How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
1.95 | 19 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 15 |
Negatively | 2 |
No change | 1 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
4.21 | 19 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.79 | 19 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.00 | 19 |
Response | # Responders |
In Person | 1 |
Virtual | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 0 |
15 minutes | 0 |
20 minutes | 2 |
25 minutes | 2 |
30 minutes | 11 |
35 minutes | 0 |
40 minutes | 0 |
45 minutes | 1 |
50 minutes | 0 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 2 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 18 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 16 |
In a group | 3 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 16 |
Closed file | 2 |
Response Average | # Responders |
1.95 | 19 |
"What are your weaknesses and what strategies have you used to overcome them?"
"Tell me about yourself"
"Why Notre Dame"
"time management?"
"why is pharmacy?"
"Tell me about yoursel!f"
"What is one thing about Pharmacy that you would least like it?"
"Why pharmacy, why Notre Dame?"
"What was your biggest achievement?"
"Why pharmacy and why Notre Dame?"
"How do you study?"
"Group work experience"
"Why pharmacy?"
"something bout a class i did bad in"
"So how did you end up here?"
"Tell me what you know about pharmacy. Then the interviewer went into more specific questions regarding my experience working in the pharmacy. What did you observe about the pharmacist you worked with?? What did you like or not like about the profession?"
"Describe a situation whereby you overcame a challenge"
"Why pharmacy of course!"
"What do you consider your purpose of life?"
"What is an area of weakness for you?"
"What was your biggest challenge?"
"What is my greatest achievement?"
"Have you had any mistakes working in a pharmacy and what did you do to correct them?"
"Communication conflicts in your life"
"Why Notre Dame?"
"why pharmacy"
"Give an example of communication conflict and you resolved it"
"Give an example of a communication conflict and how did you resolve it?"
"What does professionalism mean to you?"
"Why Notre Dame"
"What are my goals as a Pharm D."
"Do you like working in a group?"
"From there it probably depends on what you put in your application materials. They seemed very interested in getting to know you so I am sure this would vary in each interview. If you want to prepare then make sure you give some thought to why you are really doing this and really consider what steps you have or are taking to endure that you will have the stamina and determination to complete 4 rigourous years. e"
"Your biggest mistake/difficult time?"
"How well do you work in a group and what role do you usually take when working in a group?"
"Why Pharmacy, why Notre Dame?"
"Which field of pharmacy are you interested in?"
"What are some negatives of working in a group?"
"Why pharmacy, why Notre Dame"
"Tell me about your expriences and goals. (Following along my personal statement)"
"group work stuffs"
"What was your biggest mistake"
"What was the most difficult situation you were in? How did u handle it?"
"The interview is now over. What would you like us to leave with?"
"If I have money and time what I would like to do with those?"
"Why did you choose pharmacy over medical school?"
"What do you think a pharmacist actually does?"
"Purpose of life?"
"How do you want us to remember you? (like what makes you stand out)"
"What motivates you to get up and go to work every day?"
"What would you do if someone says that you are not qualified to do something."
"Same as the difficult question."
"Why Notre Dame"
"They ask you all the basic questions, nothing to difficult as long as you know what you want to say."
"What other schools have you applied to?"
"Negatives of pharmacy"
"Either who is your role model and why, or the question regarding a class in which I"
"What was you biggest challenge?"
"They asked questions based on your previous answers."
"Name something you failed at"
"something bout a class i did bad in"
"(A question relating to my personal statement). How can you convince your grandma (whom always depended on herbal remedies) that Western medicine will be effective... considering that you have no evidence that it works? (I totally blanked out and mumbled out some jumbo that made no sense)"
"I reviewed the school's website and practiced my answers to challenging questions found on SDN. Got tips from current pharmacy and medical students."
"I did research and read a lot about the school"
"I practiced the questions posted on this website."
"I read about the school. I did a mock interview. I considered the normal questions like why pharmacy and why I would be a good pharmacist."
"SDN, practiced with family members"
"SDN, internet articles on school"
"SDN. previous interview experiences."
"had 2 interviews before that, den practiced more questions"
"sdn, mocked interviews w/ friends"
"Read SDN, practice with friends and family"
"Their positive decorum and thorough analysis of me as a candidate. There was a genuine interest in who I was as it related to their school values and the career of pharmacy."
"Faculty was extremely caring and definitely want the best for you; small school size"
"The faculty, the school is extremely modern, even thought is located in an university founded in 1845"
"the faculty and staff are extremely nice. They truly want you to be their student. Compared to other shools, this one provides necessary information for selecting a pharmacy school. a detailed presentation is given about the school curriculum, financial aid, and housing. I walk out with all questions answered. the pharmacy building is brand new."
"The curriculum is much more modernized than other schools, in a very good way. You start getting field experience in a pharmacy in the first year and you continue to get more and more experience every year."
"The campus, building and all the people were wonderful. I could tell the school is united under the leadership of Dr, Lin about building an excellent program that produces altruistic, compassionate and well-trained pharmacists. I was absolutely stunned to meet the Dean Dr. Lin. It is very clear that she sets high standards of professional dress, integrity and performance. She encouraged us that it is a process. I found her to be very interesting to listen to and whether I am able to attend this school or not, I will not soon forget this inspiring leader in pharmacy."
"Faculty, Curriculum, & Campus"
"Everyone in the college is very nice and welcoming."
