How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
2.03 | 39 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 28 |
Negatively | 3 |
No change | 6 |
No responses
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 0 |
15 minutes | 5 |
20 minutes | 6 |
25 minutes | 3 |
30 minutes | 17 |
35 minutes | 1 |
40 minutes | 1 |
45 minutes | 1 |
50 minutes | 0 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 5 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 39 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 36 |
In a group | 2 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 32 |
Closed file | 5 |
Response Average | # Responders |
2.03 | 39 |
"Why are you interest in pharmacy?"
"Describe a situation where you had to work in a group and somebody wasn't doing their portion."
"What does servant leadership mean to you?"
"What do you consider to be your greatest achievement to date?"
"Describe your personality in three words"
"Tell us about yourself that isn't already on your file."
"How do you feel about PBA being a religious institution?"
"Why pharmacy"
"How do you work in groups?...Then how do you work as an individual?"
"Why pharmacy/PBA?"
"Most of the questions were pretty general. Why PBA? Why pharmacy? Tell us about yourself? "
"what was your favorite class?"
"why do you want to be a pharmacist"
"What is pKa? When pKa gets larger, will the acid become more acidic or basic?"
"Why Palm Beach Atlantic University/ Why Pharmacy?"
"Tell us something unique you can bring to the school?"
"What was the most important thing you learned in the pharmacy you volunteered? "
"How would your best friend desrcibe you?"
"Do you have any questions about the school?"
"why pba?"
"Tell me about you and your family."
"why pba"
"Why did you choose PBA? "
"Why should we pick you? whats your selling point?"
"Do you work well as a team? What role do you normally assume (leader or follower) in a group setting?"
"How do you define integrity?"
"Strengths and Weaknesses"
"Why pharmacy?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"Why should I pick you instead of the other applicants? What sets you apart?"
"What challenge have you overcome and how has that changed you as a person? "
"What are your strengths/weaknesses?"
"What particular sector of pharmacy interests you?"
"Describe a situation where you had to deal with an upset customer or patient."
"How do you feel about prayer and scripture reading in classes?"
"If you had the means to do ANY job in the world what would it be and why?"
"What are some of your downfalls and what would you do to change them?"
"What is servant leadership."
"Why did you choose pharmacy?"
"Why pharmacy and not medical?"
"why pharmacy"
"What field do you want to go into?"
"How would a friend describe you?"
"What does it mean to be a servant-leader? I would highly recommend becoming familiar with the mission statements of all the schools you are interested in because not only is it important to know, but some schools (like PBA) take them very seriously and you need to know what they are all about."
"tell me about this extracurricular actvitiy?"
"What is the full name of DNA?"
"Are you a leader or a follower?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"Do you like big or small classes? "
"Why have you chosen pharmacy as a career? and Why PBA?"
"Something about Christianity being co-operated in the curriculum."
"how do you feel about religion being incorporated into pharmacy"
"Why pharmacy?"
"what are you study habits/time management"
"What is your proudest academic accomplishment?"
"what do you do in free time?"
"What has been your most challenging class so far? The easiest? "
"What talents would you bring to this program?"
"Hobbies, Tell me about yourself, Why Pharmacy?"
"Why PBA?"
"What is your favorite subject? Least favorite?"
"What do you want to do with pharmacy?"
"Name 5 of your characteristics."
"I see a particular sections on your PCAT was low, can you tell me why?"
"Tell me about yourself (really sell yourself tell them everything you think they may ask you!!!!)"
"What made you want to pursue a career in pharmacy?"
"Asked specific questions about my essay on the supplemental."
"What is your biggest weakness and how have you worked to combat it?"
"What do you do in your free time?"
"would you like to go on mission trips to other countries or extra curricular activities in palm beach"
"Why PBA? Tell me about your volunteer experience? Why not another field (dental, physician, vet, etc.)? Comfortable with prayer? What do you think of power (walgreens)? How do you manage your time?"
"How do you feel about professors reading the Bible/praying in class?"
"How do you feel about PBA being a Christian school and studying in a prayerful environment? Remember: PBA is a Christian school, and they are SO nice and not judgemental at all. (They didn't know if I was Christian until I told them)."
"how would you describe yourself to someone?"
