How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
4.50 | 44 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 38 |
Negatively | 2 |
No change | 4 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
3.89 | 44 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.30 | 44 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.07 | 44 |
Response | # Responders |
In Person | 4 |
Virtual | 1 |
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 1 |
15 minutes | 2 |
20 minutes | 3 |
25 minutes | 3 |
30 minutes | 7 |
35 minutes | 2 |
40 minutes | 1 |
45 minutes | 1 |
50 minutes | 2 |
55 minutes | 2 |
60+ minutes | 19 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 39 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 3 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 37 |
In a group | 5 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 3 |
Closed file | 39 |
Response Average | # Responders |
4.50 | 44 |
"Tell me about yourself, why dentistry, how you destress"
"Tell me about yourself and why you chose dentistry"
"Do you handle solving problems better on your own or in a group setting?"
"Have you ever participated in a group project? What role did you play? Tell us a time where you worked with someone, what happened, what was it?"
"When was a time you worked in a group? What role did you take on? What was your most challenging event in life?"
"What do you do for fun?"
"How do you handle pressure?"
"1/2020 - On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a bunny and 10 being a tyrant, where do you rank yourself and why?"
"Describe a time you resolved a conflict"
"Talk about your role in a group project."
"Tell me about a time when you had conflict"
"Define self-awareness."
"2018-What event in life impacted you the most?"
"Would you rather have the respect of your colleagues or patients?"
"What is a professional attitude?"
"2018 - What event has impacted your life the most, Describe an injustice you have experienced"
"Your friend wants help writing a resume. Describe in detail your opinions and what you would do in this situation."
"about "nuclear pollution""
"As an employee of a company, you are in charge of donating to a "worthy" charity. How would you describe a worthy charity and where would you donate to?"
"They asked the question about state funded gambling."
"If a friend asked you to help guide them on writing a resume, how would you do so?"
"If you were going to make a film that would help make a change in the world, what would it be? Why?"
"Define dependability. Are you dependable? Do you ever not want to be dependable?"
"What does it mean to be an ambassador?"
"Is graffiti art or vandalism? if vandalism how can you stop it?"
"What is a conflict you were involved in that was not resolved? and one that was resolved?"
"What is dependability? Are you dependable? Is there ever a time you shouldn't be dependable?"
"If you were starving, would you steal a loaf of bread?"
"What do you know about the dental program at MWU, and why would the school fit you?"
"why dentistry"
"What is the most difficult time you had to go through and how did you cope with it?"
"Why dentistry?"
"Should non-smoking be a requirement for allowing dental students into Dental schools?"
"Under what circumstances, if any, would it be okay for you to steal a loaf of bread?"
"should dental students get more funding than engineering or law students? what did you like about the curriculum and why do you want to go there? what is one stressful situation and how did you overcome it?"
"Why dentistry? From your shadowing experience, what have you seen that you would like to emulate and what have you seen that you would like to avoid?"
"What do you know about MWU-il dental school? What do you like about MWU-il dental and what do you not like?"
"Under what circumstances would you steal a loaf of bread?"
"Tell me about a time you felt treated unfairly"
"Tell me about your hobbies, passions etc."
"Tell us a bout a time you received negative feedback and how you responded."
"How do you react to negative criticism?"
"Tell us about a situation you experienced where you had to make a difficult decision. What are the characteristics of a team leader?"
"What role do you typically go for in groups?"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"Describe a leadership role you were in, and a difficult decision you had to make during that role."
"1/2020 - What are some of your strengths?"
"What motivates you in life"
"How do you overcome stress?"
"What would you do if you were critiqued every day"
"What motivates you?"
"2018- You are in D3or D4 and work in a team with another person. The person says that you fall short on expectation/contribution (being on time, doing your work etc) but you disagree. How you approach this situation? Could you give me an example from your life where your colleague didn't agree with you?"
"Why Midwestern?"
"If you could go out to dinner with three people from past or present, who would they be and why?"
"2018 - As a doctor would you prefer the respect of your patients or your colleagues, Describe Professionalism"
"Three companies are vying for a piece of land in the downtown area: a car company, a call center, and a group of doctors. Describe how you would advise the mayor of the town and what company you would chose."
