How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
2.05 | 73 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 66 |
Negatively | 2 |
No change | 4 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
4.19 | 73 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.36 | 73 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.34 | 73 |
Response | # Responders |
In Person | 0 |
Virtual | 2 |
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 0 |
15 minutes | 1 |
20 minutes | 4 |
25 minutes | 9 |
30 minutes | 45 |
35 minutes | 9 |
40 minutes | 4 |
45 minutes | 1 |
50 minutes | 0 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 68 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 3 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 60 |
In a group | 13 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 61 |
Closed file | 9 |
Response Average | # Responders |
2.05 | 73 |
"Tell us what inspired you to be a veterinarian."
"Tell us about yourself + why vet med?"
"Tell us about yourself"
"Why veterinary medicine?"
"Leadership experience"
"Why do you want to be a vet and how have your experiences helped you understand the profession better"
"Why veterinary medicine"
"Heres the situation: a student in an anatomy group is hogging the project and the other students aren't learning because of this. What would you do to calm the situation if you were the faculty member talking to the student, the student hogging the project, and the other students in the group?"
"Name a time either in school, work, or life that you had to be flexible and what did you learn from it?"
"A scenario question about hoarding time during a dissection lab"
"Talk about a time you had to be flexible"
"Tell us about a time you were a leader or had to help a leader."
"How do you manage stress?"
"In your leadership roles, what do you do to manage conflict?"
"What is a zoononic disease and can you give us an example."
"What is an example of a time you have failed, and what did you do about it?"
"Describe a time you were a leader and how you used that leadership to solve a problem."
"What is your background like?"
"How do you artificially inseminate a mare and what ovulating agents do you use?"
"How do you deal with failure and what does failure mean to you?"
""Why did you take target archery and what did you learn that you can apply to vet med?""
"What is a current problem in the veterinary field?"
"What are global impacts of veterinary medicine?"
"All of the questions were very applicant specific."
"Tell us something unique about yourself that was not in your file."
"Do you have any livestock experience?"
"How did you become involved in ____ ? (For me the question was regarding a unique job in music I had)."
"Tell us about an experience that had a positive impact on you."
"Name some current global issues in veterinary medicine, and discuss one in detail."
"We mostly talked about my personal experiences and what sorts of skills I've gained from them. Make sure you review your VMCAS so you remember what you put on there."
"Why do you want to be a vet?"
"When did you decide you wanted to become a veterinarian?"
"They asked me a lot about my specific experiences!"
"What is antisedan and what was the drug used?"
"Tell me about you experience with the mobile equine vet."
"Tell me five current events surrounding veterinarians and protecting the public health globally?"
"What is going on in the world of veterinary medicine currently? (they pressed me for like 3-4 seperate issues)"
"Tell us why you would like to be a veterinarian."
"List 3-5 global impacts of veterinary medicine."
"Why veterinary medicine over your first college major? (Pharmacy)"
"Name 5 global veterinary problems."
"About how veterinary medicine is a global profession and to name several current events if I could"
"What roles do veterinarians play other than clinician?"
"What is BSE?"
"Why did you choose the Undergraduate college that you choose?"
"Why do you want to be a veterinarian?"
"What sorts of diseases did you see at this particular animal clinic?"
"Was there anything that we didn't cover that you wanted to make sure we were aware of?"
"What do you do to help you handle stressful situations?"
"Talk about some of the roles veterinarians can play in global issues."
"Tell me about your experience with freshwater fish. (Be prepared to defend everything in your supplement)"
"Tell me about the Barnes Maze (specific to my research)."
"Why did you choose
"Tell me about a situation in which you had to take a leadership position. What qualities are important in a leader? In a group situation, do you usually jump in and take the leadership position, or do you sit back and let others lead? What is your role?"
"Tell us about your research."
"Tell me about yourself."
"How do you run a heartworm test?"
"Why veterinary medicine and why a veterinary degree?"
"Tell me about yourself and include things that were not on the application."
"What is your game plan for dealing with the stress vet students feel?"
"How will you reconcile the time commitment of wanting to be a food animal vet, and also wanting to be involved in farming yourself? (I didn't answer that well. Nerves!)"
"What kind of anesthesia gas did you use when you were monitoring surgeries?"
"Describe your path to veterinary medicine (I have a non-traditional background, so this was my first question)"
"Explain more about... (research experience, reference, etc.)."
"An older couple comes in with an older dog with behavioral problems. They are moving into a nursing home and want you to euthanize their dog. The dog is healthy. What do you do?"
"This interview was a while ago so I don't remember too many of the questions :( Tell me about Proposition 2 in California and Issue 2 in Ohio. (I attended undergrad in California)"
"Why are vets important for people? What jobs can they get involved in? What's an example of a government job? What do they do?"
"Tell us about yourself."
"What are some swine diseases that pigs are vaccinated against?"
"Tell us about a time when you were a leader."
"Leadership style"
"Describe a time you were a leader or had to help a leader"
"A time in work, personal life, or academics where you have had to be flexible and what did you learn from it?"
"Anatomy lab scenario question"
"How have you taken a leadership role or helped a leader?"
"Tell us about a time you were a leader or had to help a leader... and then they must have not been satisfied with my answer and kept asking me details about how this led to actions that impacted a result"
"Name a time you were a leader or supportive of a leader?"
"How do you handle stress'?"
"Discuss a time you helped a leader"
"Talk about a time you showed leadership"
"Tell us about a time you had to be flexible, due to events that were out of your control."
"Describe a time you had to be flexible."
"Describe a situation where you were in a leadership position?"
"How do you manage stress?"
"What does failure mean to you? Describe a time when you failed at something"
"Name a time that you have been a leader and explain what the results were."
"Define failure and describe a time you experienced failure."
"What have you heard from other students about what a day in the life of an OSU student is?"
"Tell me about yourself"
"Tell us about a case you saw with the vet and what it taught you?"
""Why vet med?""
"Tell us about your experience at (XYZ clinic)."
