prepared."
"Don't stress! It will be your easiest interview day."
"Nothing. I went in with no expectations."
"To be extremely relaxed and ready to have an everyday convrsation with the interviewers."
"how nice the admissions staff is and how low stress the whole interview day would be."
"That I needed to brush of on my knowledge of viruses."
"How cool the rural track education was. They have an admissions committee with 40+ people. They end up raking each in these in the committee after the entire application is complete including interview. Then they rank by a number. Then each month they mark a lower number and a higher number. The numbers above the cut off get in and the numbers below are rejected. Rest are put on hold. Most people are placed on hold. Then again its 60 spots and they interview 200."
"How much I would love this school! It is an awesome place that really made me feel special."
"My interviews were far more laid back than I anticipated."
"That one of my interviewers was head of the psychiatry department. It was a bit frightening at first..."
"I didn't realize that they only admit 60 students per year. When I first heard that I felt like I was wasting my time being there because I knew that they had already accepted at least 60 students. I was later relieved to find out that they actually send out over 100 acceptance letters, but many of those that are accepted decline to attend."
"They are very relaxed about the interview process so you should be relaxed when you arrive."
"Wear comfortable shoes. There are many tours."
"this was my best experience at an interview yet! everyone is kind and warm and the interviewers want to know you! not just your stats"
"Had a great interview experience!"
"Overall the best interview between the 3 I’ve had. I connected super well with an interviewer. Be prepared, but don’t allow anxiety to creep in"
"Such a nice interview day, everyone affiliated with the school seems to genuinely love it there."
"The (virtual) interviews with Quillen are designed solely to get to know each applicant personally. They interview very few people at once, so you don't feel rushed between interviews. The faculty and staff are warm individuals that made me feel very comfortable and excited to interview with them."
"This interview day is carefully thought out by the admissions team with prospective students in mind. They want the applicant to get a clear idea of what the school's philosophies are. I was extremely nervous because Quillen is my top choice school but it was overall a great day. The longer I was on campus, the less nervous I felt."
"Small school with a strong family vibe. Administration is very caring for their students and actively involved with their education. Students seem happy and low stressed for being in medical school. Clinical experience is up to par with any other program out there, match results speak to the success of the school."
"Very, very impressed. I loved this school. It's my top choice now."
"My overall impression was the admissions committee is full of down-to-earth, caring people all the way around who make an extraordinary effort to make you feel appreciated in an authentic way."
"Enjoy your day and ask all the questions! They are transparent and well organized."
"I really enjoyed visiting and interviewing at this school."
"Great school. Proud of their heritage and focus on finding "fit" in their students."
"ETSU greatly impressed me at this interview. I came out feeling elated and happy, which is NOT what I was expecting. I fell in love with this place."
"If you like a small program that cares about their students, this is your school. If you questions whether you should go here or somewhere else, go to the somewhere else. I am about to finish the greatest academic year of my life at Quillen, and encourage you to come here if you get accepted. If you have any questions, my name is Cornelius...Google me and feel free to ask."
"Awesome school."
"Great little school! I hope I'll get in."
"The whole day was great. I was not nervous and everybody is very friendly."
"The interview day was relaxed and informative. The two interviews were stress free, in part because I did not work myself up about them, but also because the people conducting interviews were relaxed. I enjoyed my time at Quillen."
"i had never been on campus and knew relatively little about the school, but left totally IMPRESSED."
"The main goal of the interviews seems to be finding out if you're a good fit for the school and it's mission."
"Also was in the group that was locked in the NICU for 15 minutes. Lesson of the day: Don't go into wings that you don't have a key-card for. "
"I don't know about 11-week straight of anatomy course for MS-1. It is doable but current students looked very stressed out about them."
"Everyone goes out of their way to make you feel welcome."
"I encourage everyone who looks at this interview feedback to take the time to enter yours. It is important for future candidates to keep the feedback current. We are all in this together. If you withdraw information, take the time to deposit information."
"this school seems to be perfect for someone who wants that small down to earth atmosphere, small class sizes, rural-ish areas are close, people are friendly, great technology at the school...out of all my interviews thus far i think this school tops them all...just that OOS tuition...i'd probably still go"
"I found it very interesting that this school is located on a VA campus."