"about "patients emotion""
"If you could make a movie to change the world, what would you make it on and why?"
"How would I handle a situation with an employee whose dress standards make patients uncomfortable?"
"In your opinion, what is the most important invention in the last 50 years?"
"Is arts an important aspect of schooling? What would you say if someone was suggesting adding art to a dental curriculum?"
"Should gambling be legal even though addictions arise because of it?"
"If someone won a $250,000 lottery, how would you advice him? will you advice him differently if he's a retired person?"
"Life is made of small efforts. how do you live your life based on this quote? and how does it help you in your career?"
"My reaction if funding to the arts was removed"
"Graffiti- is it art or vandalism? If vandalism, how can you stop it? is there any compromise?"
"In your opinion, What are the most important traits for a dental program?"
"Tell us about a time when you made an important decision quickly, without a lot of time to think."
"why midwestern"
"Why do you want to be a dentist?"
"If your friend had a gambling addiction, how would you help him?"
"Why dentistry?"
"how do you study for tests/exams? why do you want to be a dentist? what do you think about pharmaceutical drugs only being real if they are tested in english speaking countries?"
"Why Midwestern? What do you know about our school? How are we different from other schools you're looking at? What's the difference between a DDS and a DMD? Which does our school offer? Why did we choose the one we did?"
"Name one meaningful leadership experience you've had, and explain what you learned from it."
"Should dental students get more money from the government than law and engineering?"
"What is a time you showed empathy"
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"Tell us about a time you had to have a difficult conversation"
"If you could change something about your personality, what would it be?"
"What does failure mean to you? If you could go back to 5 tears ago, what would you tell yourself?"
"If we asked your best friend to describe you what would they say?"
"Name a time you were in a group and there was a conflict."
"Would you rather have the admiration of the faculty or the admiration of your peers?"
"1/2020 - Describe a situation where you didn't agree with a decision"
"How do you relax"
"Describe a challenge you had to face."
"Why should we pick you?"
"The school is on a break, you are on campus and have nothing to do, what would you do with your time?"
"If you could pick any profession, one that isn't dentistry, what would you pick and why?"
"Would you rather have the respect of your colleagues or your patients?"
"2018 - What is the worst job you have ever had, What do you do in your free time"
"What is your opinion about the salary differences of teachers, doctors, and professional athletes. What (if anything) should be/could be done about this?"
"your role in a film"
"Should arts be a requirement for dental school admissions? If so, what kind of arts would you include and why?"
"How do you define success?"
"Voting on a yes/no referendum for building a multi-million dollar casino in the center of downtown, which has a very poor demographic. Discuss."
"If you were going to donate to one organization, what would it be?"
"Success is built in steps (summary of a quote). How does it apply to your life?"
"What the word dependable means for you? should you always be dependable?"
"My response to a quote by Thomas Edison"
"Why Midwestern-IL?"
"Listed a statement that was a policy for pharmaceutical companies, and had to explain your thoughts on the policy. It read something like, "Drugs should be tested in English-speaking nations, and "real drugs" are effective and economically viable."
"under what circumstance would you steal a loaf of bread"
"Do you think the government should fund dentistry more than other fields and why?"
"Do you think Dental students should get more scholarship money from the government at the expense of other professions such as engineering and law schools?"
"What can you tell us about the school and why you want to go here?"
"You have no money, and your in-laws offer to buy you very durable furniture from the Peruvian rainforest. Discuss pros and cons."
"Of these five extra-curriculars (Research, Working in a medical field, Service in hard to reach populations, Sports, None Medical Work) which do you think is the best to do during undergrad to prepare for dental school?"
"Describe a situation where you had to act quickly with little information."
"Your lab partner criticizes you, what would you do."
"what is a new skill you learned?"
"what is the hardest decision you've had to make and would you do it again."
"Tell us about a time that a practice was put into place that you did not agree with, but you had to follow and accept anyway."
"What would someone you know say you take a disagreement?"
"What personalities do you not like working with?"
"Do you work better in a team or alone?"
"How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?"
"1/2020 - What do you like to eat?"