"(Referring to a tutoring job I listed in my application) What skills did you learn from this that you could apply to being a veterinarian?"
"What is a typical day like or what do you typically see at your clinic (work related experience)?"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"How do you manage stress? Do you find that you're able to set aside that time for yourself on a consistent basis?"
"Tell us about your research."
"Tell us about yourself."
"Discuss some current issues in veterinary medicine/global impacts of vet med. (They didn't ask me for lots of examples, we just talked about zoonoses because I work in wildlife.)"
"Why OSU? (As an OOS)"
"Name current events in veterinary medicine and elaborate on a few."
"How do you feel about tail docking, ear cropping, and declawing? (it came up in the conversation)"
"What is the difference between animal welfare and animal rights and which one is a veterinarian involved with?"
"Asked me about specific incidences on my application under some of my experiences."
"How do you handle doing so many different things?"
"What did you learn in your experience doing (insert unique experience here)?"
"List/discuss 3-5 global veterinary issues"
"Why do you want to be a veterinarian?"
"How I handle stress"
"Tell me about zoonotic diseases and what can be done to prevent them."
"What are 5 current global issues in vet med?"
"Describe the PSEO program"
"What are a few current issues facing veterinary medicine? Expand on at least one."
"If an old couple came in wanting to put their 4-year old cat down, what would you do?"
"Describe a challenge you encountered and how you dealt with it personally."
"How do you properly bandage a horse's leg?"
"Have you seen any recent news that could relate to veterinary medicine, for example, on CNN?"
"How do you cope in a difficult situation?"
"Tell us one of your weaknesses
"Asked about zoonoses and then asked about what I would warn a mother/pregnant woman with a new puppy about in terms of zoonotics (I think mainly because they'd asked me about parasites and fecals already)"
"What type of situations make you stressed and what outward signs do you show when you are stressed"
"Why are you leaving your current career/what did you like/dislike about it?"
"Describe a stressful situation in your life and how you handled it."
"How do you determine when euthanasia is the best option for a patient?"
"Tell me about a recent time when you solved a problem in a manner that was outside your comfort zone."
"Tell us five current events that relate to veterinary medicine."
"What are some different areas one can get involved in with a DVM degree? (i.e. different careers outside SA clinical practice)"
"How do you deal with stress?"
"What are three recent (in the last year) events pertaining to veterinary medicine?"
"What are 3 relevant issues in veterinary medicine facing us today?"
"What is the most interesting case you've seen in the practice where you work?"
"What is something you wish we would have asked you that we didn't get to?"
"What is an important issue facing vets? How would you go about achieving it?"
"What is a disease transmittable from animals to humans? Give us an example or 2. Ok, tell us more about them."
"What is the term for an animal disease transferable to humans? Give examples."
"Tell us about a time you had to be flexible."
"A time when you had to adapt"
"Describe a time you were flexible"
"A time when you have been a leader or helped a leader?"
"Tell me about a time you have had to be flexible?"
"Name a time either in school, work, or life that you had to be flexible and what did you learn from it?"
"Tell me about how you came to veterinary medicine?"
"What field of veterinary medicine are you most interested in?"
"Talk about a time you had to be leader or helped a leader."
"Tell us about your background."
"What was an interesting case you have seen? Describe"
"Name 3 issues that will affect veterinary medicine in the coming years and elaborate on one of them."
"How don you plan on dealing with your debt after you graduate?"
"What sort of research have you been involved in?"
"What will you do if you don't get in"
"3-5 international or national events, elaborate on one or two"
"They asked about global health and One Health."
"Tell us about a specific case you have seen during shadowing at the vet clinic, and what it taught you."
"What do you plan to do if you are not accepted?"
"Why would you choose Ohio State over other schools you applied to?"
"What are some current vet issues?"
"Tell us about a conflict you've had with a professor or peer, and how you resolved it."
"Tell us about a time when you were very stressed, how did you deal with it?"
"What do you see yourself doing with your degree? Specifically what area of vet med do you want to enter and what other things do you want to accomplish outside of practicing (mentoring, volunteer work, etc)."
"Tell me about your experience with X."
"What are zoonotic diseases and name a few found in animal hospitals."
"What are some global issues that involve the veterinary profession (3-5)?"
"Describe what One Health means?"
"Global impacts of vet med (3-6)"
"Name one thing/trait that you would like to emulate that you learned from your mentor. Name one thing/trait that you would not emulate from your mentor."
"How do you deal with stress? Is there a time you responded negatively? (be honest!!)"
"Why Ohio State (as an OOS applicant)?"
"What are zoonotic diseases?"
"Tell us more about your non-profit wildlife rescue"
"Tell us about your trip to China. (I went for 12 days over the summer in high school)"
"How was your trip to the Netherlands?"
"What are other professions that veterinarians may pursue aside from medical care for animals?"
"What are some global issues veterinarians are involved in?"
"What are some of the issues that animal shelters deal with? (I had a lot of hours in a shelter)"
"Do you think doctors have a role in veterinary medicine? (There was a heavy emphasis on the connections between all health fields)"
"What would you like to focus your career on?"
"Describe how veterinarians can play a role on the world stage."
"How do you perform a fecal analysis and what does a roundworm look like (because I had listed that in my skills.. and no I didn't remember what it looked like lol)"
"Why did you choose veterinary medicine when you could have easily gone to medical school with your background experiences?"
"What are some current events relating to veterinary medicine?"
"You mentioned in your application that you are good at negotiating and managing people. Elaborate on this."
"What are your opinions on open versus closed animal shelters? (I'd volunteered in an animal shelter)"
"Vet school can be very stressful. How do you deal with stress?"
"What is the infectious agent in mad-cow disease?"
"Do you like Columbus so far? (I answered, "No," and I still got accepted to the school. They commiserated w/me about rush hour traffic, which unfortunately was my first impression of the city.)"
"What exactly did you do at the small animal clinic? Did you have interactions with the clients?"
"Describe a case that you went through with a veterinarian. What were the steps taken and what was the outcome?"