"Great school, so friendly, every student was eager to meet us and promote the school. Seemed like a personable and even fun atmosphere."
"Conversational and very friendly for my first interview, it was like talking to a kindly older relative. Second interviewer was a little more old school, but still very friendly and good sense of humor. Just for reference, I'm out of state and I got waitlisted, but I don't believe I will be attending due to acceptance at my first choice (Quillen was my #2)."
"Very pleasant."
"The interviews were far more relaxed than I thought possible. ETSU does interviews closed file, but the interviewers get to read your AMCAS personal statment and supplemental application beforehand. One of my interviewers asked me a few questions from those, and the other hadn't read anything from them. In both interview, it seemed more like a friendly conversation than anything else."
"The interview was great. The interviewers were very relaxed with me and treated the situation just as if they were trying to get to know me. I had a great time learning about them and their families and telling them about mine. I had a great day with a group of great people."
"I'm from the area and had toured the school before, but it impressed me even more. It really is a great med school for any specialty you could want, but perfect if you're looking for primary care. My first interview was awkward, but the second interviewer was incredibly amiable and we got along well. I loved the school. "
"Outstanding. They have a new building where most of the first and second year courses take place. We toured the anatomy lab while the students were tearing apart the cadavors, which was totally awesome. All of the students were very happy, laid back, and didn't seem to be too many ''gunners.'' There are two hospitals on the campus (VA and regional). The food at the hospital is very good now. Great options for primary care and rural medicine, but really great program for anyone wanting to practice medicine."
"Wonderful, relaxed day. The interviewers didn't really grill me so much as they wanted to get to know me as a person. While the interview is technically closed file, the interviewers do have access to your personal statement and secondary essays. The school seems to be a diamond in the rough, of sorts. You don't hear too much about it, but its really a fantastic place. "
"This was my first interview (beginning of September), so I didn't know what to expect. It was a great experience! My interviewers were really laid back. First one asked a lot of questions, but conversation was engaging and enjoyable, not an ambush. The second interviewer told me my personal statement was the best he'd read in a long time, and said he didn't need to kow any more and would recommend me for admission...that interview was maybe 10 minutes total if even that."
"Well the interview started at 10am. You meet the students in the admissions office then you are escorted to a room where you talk to the assistant dean of admissions and financial aid. Then you tour the school and the JCMC with current med students. This is a time to ask anything you can think of. A really fun time. Then I had two interviews and my day was over by 4pm. It was a great day, I was actually sad to be leaving. I wold have stayed if I could have. For those of you that will be future prospective students, you're going to absolutely love the school. Good luck!!"
"They were laid back, but the questions were challenging enough that I didn't exactly feel laid back; that's probably just me though."
"I was very impressed with everything BUT the interviewers. Both of my interviewers were unprepared, neither seemed to know what they were supposed to ask me, and wanted to talk more about themselves and their lives more so than my experiences and why I chose to apply to their school. One told me I should apply to a higher ranked school (bc of my undergraduate background). I was not asked any questions that would have given them any indication of whether I would be a good doctor. Though it was supposed to be a 'get to know you' interview, the interviewers simply asked me if I had any questions for them and did not ask me any pertinent questions. "
"My first interviewer was tough on me. He gave me a lot of hard hitting questions. My second interviewer was very laid-back and made the interview more like an easy conversation."
"ETSU was my first interview, but I'm sure it'll be my best. The campus was amazing. The students were very approachable and helpful. The interview was conversational, and not pointed. They were definitely interested in getting to know me the person, not running down a list of questions. ETSU probably became my first choice somewhere through the day."