"How would you handle a situation where a colleague recommends treatment you do not think is necessary and is very adamant about his position"
"A conflict that arose due to communication?"
"How would you describe dentistry in one sentence to a child?"
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"If you could have dinner with 3 people, dead or alive, who and why?"
"Describe an injustice you have experienced."
"2018- If you could bring 3 people to dinner dead or alive who would they be and why"
""Talk about whatever you want to get across about yourself""
"tell me about yourself"
"Do companies like walmart help or hurt small towns?"
"Moving to a new country with 2 very young children. What do you want them to do in terms of culture and language?"
"Probably the art one."
"Is graffiti considered art or vandalism"
"The overall welcoming feeling"
"Should the government demand that everybody uses low-energy apliances? why?"
"What kinds of activities should pre-dental students be involved in?"
"Should the government be able to regulate peoples energy conservation?"
"Describe a situation in which you had to act quickly with very little information."
"The pharmaceutical company policy question."
"how did you prepare for this interview"
"Your in-laws gift you with a very expensive (and endangered species, which is not mentioned in the question but by the interviewer) wood furniture. What are the pros and cons of accepting the gift? Would you accept it?"
"How would you run you practice followed by different scenarios of real life events, such as worker insubordination."
"Your 8 year old son is physically active and plays many sports outside of school. He tries out for several school teams and does not make any of them, but his friends do. What would you do?"
"should dental students get more funding than engineering or law students?"
"If you had to pick 3 people, dead or alive, to form a study group, who would you pick and why? You are already a student at Midwestern. A friend asks for your help in preparing his application for Midwestern's dental school. What do you do?"
"If your friend had a gambling addiction, lost all of his money, and then asked to borrow some money to pay for rent, food, and a little more money so that he could win back the money that he/she had lost... What would you do?"
"Why Dentistry?"
"You failed an exam that you studied for, what would you do? What would you do if you failed that exam again."
"What would your one wish be?"
"Tell us a bout a time you received negative feedback and how you responded."
"What would you do if another student or colleague was not giving you all the required information about something or giving you the wrong information?"
"Tell us a difficult situation you experienced where you showed integrity."
"5 traits of the person you admire most"
"When did you make the transition from old major to dentistry?"
"Describe a time you made a decision you believed to be right at the time but discovered later that it wasn't."
"1/2020 - What is something that frustrates you/makes you angry."
"What was your greatest failure"
"Use one word to describe you and one word that doesn't describe you"
"Describe a time you were involved in a conflict and had to resolve it."
"What makes you a good fit for this school?"
"What is something you always procrastinate on?"
"2018- A coworker approaches you and says that you are always late and not doing a good job at your work you disagree what is your response"
""Talk about whatever you want to get across about yourself""
"Casino question."
"One centered around a quote from Thomas Edison. It was asking your thoughts on Edison's opinion that the future of medicine will be preventing disease instead of curing it. Then you were asked to relate it to dentistry."
"Discuss your thoughts on the government mandating consumers to buy an eco friendly air conditioner"
"About a Chinese proverb"
"None of the questions were difficult. They were all very straight forward."
"Pharm. Company policy question."
"loaf of bread"
"You are currently a dental student. Your friend wants your help in his/her dental school applications. Discuss the ethics of it."
"Explain some philosophical quote that she stated."
"question about pharmaceuticals"
"Do you think dental students should receive more funding from the government than engineering and law professions?"
"Name two organizations that you would like to start as a dental student. There wasn't much to say, I named two things off the top of my head, came up with some reasons why and then, silence..."
"You are recently married and can't afford furniture. Your inlaws offer to get you expensive furniture from the rainforest. Discuss the pros and cons of this."
"SDS, friends"
"sdn feedback, prepping with family members. (if you can keep you game fac on with them you can with anyone)."
"Mock interview SDN"
"SDN, mock interview with my master's program, and random questions asked by my husband"
"I spent 2 weeks thinking about interview Q & A's during leisure time and 1 week actually typing some ideas down and practicing with friends."
"SDN, friend in dental school, friend in CCOM"
"SDN, MockQuestions."
"SDN, being honest"
"Other students."
"mock interviews at career development center, with friends & family"
"SDN, interview prep"
"SDN and some common sense, and being honest and reflective with your answers."