"Everyone was very friendly and made you feel welcome."
"The admission office ppl are very very nice."
"The whole interview day activities. They make sure you get a feel of the university, unlike some schools which conduct an interview and essay and have you go home."
"friendliness, area"
"People are really nice and always ready to listen to you. "
"the faculty was professional"
"Faculty and staff are very friendly"
"Faculty was very professional and nice. Curriculum allows you to work with a patient starting year 1 (kind of neat). Campus is in the nicer part of Baltimore, a couple of blocks away from other universities (John Hopkins, U. of Maryland, Loyola), 10 minutes away from the beautiful harbor."
"The whole day was terribly long and negatively affected my overall decision and perception of the school."
"The lack of professionalism the interviewers had."
"tuition is $34,000 per year. this is more than other schools."
"The tuition was higher than I expected. They really emphasize doing EVERYTHING in group work."
"I was discouraged to not be able to see much of the actually classroom space except through doors but in fairness to the school, this was a regular school day and it appeared many classes were actually having tests. This did not actually impress me negatively, it just disappointed me."
"I was confused with the format as it said we had 3 interviews but in actual, it was 3 interview groups and we had to go to only one of them. - it confused a lot of people who held some their questions to ask in next rounds - but there weren't any."
"They haven't finished building the main pharmacy building yet."
"The whole process was a bit long. There was a powerpoint presentation on "what roles pharmacists play" and "what Notre Dame looks for in students." They also went over what FAFSA is, which I thought pointless. The school is still under construction."
"Must be in professional clothing everyday. Pharmacy labs/study rooms were in the basement of the building."
"only graduate health program on campus"
"the buildings were still under construction and the library is not as big as i thought considering it is shared with loyola college"
"pharmacy building still under construction"
"It rained that day. Pharmacy building was still under construction."
"I wish I had known it was an open-file interview and that I was going to be interviewed by many faculty and staff."
"I wish I had known not to be too nervous, the interview was very relaxed. They want to accept you."
"I should have eaten more breakfast."
"They asked some real deep questions about my personal statement and general questions about some bad grades."
"I wish I would have known how laid back the interview would seem, I was too nervous"
"They are still working on their curriculum. Many things are up in the air."
"The school is pretty big and has many buildings so I had hard time finding the building and the right place to park. "
"Traffic in Baltimore sucks."
"Overall, a positive interview despite it being a bit challenging. If you prepare sufficiently and know why you want to go into the field of pharmacy, you will be happy with the outcome of your interview. Staff/faculty are all very kind, professional and welcoming. Campus is also very beautiful."
"If you want to study in a school with a vision and mission on helping the less favored communities this is your school"
"They interview day was very informative and I am glad I went! I wasn't sure what to expect from such a new school but I was pleasantly surprised after seeing the school and meeting some of the students."
"This is a great school. Definately put it on your list of schools to consider for pharmacy school."
"Even though I had an interview on a week day, I didnt see many students on the campus the whole time I was there (except for 2 first year students we chatted with). Also, there was no tour, but that's okay as it was very cold and I was tired after being there for 5 hours!"
"Overall I really liked the school, everyone was nice and welcoming and made sure all of your questions were answered"
"Mr. Shattuck is really welcoming and nice. The recruiting coordinator was also welcoming and nice."
"There is an open and closed file interview"
"Overall it went okay. They said that it would be 30 min. interview but it didn't seem like that long. It was a fun time talking about myself based on what I put on my personal statement. "
"There was no writing portion."
Response | # Responders |
Student | 2 |
Faculty member | 3 |
Admissions staff | 11 |
Other | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
Enthusiastic | 14 |
Neutral | 2 |
Discouraging | 0 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.00 | 17 |
Response | # Responders |
In state | 8 |
Out of state | 9 |
Response | # Responders |
0-1 hour | 8 |
2-3 hours | 6 |
4-6 hours | 2 |
7+ hours | 1 |
Response | # Responders |
Airplane | 3 |
Automobile | 12 |
Train or subway | 1 |
Other | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
At school facility | 0 |
With students at the school | 0 |
Friends or family | 1 |
Hotel | 5 |
Home | 4 |
Other | 0 |
Double Tree
Mount Vernon Hotel
Double Tree
Mount Vernon Hotel
Response | # Responders |
< $100 | 3 |
$101-$200 | 2 |
$201-$300 | 2 |
$301-$400 | 0 |
$401-$500 | 0 |
$501+ | 1 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.32 | 19 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.79 | 19 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.16 | 19 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.58 | 19 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
9.00 | 19 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.42 | 19 |
"It would be nice to experience a least 10 minutes of class, or lab class as well."
"Interview day was way too long! Please shorten it. We do not need to have all of those presentations. We just want to go for the interview then get out of there."
"I thought Mr. Epps and Mr. Shattuck did a lot to make the process enjoyable and to enfuse us with confidence before we went into our interviews. Their office made us feel how pleased they were to have the opportunity to interview us them. What a pleasant experience. To change the kind of name tags next time is the only suggestion I can even think of. It was a great experience. I encourage the students think of applying at Notre Dame to do it. This is a warm friendly environment. The team interviewing process was very comfortable. The whole process left me with a very favorable feeling about this school."
"Extremely polite & kind people."
"The whole process was a bit too long."
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?