"Everyone at ETSU was very nice. The student that gave the tour were extremely willing to answer all of our questions. I had two interviews where the interviewers had only read my personal essay and secondary application and didn't know anything about my GPA or MCAT scores. "
"by far the best interview i had. go to see how interviews should be done. i had a student tell me that she was happy in medical school -- great to hear. "
"The interview was generally smooth. The first interviewer was more curious in my personality whereas the second interviewer asked me more academic questions. I did not get the impression that any of the interviewers were out to get me. However, I do suggest that that you are honest. If an interviewer asked you a question you don't know, tell them the truth, you will surely impress them with your humility and integrity. "
"All right...To begin with let me just say that I am not an embittered failure. While I did not get accepted to ETSU, I got accepted to a school ranked 80 spots ahead of Quillen, so trust me when I say... I really found some of the comments I heard at Quillen disturbing. For a school whose mission statement includes "improvement of health care in Northeast Tennessee and the surrounding Appalachian Region" and "strengthen our cultural competence" my time there saw a lack of the later in relation to the former. Let me just say I definitely am the stereotypical East Tennessean. My family has lived there for 225 years. The house I grew up in had the rusting cars out front and the infestations and ticks inside. One of my parents is a felon. I am what most people would call "white trash". When the alumni that interviewed me walked over to introduce himself he was wearing a pair of those "hillbilly buck teeth" that you buy at a gag store and he asked me in his best Hee-Haw accent "So ya wan ta go ta medicall Skewl?" Let's just say when I opened my mouth and he saw I never had orthodontics and that I talked much like his fake Twang, he was immediately not impressed, nor was I. I got the impression from my time there that this school was interested in training physicians who would look down at their patients instead of eye-to-eye. I definitely felt an air of superiority on campus. There is an elitist attitude there. If you are not about that, I do not recommend this school. If you are about sipping mint juleps and wearing the latest from Brooks Brothers on your father's yacht, by all know where you can go. "
"This was such a great interview. I was very relaxed and both flowed like normal conversation. Actually, both of mine went over the hour time limit! Tennessee is my favorite place to be, so I am seriously considering attending. The personal attention given to students is second to none. "
"The folks at ETSU are great. Everyone seems to want you to be at home on their campus. The fourth year med student who took us around the hospital had some incredible things to say about the art of medicine, and if that is the typical physician produced by Quillen, the school is doing a great job at instilling confidence and a gracious attitude in its students."
"The day starts with a meeting with Mr. Taylor and financial aid. You then take a tour of the first and second year facilities, have lunch, tour the hospital, take a break, two interviews, and you are done about 3:30. The day is very relaxed and comfortable; not stressful at all."
"Two one-on-one interviews. student tours of anatomy labs (saw my first cadaver-- don't think this was 'supposed' to happen... very shocking)... Beautiful campus!"
"The interview with a student was not very fun for me, he and I just didn't jive well, I loved research, and he "didn't really like science" I felt very awkward talking to him as I felt we were polar opposites. The interview with the biochem professor went really well, he asked me questions from intro biology and chemistry (see below)"
"I'm sure it's a great school, but after my interviews, I was completely turned off."
"I interview with this one person, a biochemist at a nearby community college, and he was great. He and I were involved in a conservation, and I never felt the interview was one sided at all. My next interviewer was a resident, Dr. Buckner, and i was not sure about that interview. He said he had a cold and kept the interview short, and also since he was young, I did not keep a professional act. But it turned out well since i got in the school."
"I liked it. They were both nice. I was real nervous. I wished I would have let them know about my experiences a little more."
"The interviewers had no prior access to any information other than my AMCAS essay, so it was up to me to inform them as to certain things I felt were important. I actually appreciated that, since it gave the interviewers the chance to actually get to know me rather than to pick over minutae in my application. Everyone at the school was very positive and although one of my interviewers was less than impressive, I felt the day went well."
"Rather than reinvent the wheel, I will simply say that the other reports basically cover evernything you need to know. All the questions poesd to me were either in those reports or were specific to my application. Get good directions from the admissions office before you leave for the interview."
"The interview was very hld in a very relaxed environment and the interviewers honestly wanted to get to know the real person behind the student."
"All in all, the school was great. The atmosphere was awesome and the people were very friendly. One of the interviews was alittle difficult, but overall I loved it."
"My first interview was with a student. She was a bit stressed with a test coming up, so we didn't talk long. She was easy to talk to, even though we didn't have a ton in common. My second interview was with a faculty member. She and I hit it off and talked for the full allotted time. She asked more personal questions, and at first I was caught a bit off guard. She really wanted to know who I am, which I appreciated. I was concerned because I'm not a Tennessee resident, but they made sure I felt at home."