"Practiced the basic questions many time"
"I practiced interview questions that I found on Student Doctor Network and researched the schools through their websites and SDN."
"Studied the questions that were posted on sdn, but they changed it from mmi to one on one"
"Practiced what core concepts I wanted to stress about myself and incorporated these in all of my MMI stations"
"They allow you to have a minute to read a prompt with the question that the interviewer will ask before you go into the room with the interviewer for 7 minutes. A lot of my questions were already posted here on SDN."
"Looking over question samples on SDN. Thinking critically, and logically, about problems."
"SDN. I've heard the questions change, so there really isn't any way to prepare."
"Read SDN"
"Relax, go over some questions with a friend of mine, read some useful articles"
"Nothing, business major so I have had previous experience"
"SDN and school's website"
"SDN, their website, and talking to a few people who interviewed there."
"SDN, look over website."
"sdn, website"
"Work on communication skills. Know how to communicate what you really want to, effectively and right to the point without stumbling. (I did that by watching TV shows, hahaha)"
"Read sdn and their website. Remembered the history."
"Practiced answering hypothetical interview questions to myself"
"look up various interview questions from other schools"
"i read over the SDN review"
"Read some of the advice on SDN, got a good eight hours of sleep, and simply didn't fret about it."
"I did not."
"Everyone is very nice and they really care about their students."
"you get your money worth"
"all graduate schools are integrated and learn from each other. You get a ton of clinical experience. Grading is unbiased. latest technology used in in sim lab"
"Everyone was kind"
"The amount of staff to student ratio. How the environment seemed so positive and that everyone is supporting each other. Also the fact that the school is very high in technology and that there are no residency programs (which I learned when I visited the school - it's beneficial because as students we get to take more root canal cases, do implants, and other procedures that would be prioritized to residents )"
"the faculty are really nice and friendly and the clinical experience is awesome"
"How welcoming and genuinely caring the faculty and staff were"
"Implants are part of the curriculum. Very new technology. All of the students and faculty were so nice."
"The friendliness of everybody, advanced tech, faculty:staff ratio, mission trips, focus on clinical skills"
"Everybody was so nice!"
"facilities , technology, people"
"the clinics and the sim lab"
"The facility, opportunity to perform a wide variety of procedures during D3 and D4 since there are no post-doc programs, the whole patient is left to you"
"Technology, faculty, genuine happiness and pride in the school from the students"
"I loved the vast amount of experience that the students receive. They are doing implants in their fourth year! Their goal is to produce students who have just as much experience as someone who completes residency."
"The school is awesome - brand new facilities, lots and lots of practice on different procedures and areas in dentistry, how kind and passionate the faculty was"
"The staff and students were very welcoming and the atmosphere was extremely uplifting."
"The interviewers were genuinely friendly. The school was awesome. The campus is great!"
"The very new facilities and how nice everyone was."
"The facilities are top notch. It is also located just outside Chicago so you get the fun of being by a big city while not actually having to live in it."
"Facilities and the area surrounding campus. Also, the staff and students were very nice and polite"
"The friendliness of the community and how nice the facilities were."
"How the the people and facilities are"
"Everybody was very friendly and everything was very organized and clean"
"The facilities"
"The didactic portion of the program seemed structured well, the area is nice, the campus is nice, the clinic is new, etc etc."
"Chance to look over questions and gather thoughts before answering."
"brand new facilities"
"Friendly staff and faculty. New facilities."
"New facilities"
"New facilities, faculty and students were very warm and friendly"
"How new everything was"
"The interviews were very laidback and the interviewers were all very friendly and helpful"
"the curriculum"
"Everything was new and high tech"
"Loved the campus. It's small and very pretty. They have a flock of geese that lives on campus, and the food at the cafeteria (at least what I had) is awesome. The systems-based curriculum is an obvious plus over the more traditional approach of blunt forcing each individual subject. All of the equipment is going to be brand new, everyone was really friendly, and the downer's grove/lombard area seems to a pretty good area."
"The people you interview with eat lunch with you after so you get to talk to them more."
"The long interview day."
