School Stats
- Resident Tuition $23,884
- Non - Resident Tuition $23,884
- Application Fee $35
- AVG PCAT 82.0
- AVG GPA 3.3
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Admissions Information
- Office of Admission
- Hampton, VA 23668
- United States
- Phone: (757) 727-5071
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: pharm.hamptonu.edu/
School Overview
Hampton University School of Pharmacy Fast Facts
School Info
Hampton University School of Pharmacy is a private institution located on the east coast of Virginia, in the picturesque Hampton Roads area.
The School of Pharmacy at Hampton University offers an innovative, entry-level, professional program leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. The entry-level Doctor of Pharmacy Program requires six years for completion.
The Hampton University campus, centrally located between Virginia Beach and historic Williamsburg, is on one of the most beautiful waterfront sights in the nation. Situated on the Virginia Peninsula and surrounded on three sides by water.
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