"The clinical training is SUPERB. This is a world-class hospital and clinic with renowned faculty who outnumber the medical students 13 to 1. These physicians love to teach and there is a competitive process to teach medical students. Since the physicians are salaried, they get paid equally if they teach or if they do clinical care, so there is no pressure to churn out patients to ensure a paycheck - therefore they would gladly teach eager young medical students. We are taught mainly by MDs >95% of the time for both our lectures (mornings) and our small groups (afternoons). Anatomy is 7 straight weeks and we never have to go into the cadaver lab again if you don't want to, and we get taught by world famous surgeons during anatomy where they come up to our cadaver and teach us all the relevant structures for that day. We also get strong patient care from year 1. We have a basic doctoring course year one where we learn how to take a history and do a physical on simulated patients, and then we go around the hospital our second year to visit patients and practice our physical exam skills on interesting findings on those patients. We are expected to interview, work up, and present 10 patients to physicians in our second year in our Advanced Doctoring course to learn how to interview and diagnose patients. In terms of research, many of my classmates have published multiple times - we have a classmate who published 21 mostly first-author papers by the time he graduated but it's not uncommon to see medical students graduating with 5-10 publications. I myself will have 6 when I graduate. This is only hitting the tip of the iceberg at how amazing this medical school is and now that I am on the interview trail talking to other medical students at other top institutions, I truly believe Mayo provides the best medical education for those who want to be strong clinicians."
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