"Long interview day"
"university doesn't participate in mission trips and outreach. You have to do it individually or within clubs."
"That their clinic is about 15 minutes away from the original campus."
"the students were kinda weird in the student panel and didn't seem like they liked it there and were forced to do this"
"Cost lol. But its "normal" for a private school :/ Also the clinic is about 10 mins drive from campus, unlike other schools whose clinic is on campus."
"price point"
"How the clinic is not on campus."
"the cost bby"
"the cost"
"PRICE - Gawd damn!"
"The tuition is a lot, but the facilities and experience might be worth it. I am also concerned about the fact that they just graduated their first dental class in 2015."
"The tuition!!!"
"Nothing, but it was very cold. The weather at the time was below 30F, so make sure you check the weather forecast and pack accordingly."
"The tuition prices. Also, the fact that they haven't graduated a class yet makes me worried to choose them. Another concern is the amount of patients they see. Northwestern and Loyola closed their dental schools and UIC recently downsized all due to not getting enough patients. Is this new school really going to see a large amount of patients in a rich suburb like Downers Grove?"
"Clinic isn't on campus but only 5-10 minutes away"
"None, at this point."
"None of the questions were geared toward dentistry or why I am passionate about going into dentistry. I feel that the admissions representatives did not get to know me on a personal level."
"The program is new."
"Had to sit around for and hour and a half."
"only 1 class"
"COLD and WINDY! The clinic is under construction. Only first year dental students there so far because school is new."
"Cost, Clinic not on campus"
"They want 100k a year for a brand new school with no name, no specialty programs, no clinic, and no stats for boards passing rate."
"Since the school is brand new, the clinic is still in the process of being built and it is located about 1.5 miles off of campus."
"the price"
"Still no clinic, and no idea if there will be a big enough patient base."
"The PRICE, close to 400,000 ouch! Also, the goose poop:)"
"You only get 8 minutes in each room, so not a lot of time to talk."
"To eat breakfast before coming."
"To eat breakfast because interview is at the end of the day"
"you will be doing a lot of walking and standing around. do not wear heels, not even office chunky heels, I had blisters."
"how long the day actually was"
"Not to stick to my prepared answers because you spend most the time trying to remember what you wrote rather than having a conversation with them."
"Schedule of events. They only tell you the time frame you have to be there. (8am-3pm) but we got out about 45mins early."
"clinic is off site"
"it's cold and its kind of a long day"
"the format of the interview/ itinerary of the day"
"Interview format and the agenda... the emails were very vague and not precise."
"Not much"
"It is a panel interview with two faculty and one student. They want you to be as relaxed as possible. They know you can handle the academic aspect of dental school now they just want to get to know you as a person."
"Lots of walking - so heels will hurt"
"The location of the interview. Go to the school website and look at the map if you are have issues with directions!"
"It is MMI style"
"We couldn't bring our notepads into the interview rooms, so it was really hard to get the names of the interviewers."
"Traveling to the school isn't very easy without a cab. If you take the Metra, plan to take a cab from the Downers Grove Metra station to the school. It is 3 miles apart."
"It's difficult to prepare for this type of interview. Just be alert and ready"
"That there is no way to prepare for this interview..."
"The interviewers are very nice and conversational"
"It takes a minute to orient yourself on the campus because of the multitude of buildings. Make sure you have a few minutes to spare when it comes to finding the interview location."
"it was very laid back"
"I was well prepared for the interview and wasn't surprised by anything. I can assure you that reading the information on their website and SDN did help me during the interviews."
"No right or wrong answer"
"They still didn't build their clinic building."
"how many people were going to be there"
"You don't need to know anything ahead of time, stop worrying."
"There is no right or wrong answer."
"The interview is very chill. Very nice people, just treat it like a conversation. It is a very expensive school"
"Great school. Very impressive as expected given the high tuition cost."
"The school has an amazing vibe."
"Although the school is expensive, I can feel that the school cares about its students."
"I was already excited about this school, but the interview process made me learn a lot more about the clinical program and I am even more excited. This was a virtual interview and it went very smoothly. Make sure you have a strong wi-fi connection."
