School Stats
- Resident Tuition $37,341
- Non - Resident Tuition $49,993
- Application Fee $0
- LIZZYM Score N/A
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Admissions Information
- Portland, OR
- United States
School Overview
Oregon Health Sciences University Fast Facts
School Info
- Average overall GPA of 3.65
- Average science GPA of 3.56
- Average MCAT scores of:
- 9.9 in Verbal Reasoning
- 10.1 in Physical Sciences
- 10.7 in Biological Sciences
- Q in Writing Sample
Highlights of the curriculum include: * Centralized responsibility * Integrated and multi-disciplinary basic science courses with enhanced clinical relevance and logical sequencing * Lecture and non- lecture learning balanced in half day sessions * Courses in a series to avoid competing with other courses * Instructional objective-based education * Early and longitudinal clinical preceptorship * Core clerkships completed during third year * Ambulatory and primary care strongly emphasized * Primary care clerkships linked sequentially * Required clinical experience in a rural and/or medically underserved area * Continuity Curriculum in the third year * Advanced clerkships in fourth year * Transition courses bridge curriculum * Performance based assessment of students utilizing standardized patients * Internet- based courses and curriculum evaluation Year One * Transition to Medical School * Gross Anatomy, Imaging and Embryology * Cell Structure & Function * Systems Processes and Homeostasis * Biological Basis of Disease * Principles of Clinical Medicine & Preceptorship Year Two * Circulation * Metabolism * Neurosciences & Behavior * Blood * Human Growth and Development * Principles of Clinical Medicine & Preceptorship Year Three * Transition to Clerkships * Internal Medicine * Family Medicine * Pediatrics I * Ob-Gyn * Surgery I * Psychiatry * Rural Primary Care * Third Year Continuity Curriculum Seminars Year Four - 4 week clerkships * Surgery Subspecialty * Pediatrics II * Neurology * Subinternship * ICU * Electives * Transition to Residency
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