"whats you favorite book. and why. She asked about the book because I had mentioned that I like to read."
"For a straight line with the equation y = ax + b, if the slope of the line is 1, what is the acute angle between the line and the x-axis?"
"What is your family's religious background/Are you comfortable with a Christian setting? (Be sure you have an answer to "What does being a servant leader mean and how it relates to your career goals")"
"Why Pharmacy?"
"What was your favorite school subject and least favorite? "
"How do u think you will handle the extra time commitments of required church services and bible studies? "
"Tell me about yourself."
"why not california schools? (im from cali)"
"Why PBA? Other questions: How do you feel about our required chapel time and bible study? Is PBA my first choice?"
"what are your strengths and weaknesses"
"What was your most challenging class and why? Easiest and why?"
"why pharmacy? long-term goals?"
"Asked twice about community service and involvement (also see above re: "servant-leader"...this came up twice, as well). "
"How would your best friend describe you?"
"***To you, what does it mean to be a servant-leader?*** Make sure you have a solid responce for that one. Check out their mission statement and know it inside and out as they seem to ask many questions that go back to it."
"why did you have a low reading score on the PCAT? "
"What do you like to do for fun? (This question seemed to be intended to see if you have a life outside of school and work.)"
"What did you learn from working in a pharmacy or job shadowing a pharmacist?"
"How do you feel about the mandatory chapel/bible study requirement?"
"Why PBA?"
"What do you do to handle stress?"
"Would you be interested in veterinary medicine (because I mentioned how I have a lot of different pets)"
"How do you manage your time?"
"If I was to attend palm beach, how would I feel of leaving my family (I'm from tx)"
"If you could be any pill, what pill would you be and why? (my mind blanked for about 10 seconds lol)"
"What was your favorite/least favorite class?"
"How would your best friend describe you? Interesting... but more difficult than you might expect! All I could think of was how different all of my close friends are!"
"PBA integrates religious studies into the pharmacy education. How do you think you can fit that into busy lifestyle?"
"What criteria did you use to pick which pharmacy schools to apply?"
"What is the definition of a "boiling point" ? (I had a chemistry professor interviewer on this one)"
"Are you part of a Church?"
"How do you feel about biblical studies and religion been included in the pharmacy program? "
"What I wanted to be when I was little?"
"What was your favorite subject at school? (and when I said chemistry) What makes an acid an acid? and distinguish ether and ester. (My faculty interviewer was a chemist)"
"how do you feel about bible study/ attending mass services?"
"They were all expected, nothing interesting."
"Who influenced you, if anyone, to go into the field of pharmacy?"
"am I ok with there STRONG religious influence?"
"What does it mean to be servant leader and how this relates to academic and professional goals. Write Essay an possible interview question"
"Tell me about your study habits."
"What does being a servant-leader mean to you?"
"Questions pertaining to my faith. Not really at all surprising and for me, not difficult to answer. Some might have difficulty with this is if not prepared. Also, some of the interviewees mentioned that their interviewer asked them "If you could be a fruit what would you be and why"? Fortunately, I was not asked this one. "
"Nothing quite interesting. All the questions were the usual...why pharmacy? why PBA? "
"Tell me of a stessful situation and how you handled it"
"Describe a stressful situation at school/work and tell me how you went about dealing with this."
"If you could be any street sign, what would you be?"
"What is a great challenge you have overcome?"
"Do you speak Japanese? "
"If you could be any type of fruit, which one would you be and why?"
"THey asked so many questions so fast, I can't remember anyone in particular"
"What does professionalism mean to you"
"What are your strengths and weaknesses."
"In which field of pharmacy do you plan to work at in the future?"
"Would you be willing to do research and what would you like to specialize"
"You say you are a caring person who enjoys helping and being with people, why would you not want to be a physician?"
"Why did you choose pharmacy over other health professions?"
"How would you feel about moving even farther away from your family? Only because I mentioned that I am close with my family and I currently live only 3 hours from them opposed to the 5 hours if I went to PBA."
"Which class did you like least? Why?"
"Why should the admissions committee choose you?"
"I don't usually ask many questions. Come on, just tell me everything you think I need to know about you."
"What is something unique about you that you can bring to the school?"
"See above"
"If you weren't becoming a pharmacist what would you be?"