"Overall, the interview was a great experience. We all met in a room with the assistant dean, and we were able to ask him questions. He was very nice and very informed. We then went on the student led tours, including the anatomy lab. I was impressed because all the students seemed happy and friendly, and were constantly showing us their dissections and being excited. I love seeing students loving what they are learning. The hospital is a bit small, but friendly and "home-like" feeling. And their ER is trauma 1, so they see a lot of action. Overall, the interviews themselves were fantastic. Both were closed file, and all they had was my AMCAS personal statement and my name. Neither of my interviewers read my personal statement, so they entered blind (which is pre-concieved notions). My last interviewer talked to me for an extra 20 minutes, and we had to be interrupted to be told our time was up!! I thought that was a good sign. The interviews were more like conversations, and not really "questions". I was confident, and answered directly and honestly, and I'm quite positive I rocked the interviews!! Overall, the experience was great. Everyone on staff seemed to be a real person, and I believe they really are trying to get the "whole person" instead of numbers. This is a school I would definitely love to attend."
"Very laid back and easy going. "
"Three other students and myself started the day by meeting with the admissions director and getting to ask questions. Then we were given a tour of the school by two first year students. Next we were carted to the hospital and ate lunch and then shown around the hospital by a fourth year student. Then it was time for interviews. After the interviews there was supposed to be some RPCT students there, but they were a no-show so the day was over. It went by really quickly."
"started the day in the morning with the director of admissions. he was very nice and was willing to answer any questions that we had. then we got a tour of the facilties both at the medical school and at JCMC. we had lunch in the jcmc cafeteria. then we had two interviews in the afternoon with members of the admissions committee. i met with an ER physician and a local professor who teaches chemistry at milligan college."
"ETSU has been my "dream school" every since I knew I wanted to go into medicine. The small class size, the locations in the gorgeous mountains, the access to rural clinical sites, the reputation of the school (consistently in the top 5 in the nation in rural medicine). So much about the school is enticing. They are a close group of students with a family friendly atmosphere. There is just so much"
"The interview went very well, was minimally stressful, and I was very impressed with the facilities and new academic building."
"The interviews were great. Both were focused on just getting to know me as a person."
"The staff seem very committed to their students. The students are laid back and friendly. The morning was a slide show, and tour. then lunch in the tiny hospital cafeteria, which was the most unpleasant part of the experience. There were two interviews, in which they only had your personal statement. One interviewer suggested we go outside and enjoy the nice day. This was a great experince."
"I was shocked at the fact that I did not have ETSU as my top choice and after the interview day it jumped to number one. I felt at home at this school and I really hope I do get accepted. My interviewers were really nice and I ended up talking past the one hour mark both times. I had a great time no matter what. Doug Taylor is completely awesome and is more than happy to answer all the questions that you may have. He will even go out of his way to get you something that you may want. (He found chocolate for one of the other interviewers cause she was nervious..thats cool) I found that they have a strong sense to help you out the best and there is a family atmosphere. Great school but it is mainly for primary care and there is no real "big city" anywhere close. Then again its not in a ultra rural setting either. If you like close knit groups and smaller classes this may be the place for you. If you like big cities, big classes, and you don't like the mountains you may want to look elsewhere."
"A really great day. Everyone was extremely nice and very helpful. I was interviewed by a 2nd year resident at ETSU and a community member. The admissions committee is made up of 44 people, which include medical students, faculty, and community members. It was not stressful and parking was very easy."
"The interviews were both very low stress and conversational. The tour is awesome, and the campus is beautiful."
"Meet as many of these students as you can. They remember their experience and are so down to earth, they can really calm you down if it is needed. "
"It was a great interview! no worries."
"I fell in love with the school, but I had my doubts since I was out of state and didn't have 13'a or above on all sections of the MCAT. I felt like I really belonged at this school."