"Tell us about yourself"
"What is an aspect of animal welfare that you would change? Why did Proposition 2 get such high attention from the media? What do you think about tail docking in dogs vs large animals? Why do dairy cows get their tails docked?"
"What frustrates you?"
"Name a pathogen that is currently affecting many countries."
"The anatomy scenario question"
"Follow up question to leadership question"
"Scenario: you are in anatomy lab and a student is monopolizing the project. How would you respond as the monopolizer, the other students, and the professor"
"scenario question"
"Scenario: You're in your first year of vet school and you're in anatomy lab. There is a group of students doing dissections and there is a student who is monopolizing dissecting and the other group members are upset about it. What would you do if you were in the position of: a. the faculty member running the lab b. the student who is monopolizing the dissection c. one of the upset group members""
"Scenario: You're in your first year of vet school and you're in anatomy lab. There is a group of students doing dissections and there is a student who is monopolizing dissecting and the other group members are upset about it. What would you do if you were in the position of: a. the faculty member running the lab b. the student who is monopolizing the dissection c. one of the upset group members"
"How do I manage conflict"
"What roles do veterinarians play in society (other than the obvious caring for animals)?"
"What would you do if you worked for a veterinarian who did not believe in declawing, and you had a client that wanted her cat declawed? What would you say to her?"
"How do you know you would do well at OSU?"
"Name a time you had to step up as a leader"
"They were all what I expected."
"Asking about one of my cases and what I learned from it"
"What do you know about horse slaughter?"
"What is a zoonotic disease? Give a couple of examples."
"What recent books have you read?"
"In your role as a music teacher have you come to view your own teachers and professors in a different way?"
"Do you know any protozoal diseases dogs and/ or cats can get? [after discussing my research on ruminant protozoa]"
"Talk about a specific case you observed in your small animal clinic. How would you personally have handled this case?"
"What stresses you/how do you deal with stress?"
"How do you feel about core versus non-core vaccines?"
"How a specific club I was involved in (comedy club) prepared me for veterinary school."
"Why did you apply to Ohio State? Why might you come here as an OOS applicant?"
"What is the difference between anesthetizing a large animal versus a small animal?"
"Tell me about an interesting case you observed in x setting (somewhere I interned)."
"They had me ask them about the school and gave me an opportunity to see what I was in for"
"After answering a question about a difficult time in my life and how I handled it, they asked me what I learned from that experience and how would I handle a similar situation today?"
"What role do you think a veterinarian should play in a community?"
"Anything we should know about you that's not listed on your application? I took this opportunity to talk about my hobbies."
"Tell me about zoonotic diseases and what can be done to prevent them."
"What options are available to a client who cannot afford emergency surgery?"
"What has been your favorite volunteering experience?"
"What are some global issues veterinarians are involved in?"
"What would you do if an aggressive dog at a shelter was up for adoption and a family with children wanted to adopt it? What is involved in temperament testing? (related to experience)"
"I see that you travel a lot. Where did you travel to in Ireland while you were studying abroad?"
"Tell us about a time where you had to be innovative or do something outside of your comfort zone"
"Tell us about a nasty patient you have encountered (I work at a human medical practice as well) and how you dealt with it."
"What were some of your responsibilities at [a particular veterinary experience]?"
"Pretend I'm a state senator and you're my science advisor. What will you tell me to convince me to give money to vet met over other places?"
"Should food-borne illnesses be eradicated? (It was neat because my interviewer explained that Sweden has made a concerted effort to eliminate Salmonella in recent years)"
"Tell me about a time when you made a split-second decision that you looked back on and said "I used really good judgment.""
"How did your experience on the dairy farm in New Zealand change you in ways other than those that relate to vet med?"
"Why do sheep make a good model for orthopaedic research? (This was specific to my work experience.)"
"Describe a case that you went through with a veterinarian. What were the steps taken and what was the outcome?"
"What was a time that you were most challenged and how did you overcome that?"
"Vet school is very academically challenging. Tell us about a time when you had to use coping mechanisms to deal with a particular situation"
"Ugh I don't remember most of them!"
"If an old couple wanted to put down their 4 year old cat, what would you do? What if it wasn't 4 years old?"
"Tell us about Australia."
"You are a recent vet grad working in a SA hospital. It is close to closing time and someone comes in with their dog who has been hit by a car and has a diaphgramatic hernia. You have not done the procedure before, the vet who owns the hospital is not there and not accessible by phone. The dog will die without surgery and requires immediate attention. What do you do?"
"The anatomy scenario question"
"Situational judgement question"
"Scenario question about anatomy lab"
"Scenario question"
"None, it all seemed like a nice conversation and the questions seemed more like openers for discussion."
"How do I manage conflict (they kept going deeper and deeper)"
"After answers what current events I thought veterinarians were involved in they asked: What do you think will have the most effect on the veterinary profession in the next few years?"
"Walk me through a procedure that you have watched a veterinarian perform, using technical terms whenever possible."
"What are some current issues in veterinary medicine?"
"What's something not your application you want us to know"
"All were really okay."
"Explaining the abbreviation of a surgery"
"Toss up between: 1) Explaining a surgery that I had said I have observed, and 2) About specific things in an article I had written 3-4 years ago!"
"Name 5 major veterinary issues."
"After I had named several global vet issues, I was asked to name a specific, current one in the U.S. that was "in the news." I had spent so much time reading about international vet issues that I forgot to read about US current topics."
"If you were organizing a county fair involving pigs, and were in charge of preventing an outbreak of swine flu, what are some things you could do?"
"If you had to separate several horses from a herd to examine them, what two people would you bring with you to help, what role would you take on, and how would you do it? It was an easy question to answer, it was just worded strangely and I didn't quite understand what they were getting at at first. Especially since they started the question with, "So we've offered you a place in the class of 2017, congratulations." Instead of "imagine...""