"Are you planning to stay here in Florida after graduation? (I'm from Georgia) and why and why not?"
"why PBA? (im from california)"
"I was asked how my motivator actually motivates me."
"Describe a stressful situation and how you handled it."
"What does servant-leadership mean to you and how does it relate to your life goals?"
"tell me about yourself. "
"All questions were as expected, why pharmacy, why pick you, how do you work in group environment, why PBA, describe yourself etc. Some one was asked to give major components of viagra."
"What does being a "servant-leader" mean to you? Not necessarily "hard" to answer, but difficult in the sense that the question is so broad/general. "
"None were difficult."
"All of my questions were easy for me to answer. I was well prepared and I interview well."
"No difficult questions."
"What are some of your weaknesses?"
"What was your least favorite subject? (I couldn't think of one off the top of my head, so I said, then I gave a dumb reason, which I wish I could've taken back!) "
"What have you accomplished that you were most proud of?"
"Name 5 of your characteristics."
"(in reference to my answer about what my weakness was...) That's not really a weakness. Tell me about your *real* weakness."
"I have already interviewed many other students before you. If I had to pick between you and any of them, why would I pick you?"
"Read through the potential questions on here"
"Looked at SDN questions, although over half of them they did NOT ask me."
"read reviews and researched the school on their website. I also spoke with a friend who was interviewed and accepted."
"I didn't."
"I actually did not prepare or rehearse. I just went in and answered their questions truthfully and just knew what I wanted to convey to them."
"read SDN feedback, reviewed some basic math and chemistry for the assessment. Know basic the organic chemistry stuctures (ester, ether, carboxyl etc.), dilution and very basic pharmacy calculations."
"Mock interview at school, looked at SDN information."
"SND and also practicing couple times"
"sdn (took questions and tried to answer them myself), mock interview"
"SDN, read the mission statement, talked to pharmacists."
"SDN, researching the school"
"I didn't really prepare because I found out 2-3 days in advanced, but honestly you don't really need to prepare. I was just honest and tried not to be nervous."
"SDN interview feedback, write down my own answers, practice with bf"
"Just had come from another interview... reading these forums, practicing with my bf"
"SDN. the other student that gave feedback on this website tell you exactly what to expect."
"Read SDN."
"SDN, practice interviews with friends"
"Read questions and practiced with my sister. Like a mock interview"
"I read alot of questions in SDN. "
"Read Forums, thought about answers to various questions"
"Read feedbacks on SDN, get to know the school better by browsing its website. I prepared a lot of questions to ask at the interview, even though some of them I already knew the answers. It is a good idea to jot down some notes while the dean's talking."
"Read SDN, practiced answers with my husband."
"this site. I had my roommate go through the questions with me."
"This website"
"Read SDN, read mission statement, got my goals specific and reasons well thought out. Mock interview with peers. "
"Researched the school and read over feedback from this site. "
"Read this webpage, spoke to other pharmacy students, prepared answers to anticipated questions."
"By trying to think of every possible question and speaking with the pharmacists that I know."
"I didn't really...looked over some sample questions on this website."
"Practiced mock interviews with family members, SDN feedback forum."
"Read up on the school through the school's website, made use of some tips from students who were interviewed, SDN."
"Read SDN, read up on schools website."
"Looked up SDN interview questions, did mock interviews at school, read up on current drug topics"
"SDN, practice my answers"
"Read sample interview questions and thought of possible answers."
"How quickly a decision will be made"
"The admissions office and how relaxed the day was."
"Everybody was very friendly. They really dont want you to be nervous"
"Christian environment, small class size, close knit community."
"The way everyone was willing to help and answer questions."
"The staff and students were very nice and helpful, the Dean's presentation was very informative."
"How friendly everybody was, the administrators' willingness to help in any way possible."
"The overall school, location, faculties, and the way they care so much about their students."
"the school is great, its small, and in a nice location, students are friendly"
"Beautiful school, wonderful and nice faculty (especially the dean), small, close to each other, and mission trips. The students were also all very nice and answered all of our questions honestly, great part of the interview."