"Everyone was extremely nice. I arrived on campus and met the other 5 students who were interviewing that day, and the head of admissions sat us down and we discussed the interview day and the school in general for about an hour. We then were led on our tour of the general science building by two first year students. The tour was laid back and informal, we were able to view a significant portion of the building. The gross anatomy lab was not nearly as bad as I was expecting, the smell was not overpowering. Our tour continued with the Johnson City Medical Center. We got a brief tour of the hospital from a third year student and were treated to lunch at the hospital's cafeteria. After lunch the interviews began. Both interviews were laid back and informal, both were geared more toward getting to know me the person, as opposed to me the AMCAS ID number. Overall it was a great experience and I would love to spend my time in med school at Quillen."
"The interview went really well. One was difficult and seemed to focus on my actual knowledge of the human body and the molecular processes of various diseases. I still felt good about the overall experience and generally felt at ease. The second interview went really well and I was completly relaxed. I loved the school and the overall atmospehere. THey consider it a family. "
"There were six of us there to be interviewed. First we all met with the admissions director, then we met with the assistant financial aid director. We were then given a tour of the new facilities by two first year medical students. We then had lunch and were given a tour of the hospital by a fourth year medical student. We then met with our interviewers. We each had two one-on-one interviews. The interviewers were from many different walks of life. Some were fourth year medical students, some were professors at the medical school, and some were community members. One of the community members giving interviews that day was a chemistry professor at a small, nearby college. The other was a Christmas tree farmer. All interviewer opinions count equally toward your evaluation, no matter who they are."
"Excellent interview day. Everyone there was cool as can be. Do not get suckered into the rural tract program. While it doesn't cost any extra it's just not worth it."
"I interviewed with a professor and also a medical student and the med students opinion of me counted just as much as the professors. The facilities are new and the people are very nice. Something that really helped is that before we were interviewed, we were allowed to ask questions about the entire admissions process at ETSU. They are very honest and will answer any questions you might have. "
"The interview lasted "all day". We met at 8:45 AM and were oriented as to the day's events. We sat in on a class, met with financial aid, took two tours (one of the school, complete with cadaver exposure, the second tour was with one of the teaching hospitals), ate lunch with students, then interviewed individually. The day was over around 4 PM."
Response | # Responders |
Student | 85 |
Faculty member | 0 |
Admissions staff | 1 |
Other | 3 |
Response | # Responders |
Enthusiastic | 60 |
Neutral | 4 |
Discouraging | 0 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.34 | 70 |
Response | # Responders |
In state | 54 |
Out of state | 10 |
Response | # Responders |
0-1 hour | 11 |
2-3 hours | 18 |
4-6 hours | 24 |
7+ hours | 9 |
Response | # Responders |
Airplane | 5 |
Automobile | 55 |
Train or subway | 1 |
Other | 2 |
Tri Cities
Response | # Responders |
At school facility | 1 |
With students at the school | 1 |
Friends or family | 15 |
Hotel | 31 |
Home | 5 |
Other | 1 |
Response | # Responders |
< $100 | 31 |
$101-$200 | 15 |
$201-$300 | 4 |
$301-$400 | 1 |
$401-$500 | 2 |
$501+ | 2 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.68 | 72 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.57 | 72 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.37 | 71 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
9.07 | 45 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
9.56 | 45 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.27 | 45 |
"consider moving back to in-person interviews"
"None, it was a great day. Staff was friendly and accommodating. Seminars, tours and interviews went smoothly."
"Continue being awesome!"
"Nit-picky, but it would've been nice to have had a bathroom break between the informational and financial-aid lectures."
"More interaction with faculty would be appreciated. Not a deal breaker, but would love to have met more than 2 professors during a 0930-1600 interview day."
"Nothing - the office clearly had their act together. Impressed."
"Nothing. They made me feel completely comfortable and were open to any questions I asked. I absolutely loved the process."
"None. Y'all (still trying to use that word more frequently in every day conversation) did fantastic!!!"
"None. They did a perfect job of keeping us calm and made us feel like part of the ETSU family."
"Give students more notice. For those working, a 5-day notice of interview can be too short to be abl"
"Everything from the admissions office was great. They were friendly, responsive, and let us know wha"
"None really, they were great."
"None. The admissions office has been extremely helpful."
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?