"None... I felt prepared"
"If a client's animal died under anesthesia and you were the veterinarian how would you tell the client? (related to the conversation, but still a tricky question to answer)"
"How do you feel about euthanizing healthy animals? (The example was an animal with behavioral problems)"
"None were particularly difficult"
"Global impacts of vet med (3-6) they continued to want more information till I could no longer give any."
"Asking about issues in veterinary medicine around the world."
"What would I bring to the veterinary profession?"
"I was asked about how I drew blood/restrained birds. Given that I had done neither, I politely informed the interviewers of this fact and they quickly steered the topic back to a skill on my supplemental that I had listed (a deliberate miscue on their part to gauge my reaction perhaps.)"
"Describe in detail how you splint an animals leg (it was in my supplemental application that I had done that)"
"Why should we choose you over another applicant?"
"Name 3-5 ways vets are involved globally and go into depth for one of your examples."
"None of them were particularly challenging. Asked me a question about mice I couldn't answer, but I explained that my role in the lab was more benchwork than animal care and that seemed to satisfy them."
"Besides ethical and moral issues, what are some of the other effects of the ban on horse slaughter? (Looking for some mention of economic issues, I think)"
"Tell me about the impact veterinarians have on a global scale."
"Name 5 global jobs vets have and go in depth on one or two."
"Explain ways in which veterinarians can aid in bioterrorism prevention."
"Tell us about a time where you had to be innovative or do something outside of your comfort zone"
"Tell us about a time when you had very little information, but you had to react fast to the situation."
"What are the financial implications of going to vet school?"
"Pretend I'm a state senator and you're my science advisor. What will you tell me to convince me to give money to vet met over other places?"
"I was asked to elaborate upon a comment I had made in my supp app that said it can be difficult to reconcile veterinary science with the personal beliefs of clients. I must have answered satisfactorily but at the time I felt like I bumbled my answer."
"Name 5 current events that deal with veterinary medicine and elaborate on the one you know the most about."
"How do you deal with interpersonal conflict? What if you can't "agree to disagree"?"
"Tell us about yourself. This was the first question and, when nervous, I think it's the most difficult to answer well w/out rambling and/or emphasizing the wrong things. I talked much more about my interest in farming than about my interest in vet med, although I think my presence there made the latter obvious."
"How would I know if you are stressed? What signs do you show? Have you ever had an incident where you just couldnt handle it anymore and blew up?"
"How do you function as a leader when your team is not supportive? (Specifically asking me about my team leadership in my capstone project)"
"How have you demonstrated leadership qualities?"
"Tell us about a time when you had to think outside the box to fix a problem"
"How many animals get euthanized a year? Why so many in the US? Well in Spain they don't spay/neuter their animals and there isn't an overpopulation problem. Why is that?"
"When is a time you had to step up and take control of a situation? How did you handle it?"
"How can vet med affect our health?(I think this is what she was asking, but I was completely confused by what she meant, even after clarification.)"
"I looked at the SDN, did a mock interview, and had discussions with current students."
"SDN questions"
"SDN, researching the school"
"SDN, reflecting on my own experiences, rereading my VMCAS essays, preparing for mock questions"
"By going over SDN and facebook group."
"SDN, internet searches, having an idea of what I would say to common questions, knowing what I put on my application"
"SDN, talked to OSU grads and students"
"I studied previous questions and went over my application I submitted through VMCAS since it's open file. However, the questions submitted here by others were not asked. There was nothing specific to my file that was asked in the interview."
"SDN, practice interview with other applicants"
"SND, mock interview, sample questions"
"SDN, basic interview prep, reviewed VMCAS essays"
"I researched about the college and looked over my application packet."
"Read example questions"
"Talked to a current vet student, looked over my application, prepared answers to sample questions, looked up current events in vet med and global issues"
"Read veterinary articles"
"Talked to other students, researched the curriculum of the school, thought through some common vet school interview questions."
"SDN and talking to myself in the car"
"Review Student doctor network and did mock interviews"
"SDN, VMCAS, school website, welcome dinner the night before"
"Read JAVMA article archives, went over personal statement."
"This website, otherwise notecards with possible questions"
"Reviewed the website, all of my application materials, and also reviewed current news in veterinary medicine. Also practiced my answers for basic interview questions."
"I looked on their website to come up with some questions to ask them about the school, and I prepared answers to some general interview questions found online."
"1) Reviewed questions on SDN. 2) Made sure I knew my personal statement and everything on it well (Most helpful!)"
"read through SDN feedback"
"Read SDN questions, practiced interviewing aloud with my parents, talked out difficult questions aloud in the car during my commute, drafted a response to the necessary question "Why do you want to be a vet?" which they didn't ask."
"Read previous interview feedback on SDN, talked to current students, reviewed my application/ personal statement, went to an interview workshop hosted by my college at OSU."
"Reading SDN interview feedback, reading AVMA legislation, reading the OSU vet med website, talking to previous grad."
"Reviewed my app and questions on SDN."
"SDN and mock interviews"
"Read current events and SDN!"
"SDN! I also did a mock interview at my undergrad."
"SDN and deep breathing"
"Looking at the questions on SDN and reviewing my application"
"I made sure I knew in detail about everything I mentioned as experience in my applications (to school and to VMCAS)."
"Looked on SDN and reviewed my application"
"I read through my VMCAS and supplemental applications, did mock interviews, and consulted current vet students about their experiences interviewing at Ohio State."
"Read over previous questions on SDN, got LOTS of sleep! Just RELAX and be yourself!"
"SDN Feedback"
"I read all I could about the school and I reviewed my application intensively so as to not be caught off-guard by anything I wrote."
"Reviewed my application and personal statement"
"Read through past interview questions"
"Read over my application and other questions posted on SDN"
"I reread my Personal Statement and Supplemental Application essay. Make sure you go over everything on there! Also, be prepared to explain the weaknesses in your application. I read up on current events but they didn't ask me about any."
"Reviewed all application materials that were submitted."
"Read application. Looked at current events."
"Went through questions on SDN and prepared answers for some of them, read up on recent news..."
"Read my application and essays."