"I had low expectations for this school but I was honestly blown away with what it had to offer. Wear comfortable shoes, there is a lot of walking/going up and down stairs. I wore pretty comfortable boots and my feet were still kinda hurting by the end."
"Really amazing school, the people are as kind as can be and really want to see you succeed, can definitely see where your money is going to"
"the people are really really nice!"
"very nice school; interview seemed more straightforward than conversational"
"No need to be a non-profit and being a killer on price. They can apply for funding from government and offer scholarships to students."
"Be smart at your interview. Remember the entire thing is an interview. Even when you're alone with the students and no faculty. You're representing yourself."
"I really liked the school. The suburban area is nice, the campus is beautiful, the facilities and technology are top-notch. The students were clearly passionate about their school and the professors seemed very approachable!"
"Keep doing you Midwestern"
"Just be true to yourself and adcoms will see that. Worked for me!!!"
"Go in with confidence. They do their interview to test your critical thinking. They want you to form opinions based off of logic, and then evaluate on them."
"Don't stress out over this interview. They already know about how smart and accomplished you are. Just push on ahead and think clearly. This MMI is meant to assess your logical and critical thinking skills. Expect to be taken outside of your comfort zone with these questions, and work on potential follow up questions. In the end, make good conversation with the interviewers."
"Overall great experience"
"It's a really nice school with beautiful campus."
"Great school"
"Get rid of the hour and a half of downtime as well as ask questions which actually pertain to the student being a good applicant/fit for the school."
"Seems like this will be an all-around solid program. I think I will be happy here if I decide to attend."
"Very friendly staff, and nothing to be nervous about."
"new school, but expensive and unproven"
"It was a good experience. I had a good impression about the school overall after my interviews."
"Fun experience, great system"
"Super new equipment but no teaching experience."
"it was a great school and i am really considering it. the interview process was different and interesting. i love the curriculum of the school. facilities are brand new and great."
"Great school, better than my state school for sure, but at a tall price."
"GREAT SCHOOL! And actually liked the interview process."
Response | # Responders |
Student | 10 |
Faculty member | 15 |
Admissions staff | 14 |
Other | 1 |
Response | # Responders |
Enthusiastic | 37 |
Neutral | 2 |
Discouraging | 0 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
9.00 | 43 |
Response | # Responders |
In state | 9 |
Out of state | 31 |
Response | # Responders |
0-1 hour | 9 |
2-3 hours | 7 |
4-6 hours | 13 |
7+ hours | 8 |
Response | # Responders |
Airplane | 20 |
Automobile | 15 |
Train or subway | 1 |
Other | 1 |
O'hare airport
I flew into O'hare. That airport is chaotic.
Response | # Responders |
At school facility | 0 |
With students at the school | 0 |
Friends or family | 1 |
Hotel | 26 |
Home | 5 |
Other | 0 |
Stay Inn
Stay in
Lombard Inn
hyatt place
Holiday Inn Express
America stays
Red Roof Inn
Red roof inn in Downers Grove
Red Roof Inn (they don't have continental breakfast)
Stay Inn
Stay in
Lombard Inn
hyatt place
Holiday Inn Express
America stays
Red Roof Inn
Red roof inn in Downers Grove
Red Roof Inn (they don't have continental breakfast)
Response | # Responders |
< $100 | 9 |
$101-$200 | 2 |
$201-$300 | 9 |
$301-$400 | 3 |
$401-$500 | 6 |
$501+ | 4 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.26 | 43 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.58 | 43 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.42 | 43 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.33 | 43 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
9.02 | 43 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.67 | 43 |
"Be concise in email for interview process e.g. day agenda, interview structure/style"
"Keep it up. I was extremely impressed."
"Have the interviews more throughout the day. For instance, split the interview group up into a few different groups with the same things on the to-do list but doing them at different times. That way all the people interviewing wouldn't be just sitting in a room waiting to interview at the end of the long day of information."
"They are great! They helped me when I had questions."
"Keep it up!"
"Keep up the good work!"
"Give a longer tour of the campus. Eliminate the 1.5 hours of downtime."
"Less down time during the interview, could have taken tours in separate groups while the other group was interviewing"
"Less down time"
"nothing, they are absolutely fantastic!!"
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?