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All Questions & Responses

  • Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
  • Allopathic Medical School
  • Boca Raton, FL
Individual Feedback 3 3 Responses
The Basics

Overall, how satisfied are you with this program?

Response Avg # Responders
5.67 3

0 = Terrible, 10 = World Class

What do you like least?

"Preclinical PBL Excess, Lack of research support, Lack of educational support, clinical rotations at community hospitals with potentially malignant attendings." | Report Response

"No pre-existing clubs that provide volunteering opportunities (i.e. student clinic)" | Report Response

"As an out-of-state student, the 30K extra tuition is a crime. Although financially still worth it to become a physician, the parent university (FAU) is really trying to monopolize on those outside of Florida." | Report Response

The Details

Does the student body seem cooperative or competitive?

Response Avg # Responders
6.00 3

0 = Competitive, 10 = Cooperative

Does the environment seem supportive for underrepresented minorities?

Response Avg # Responders
6.33 3

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Does the environment seem supportive for lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexual students?

Response Avg # Responders
8.00 3

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Does the environment seem supportive for married students?

Response Avg # Responders
5.67 3

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Does the environment seem supportive for students with disabilities?

Response Avg # Responders
6.33 3

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Does the environment seem supportive for older/non-traditional students?

Response Avg # Responders
7.33 3

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

Do you/did you feel well prepared for your board exams?

Response Avg # Responders
6.00 3

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

How approachable are faculty members?

Response Avg # Responders
7.33 3

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very

How do students from this program do after graduation - are they adequately prepared for practice?

"No," | Report Response

"To date, residencies seem to rave about our students so no concerns." | Report Response

What are rotations like?

"Community hospitals often not used to having students can create an environment where you are frequently neglected and not taught basic things." | Report Response

"FAU is unique in that all students spend years 1&2 in Boca Raton on the main campus, but then 3rd year is either around Boca (North rotations) or more South in Fort Lauderdale (South rotations). This gives students flexibility to chase after a particular experience or specialty as there are ~8 different hospitals you can rotate at, including major trauma centers and VA. None of these places are major academic centers except Cleveland Clinic Florida. That does not mean the education is sub-par, it's just not as rigid." | Report Response

How do students from this program do in the Match?

"Many are frequently disappointed by match results. Heard several stories about people having to Soap for non competitive specialties, Dean's letter uses heavily "Coded" Language. Little support from faculty and admin." | Report Response

"To date, FAU has generally had a 100% match rate with unique circumstances for the few who have not. Matching is such a case-by-case thing so it is hard to generalize but FAU is matching people in competitive specialties and highly-respected programs." | Report Response

Any other information you want to share?

"People are frequently targeted and treated unjustly for small things like failing to submit a single evaluation, a culture of fear permeates." | Report Response

"FAU is a small but great school, where you will be taken care of by the faculty. Major specialties are represented with residency programs (IM, EM, Psych, Neuro, Gen Surg) and most sub-specialties are covered by community practicing physicians. The school really tries to make well-rounded physicians ready for residency and it seems to be working. The school is continuing to increase in rank and the quality of programs students head off to is only getting better. 10-20 years from now, I believe FAU will be seen as very good medical school." | Report Response

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