"Went over other questions that had been asked previously, reviewed my applications and my research."
"Looked over questions from people who had interviewed previously, spoke with a career counselor regarding dress and interview techniques, tried to remember to breathe regularly (oxygen is important)"
"Read SDN and talked to a friend of mine who goes to Ohio State. I looked up a lot of current events but they didn't ask me about them at all except for a question on zoonoses that wasn't really about current events."
"SDN interview feedback, current student feedback"
"SDN, checked up on current events, practiced with friends and family, typed up answers"
"Reading up about the school, preparing for specific "standard" questions, taking deep breaths!"
"Had a mock interview, talked through a number of SDN questions, read up on current events, AVMA news, my applications and essays, some old personal reflection essays, practiced with my dad on the drive out, and kept telling myself how excited i was, lol"
"I had a mock interview, attended a pre-interview workshop with one of the interviewers, read SDN, and spoke with people who had already interviewed."
"Read up on current events, reviewed my application essays, wrote out answers to commonly asked questions."
"reviewed my vmcas & suppl. app. Repeated visits to & DVM360 for current events, although I was never asked about current events."
"I read SDN and talked out loud to answer the questions."
"Read the interview feedback, read about other people who interviewed and the questions they got, practiced with friends, and used my university's interview preparation workshop"
"Feedback interview questions, some mock interview."
"reread my essays, read SDN, thought about some situational scenarios from my past that I might use"
"Read SDN, researched current issues in vet med (good thing too since I was asked about it!), practiced/wrote down general question answers."
"Read current events, looked at interview feedback, looked over my application"
"SDN, relaxed, looked around the school's website, read over my application and supplemental. Mock interview, practiced answering questions."
"Read responses on SDN, looked up current events through AVMA."
"The feeling of the interview and how positive the interviewers seemed to be."
"Well organized"
"Inclusion of students in the interview process"
"very friendly interviewers (2 alum)"
"The school is so nice, remodeled, and clean."
"The dinner beforehand, the facilities the school has"
"The interviewers escorted us to our interview rooms instead of someone else, so we got to talk to the interviewers before the actual interview began, which took away a lot of the anxiety and stress. The interviewers also weren't blank faced the entire time like in other interviews. Mine also took me on a quick 5-10 minute tour after my interview to one of the labs we didn't get to see during the school tour."
"The dinner beforehand, how welcoming everyone was"
"How laid back it was"
"The dinner the evening before"
"The faculty are wonderful land facilities look amazing. They seem to be VERY open to change, and not stuck in the past."
"The laid- back demeanor of the interview."
"OSU has a dinner and they really try to make you comfortable"
"The interviewers told me what they found impressive about my application and did their best to put me at ease."
"The facilities, people and the city. The dinner banquet was a nice touch too"
"At the dinner and during the day they made us feel very comfortable"
"Admissions was so smooth, everyone was super friendly. Equine hospital was amazing. Love global health impact and the business minor option."
"Friendliness of the faculty and current students"
"The staff is very nice and helpful and respond to emails almost immediately."
"The staff"
"The campus"
"The friendliness of faculty and students, size of the campus, opportunities available, Big Sib program, clubs and organizations, and One Health!"
"Students were super friendly and nice. The professors also seemed really willing to help students out."
"The time given to mingle with current students, ask questions, the Q and A panel, and the overall friendliness."
"Friendliness of my interviewers and everyone from the CVM; the relaxed nature of the interview."
"Friendliness of interviewers, ability to talk to some current students at the pre-interview dinner. Also enjoyed the city of Columbus."
"The program as a whole, the numbers of electives you can take starting second semester, the friendliness of the professors and students."
"The pre-interview dinner and the friendly staff and teachers"
"Everyone was extremely helpful and friendly!"
"The entire session was so professional and impressive. I really felt like I learned a lot about the school and that they really wanted to convince me of why I should come to their school. It was really nice to have a faculty panel and to get to talk to them about their research and work."
"Everyone was nice - literally everyone."
"Friendly atmosphere"
"Everyone was so incredibly fun and supportive during my interview. I also think the dinner prior to interviews was a great way to calm everyone down a little."
"The interviewers were nice and made it a conversation not an interrogation"
"They had extensively reviewed my file and were prepared with unique, individualized questions about my previous research background."
"Everyone was extremely nice and calm. The interviewers had a small conversation with me on the way to the interview room and were very laid back."
"The students who gave our tour were extrememly friendly!"
"Other applicants / current students were friendly and talkative. Office of Student Affairs extremely accommodating of special requests"
"The interviewers were very low-key and did not give me reason to feel nervous. They seemed like they really wanted to get to know me and hear more about the activities on my resume."
"The interview day was well organized - the dinner before was a great chance to meet other applicants, students, and faculty."
"The friendliness of the faculty and the laid back attitude for the interview"
"There was a student and faculty member that interviewed me and they asked me if I had any questions for them and I got to learn more about the program."
"I think the dinner the night before did put me at ease a little."
"Specific questions related to my application and experiences were asked of me."
"The interviewers were very open and friendly. It felt very casual."
"The facilities are really nice, and all of the students raved about how close knit their class is. ("I have 160 best friends")"
"The staff and the organization of the entire weekend."
"Everyone was really friendly and helpful."
"The admissions and financial aid presentations were invaluable!"
"The interviewers were really nice.. one of them was nicer and more talkative while one was more watchful and quiet but they weren't grilling me or waiting for me to fail and they seemed genuinely interested by my answers even when I wasn't talking about my veterinary experience. Also the tour was amazing, the financial aid presentation and admissions presentations were really helpful and the student panel was IMMENSELY helpful. I had gone in nervous and hopeful but not really that concerned with Ohio State specifically as opposed to my other schools, and I was sure I wasn't going to get in, and I left LOVING IT and just dying to get in. Which I did! =]"
"The financial aid session and presentation was very informative."
"Everyone was so nice!"
"The students I met, how student-centered the faculty seem to be, the vet hospital, the organization of the day"
"My interviewers provided very compelling responses when I asked why they had chosen to work with OSU CVM. The campus and facilities are impressive and everyone was very friendly."
"The school itself, the friendliness of all of the faculty and staff, and the efficiency of the interviews."
"The interview didn't feel awkward and forced, we actually joked around a bit. My interviewers weren't stuffy, but I definitely saw some that were."
"The very relaxed, casual style. We were chatting as if we were out to lunch."
"The interviewers were all great people. It was casual and conversational. Nothing stressful."
"The people were *super* friendly, and the anatomy lab looks awesome!"
"Friendliness of the interviewers, promptness of interview, local area."
"Very nice campus and staff. They were also quick to make an admissions decision!"
"The classrooms, etc were really nice, and the equine clinic was pretty :) The orientation/lunch/tour before the interview was informative."
"The interviewers were really nice (but their questions were hard haha)"
"The friendliness of the interviewers."
"The orientation presentations and student panel (especially the tour)."
"Interviewers couldn’t ask follow up questions"
"No faculty interviewed me"
"They were only asking questions on the list, didn't feel like they want to know more outside than that"
"Since they were alum, they didn't know more recent information about the school"
"So many people made me nervous"
"It was stressed how much the interview would be a "conversation" but my interviewers were not particularly friendly and kind of awkward themselves. They were not super responsive when I would attempt to make a conversation."
"This is my 2nd year interviewing, both years were closed file but I was never told that. Since it was closed file they asked me no questions about myself, even after I brought them up in my answers. Both years it seemed like my interviewers did not feel the need to get to know me as a person, and I have a very strong application (accepted to the 7 schools I interviewed at)."
"The waiting after the lunch. If your interview is after the scheduled lunch time, you sit there and wait. So make friends or schedule an interview time closer to lunch or before!"
"My interviewers were not overly friendly. Everyone says to expect a “conversation” but mine was just a question/answer. They did not provide any extra comments or try to have a conversation with me."
"The day was a bit disorganized, but not terribly so. I wish they made it more clear where we had to report for interviews."
"The lunch was not too great."
"They interview a lot of people (and they make all you feel like you are already accepted!) It's a bit disheartening."
"The interview was quite short, so I did not get to tell them about all the strong parts of my application."
"The weather"
"Nothing, it was a very good dinner and interview/information day"
"It's cold."
"Nothing, I left with OSU becoming my number 1 choice."
"The student panel. It was difficult to ask the questions that you really wanted to, since you were still being evaluated for acceptance."
"Nothing sticks out"
"The facilities (hospital and anatomy lab) were outdated and disorganized. I was very unimpressed that the hallways were lined with objects clearly out of place, that personal water bottles and dog bones were strewn about the hospital. Overall very disappointed with this school that supposedly has such a high reputation."
"I had a morning interview, and probably could have made the early tour, but was scheduled for the later one. Had to skip it because I had to drive home and work the next day. Maybe having an extra tour somewhere for people who can't stay late, or allowing students to opt for either tour would have been better."
"The hospital definitely needs a makeover (though all the equipment is great, it's just not built for the caseload they have). Supposedly they should be starting to totally redo the hospitals and they will likely be done 2016 for 2017ers starting clinics."
"Kind of out-dated facilities"
"Nothing. Everything was great!"
"Nothing at all. The entire thing was great!"
"The price of the program...."
"The length of time to hear a response about acceptance/rejection."
"The financial aid presentation was slightly long."
"Hospital interior somewhat dated and I saw relatively few food animals or horses on my tour despite claims of "high caseload" from the college"
"Nothing really"
"Other than the fact the curriculum doesn't have clinic opportunities until the 3rd year, nothing."
"Nothing! I love OSU and I am so excited to go there for vet school!!! Just got accepted today :D"
"I am not a fan of Columbus! It's too big, and driving there is super stressful!"
"The students who gave us the tours were a bit bland and unenthusiastic."
"Our student guide couldn't tell us much about the hospital and generally seemed unprepared; I had already visited before and knew more than she told us."
"There was a long wait in between my interview and lunch and I didn't know to rent a car so I didn't get to drive around columbus lol. Other than that everything was great."
"My tour was given by a first year student who didn't have as much knowledge as the third year student did. A tour guide further along in the program would have been better."
"The 3 hour wait between lunch and my interview was like a psychological test of nerves and will."
"I was disappointed that I wasn't one of the people who could come out of the interview saying "that was fun, it was just like a conversation, I was comfortable." I actually felt pretty weak about my interview coming out."
"The lunch provided was not great, but then I was so nervous I couldn't eat much anyway."
"Couldn't handle being around a bunch of chatty, nervous applicants. I showed up 40 mins before my interview, and wandered down the hall to be by myself."
"Lunch wasn't that great."
"Day-long interviews/FAQ sessions/tours are fine but the morning interviewees ended up sitting around for a total of 3ish hours while waiting for the second half of our day to begin. Organizational issue"
"Tour of the classrooms was really good but I didn't get much of an impression of the clinic/teaching hospital. The students also seemed not as friendly to people they didn't know as to people they already knew."
"I felt like the interview was meant to break me down, instead of get to know me. I really felt intimidated and not comfortable at all."
"Nothing really."
"Nothing that I didn't know already."
"Remember to answer all question parts"
"To chill out"
"To better prepare for the situational question"
"there are 3 people"
"who the interviewers would be (student/alum/faculty)"
"I wish I would have known it was a closed interview. And then once I did know (shortly before my interview) I thought my interviewers would ask more about my application but they really didn't, which made me feel like I should have talked about myself more."
"The interview is NOT always open or closed file. Your interviewers get to decide whether they read it or not."
"How relaxed this interview was going to be. I was super nervous, but everyone from the informational sessions, tour guides, and interviewers were all super nice and welcoming. This was the least stressful interview I've had with a vet school thus far after it had started."
"that it was closed rather than open. I realized it was closed file after my interview."
"That it would be closed file. I was told it would be open, but the interviewers didn’t seem to know my experiences and at the end I heard from others that they were done closed file."
"I wish I would have known it was going to be so laid back so I wouldn't have stressed as much."
"The interview was going to be laid back and friendly."
"They just want to make sure you are who you say you are. If you mentioned a procedure or anything specific in your application, they will ask you about it. They want to make sure you have really paid attention and learned as much as you could in your experiences!"
"I wish I had put more time into looking into current international issues in the veterinary field - that question caught me off guard a bit and that is where I fumbled the most."
"That parking costs money at the vet school"
"Just to relax, I can promise you that it is not as bad as you think it will be."
"To bring a bigger coat."
"People always say the same thing, but I really do wish I hadn't stressed so much because the interview process is made to try and make you feel comfortable, while getting a sense of who you are."
"The dinner, which is the night before, really is a casual and non-stressful experience. They are really just trying to welcome their applicants. I didn't feel like they were evaluating me, as I thought they would be."
"1) That it honestly is more like a conversation than an interrogation. 2) Talking to people (for me current students and a few other interviewees) would be the most helpful in calming me down. 3) That the only thing that I really should have studied was my personal statement and relaxed more."
"Grab your lunch quickly-they run out and you won't get one!"
"The Blackwell Inn provides free shuttle service to and from the interview building."
"That I should relax and that I would not be unprepared for any of the questions."
"To talk slowly, and that one answer to a question is ok (don't need to offer every possible answer to every question!) Basically, relax."
"If you can, pick an interview time right before or after lunch so you don't have to sit around and wait all day. If you interview in the morning you won't have your tours and stuff until the afternoon and vice versa. So you don't want to get there for an 8am interview and then sit around until lunch for anything else to get started. I had the 11:15 slot which was the one right before lunch which seemed to work out perfectly."
"Not to be nervous!"
"That most people don't actually change clothes after their interview for the tour. I was going to change into boots, but seeing how no one else had I stayed in my heels and my feet were killing me by the end!"
"How big Columbus is! And how much there is to do in Columbus!"
"I wish that I had checked the weather - I expected normal OH weather (cold, dreary, gross) and it was actually really nice out."
"That I should relax."
"That it really was a laid back environment."
"Not to worry myself sick, that the interview would be a conversation, not an interrogation."
"My interviewers were extremely objective and did not give facial cues or strong indications of how they felt about my responses to questions; it was somewhat off-putting at first but I stuck my character rather than trying to mold my answers to what I thought I "should" be saying."
"Prepare a brief closing statement (why you should get in) and some questions that can't easily be answered on their website."
"I wish I had planned better for the long gap between the info sessions and the interview. I didn't get to have my afternoon coffee!"
"To bring a small water bottle- there is a lot of sitting and waiting for your interview and your throat gets dry from nerves. It's a pain to have to keep getting up to go to the drinking fountain."
"The time really did go quickly while I was in the interview."
"That my flights would get cancelled! and getting home would be a nightmare...that I should definitely have rented a car bc my hotel was not close to the school or airport and we spent a ton of money on cabs.. to RELAX because they really just want to learn about you and you do have a shot!!"
"My interviewers would be so nice and I really didn't need to stress out."
"How exhausting being nervous about an interview can be!"
"How incredibly creative they are with their interview questions. I was not asked most of what I considered to be "standard" questions."
"To sit very near where the interviewers will be calling your name."
"That just because your interviewers don't give you positive feedback doesn't mean you didn't do a good job!"
"My fly was down."
"That I wasn't going to be asked any of the questions that I had prepared for! I really had the strong feeling from the moment the interview started that I had already been accepted & we were just hanging out, sort of killing time. SO comfortable & informal!"
"To be prepared for some serious drilling."
"Not to stress so much!"
"To relax!"
"Carry more cash when I'm traveling! Otherwise you have to go find an ATM at the airport to get a taxi when your mom's flight is canceled and you can't get your rental car. So always be prepared!!"
"Well they told us that there would be a majority of people on the waitlist....that wasn't true once I heard how many were actually alternates"
"That I had the last interview of the day."
"Practice strategies to deal with nervousness"
"Be prepared to have to force a conversation if you get people who are not particularly talkative/friendly."
"A 2nd-year student interviewed me, it felt weird"
"They already have your application and paper stats, so show your personality. They tell you that they are there to get to know you, so do exactly that, show them how great you are."
"Try and make conversation, theres comments on here about them being conversational but for me it was almost like talking to a brick wall. They asked the four questions and nothing else. It was a stressful interview, but take a breath and put aside your nerves long enough to answer everything appropriately."
"Not too bad, but not as great as I expected. Just expected more friendly interview, and they didn’t want to chat at all. Asked multiple questions at the end and tried to comment on things they said but they were unwilling to reciprocate the conversation."
"I think this is a great school."
"AMAZING experience"
"Good interview process and very fair questions. Admissions is mainly trying to get to know more about your ethics, personality, personal skills."
"OSU was fantastic. Even though I'm still struggling with patience in this application process I'd remind everyone that yes, it is long and stressful---but good things come to those who wait :)"
"It was a positive interview, and I felt good about it afterwards. Make sure you prepare for the current events/ global issues question. It is inevitable!"
"Generally it was an easy-going atmosphere, the interviewers were friendly and genuinely seemed interested in my past."
"Amazing school. Top contender."
"Overall, great school and great day at OSU. It definitely moved up higher on my list of schools."
"Super relaxed and calming."
"Great school, and a relaxing interview weekend."
"Impressed with the financial aid presentation, enjoyed the interview, and appreciated the chance to get to talk with current students. But very let down with the old and disorganized facilities."
"I was REALLY impressed with OSU, the dinner the night before the interview was a nice way to get to know professors/staff/students before hand."
"LOVED OSU!! Hope to have an acceptance soon!"
"The hospital and school seemed really nice. All the people were friendly and I felt like they really wanted me to succeed."
"Great school!"
"OSU has a great system-based program that does not force you into a tract early on. AND they encourage you and want to you to be open minded to all of the numerous opportunities open to you at the university (not just vet school)."
"I was extremely nervous for the interview, had the first one of the day. The kid sitting with me made me feel like I shouldnt even be there talking about god knows what kind of research. Then I got into the interview and relaxed (they seem to give you people that are in your "track" - I got a cow guy that specifically wanted to know about my cow experiences!) -- After a long day of nerves, I did feel pretty good. Evidentally they did too, I got accepted."
"Everyone told me to just relax and be myself and honest. That's what I did and really helped. Also everyone was so friendly."
"Relax! I've learned that most people really don't know how they did in their interview. I thought I did so-so but apparently they were impressed! So, if you are self-critical like I am, just breathe and realize it is out of your hands once you interview. But, definitely prepare by answering questions posted on SDN and do mock interviews."
"Time is short, so they ask YOU many questions. Don't worry, you will have the opportunity at the end to make sure you have the chance to cover anything not covered. Might be a good idea to watch the clock as they stick to 30 minutes."
"Overall it was a really positive experience. I learned a lot about the school and really like it."
"Everybody was really friendly- even the other applicants were really supportive and nice!"
"In general, I had a positive impression of the school. The city and the large class size were a concern, but the faculty and staff seem wonderful."
"Try not to stress too much. They try to make you comfortable and make it like a conversation. But make sure you're prepared as well."
"i loved ohio state and everyone was extremely nice and helpful there, and columbus seemed like a great city"
"This was a very positive experience. Great school, great staff, great day!"
"great experience"
"Apart from the long wait, I thoroughly enjoyed my interview date and left extremely impressed with their program."
"All in all it was a good experience!"
"Plan out some answers to commonly asked questions, don't rehearse them, just know what you want to say. Be ready for them to test you, as in challenging your answers, testing how far they can keep probing in a topic, and playing devil's advocate. They seemed to want to test my maturity and my ability to handle stress."
"Even tho' they designate a lunch hour, no one actually says anything about it when you are there. Food boxes just get set out, and you better grab one when you have the chance! I got the last one."
"Great school! Admissions is really quick about getting back to people, so I hope to know whether or not I got in by Christmas (less than one week after my interview)."
"Overall I loved OSU!"
"Ohio's a nice school, Columbus is pretty cute in some areas, but others seem a bit sketchy. The vet school is pretty :) Staff seem friendly I didn't get too much of an impression of what it is like to attend the school though."
"I thought I really liked this school until I interviewed at other schools. I don't think I could see myself attending here. I didn't feel like the students/faculty were a big family. I had a more competitive feel"
Response | # Responders |
Student | 62 |
Faculty member | 0 |
Admissions staff | 0 |
Other | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
Enthusiastic | 52 |
Neutral | 10 |
Discouraging | 0 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.01 | 71 |
Response | # Responders |
In state | 20 |
Out of state | 48 |
Response | # Responders |
0-1 hour | 9 |
2-3 hours | 19 |
4-6 hours | 14 |
7+ hours | 23 |
Response | # Responders |
Airplane | 27 |
Automobile | 37 |
Train or subway | 0 |
Other | 0 |
John Glenn Columbus International Airport (CMH)
Columbus- Port Columbus
pittsburgh -then drove b/c it was cheaper
Port Columbus International
Port Columbus International Airport
Port Columbus
Cinci Airport
Response | # Responders |
At school facility | 0 |
With students at the school | 1 |
Friends or family | 7 |
Hotel | 46 |
Home | 6 |
Other | 1 |
DoubleTree in Columbus
Hilton Garden Inn
Red Roof Inn
Red Roof Inn in Grove City
Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn Express
Fairfield Inn and Suites at OSU
Embassy Suites Dublin
Holiday Inn Worthington
Red Roof Inn at OSU
Fairfield Inn and Suites
Varsity Inn North
Embassy Suites (free breakfast here!)
Comfort Suites
Holiday Inn in Worthington
The Blackwell
University Plaza
Marriott Fairfield Inn and Suites
Fairfield inn
Spring hill suites on olentangy
DoubleTree in Columbus
Hilton Garden Inn
Red Roof Inn
Red Roof Inn in Grove City
Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn Express
Fairfield Inn and Suites at OSU
Embassy Suites Dublin
Holiday Inn Worthington
Red Roof Inn at OSU
Fairfield Inn and Suites
Varsity Inn North
Embassy Suites (free breakfast here!)
Comfort Suites
Holiday Inn in Worthington
The Blackwell
University Plaza
Marriott Fairfield Inn and Suites
Fairfield inn
Spring hill suites on olentangy
Response | # Responders |
< $100 | 13 |
$101-$200 | 13 |
$201-$300 | 12 |
$301-$400 | 7 |
$401-$500 | 2 |
$501+ | 12 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.35 | 72 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.07 | 72 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.90 | 72 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.50 | 72 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.83 | 72 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.64 | 72 |
"Review the interview process, many people were disappointed by it this year"
"Interview day seemed kind of unorganized, but everyone was super welcoming and helpful."
"Keep up the good work. Prospective students feel very welcomed."
"Keep doing what you are doing!"
"The auditorium was freezing! I kept my coat on during the whole morning of sessions."
"Nothing! Keep doing what your doing!"
"They do a wonderful job communicating, so just keep it up"
"None, you guys are great!"
"The coordination between the professional admissions office and the vet school admissions stinks! I had no problems communicating with the vet school admissions, but if anything had to go through the prof admissions office something went wrong."
"Nothing, their admissions department is awesome!"
"None. Everyone was extremely helpful!"
"No. The entire interview program was great!"
"Nothing! April Pugh is awesome! All my emails were answered very rapidly and she was extremely friendly at dinner. She convinced me to apply this year and I am so glad I did!"
"I have none."
"The afternoon interview process is a bit torturous if you have a late interview"
"I actually never dealt with admissions, just my two interviewers, which is why I left the ratings at the middle number (5)."
"Nothing. They are very nice"
"Pretty good admissions office, not much interaction with them though."
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?