"caring faculty, welcoming environment"
"The faculty and students are SO nice. You really feel like they want you to be there, not like you are bothering them or wasting their time. "
"location, both interviewers were extremely welcoming, i love that they focus on building character "
"The location is absolutely amazing... the technology is awesome at PBAU, Everyone was very nice"
"Facility and the dean and staff were very friendly"
"All nice people out there."
"Clinical experience in the second semester of your first year. Plus, everyone there is so nice, even the interviewers."
"The location is amazing, and the campus is really nice."
"The faculty and students were very nice. The facilities in the university were brand new, the pharm building has a great security, and its open 24 hours. "
"Everyone was very nice and the building was nice and new"
"Nice facillities (maybe because the building is new), great location to spend four years studying."
"nice quiet school with low student to professor ratio"
"Small class sizes, student-teacher relationships."
"the facilities, everyone (faculty, staff, students) was very friendly and welcoming, no TA's - all classes are prof taught"
"The students and staff were very nice and tried to make the interviewees as comfortable as possible."
"Pharmacy building well equiped, Access to building 24/day, 7days/week"
"very interesting faculty and staff. They really had passion for pharmacy."
"The pharmacy school building, while somewhat small, is new and equipped with all kinds of technological "bells and whistles"."
"The school is small, and all instruction is done live and on-campus."
"The atmosphere and the attitudes of the people. Plus, West Palm Beach, FL is an awesome city."
"The faculty and student who interviewed me were awesome and the location of PBA,"
"The people were very friendly, seems like a close-knit campus. Easygoing atmosphere, wasn't as stressful as I thought."
"The faculty and students were extremely friendly, helpful, informative, positive, and encouraging, closely knit atmosphere among students and faculty, the area was beautiful."
"The dean was a very nice, comical person...made me feel very comfortable."
"Brand new building, great area, nice people."
"amazing campus, love the professors"
"Beautiful new facility, gorgeous area, friendly students and staff!"
"Brand new pharmacy facility being built for next year"
"nothing at all."
"nothing. I loved everything about the school and the staff."
"The cost is much higher than public/state schools."
"The size of some classes are a little small."
"Tuition of course and how they make certain christian requirements forced on to people, even though they say not everyone has to be christian (and i'm christian). This is both from the no co-habitation to the required chapel attendance."
"certain number of chapel attendances are required per semester"
"Not much at all... they are a fairly new school, but that could go both ways. The facilities are nice and the area is beautiful (yes, there is a cemetary across the street but it's pretty!)."
"all the teachers are christian"
"Nothing really..."
"Students have to go to chapel very week. Also very expensive. If was the only school that accepted me, I would have gone."
"Being asked many questions on academic stuffs."
"The chemistry professor who interviewed me. "
"They asked me if I was a part of a church, I felt a little invasion of privacy, since they said religion does not matter."
"Okay!! If you are not religious DONT GO THERE! Pharm students must complete 24 hours of chapel hours or bible studies. Also 45 hours of community service. "
"My student interviewer had NOTHING good to say about the school; he did not have answers to my questions; gave the impression he did not like the school and he would not recommend it"
"Housing might be a problem for those who are from far-away."
"Tour was very drawn out and not necessary."
"nothing really, but it's an expensive city to live in or near"
"Students are required to go to chapel every week and do 45 hours of community service a year, which combined with studying leaves little or no time for a job. "
"Some faculty seemed fake, perhaps judgemental"
"Student tourguide was very honest about the college and seemed like they were being treated like high-school kids."
"The opening "presentation" was long (almost an hour) and basically just power point slides taken from the SOP's web site. Some good/relavent information was given, but mostly seemed to be a waste of time. "
"Facilities are inadequate for a professional program. The religious aspect of the school is overt. "
"Nothing really."
"As I'm sure you've read already, it's very religious. Bible study and chapel time is required 24 times a year, and 135 hours of community service in the first 3 years....also, right across the street from a cemetary...kind of freaky"
"The pharmacy school building was across the street from a cemetary. It seems as though you're expected to ask a lot of questions about the school/curriculum, etc. (most likely to see if you are really interested in their school), but the presentation that is given in the beginning pretty much sums up all there is to know about the school, so my interviewer seemed surprised after I asked about 3 ask a lot of questions! "
"the faculty interview was not a professor but a new academic advisor and did not know much about what was going on with the students or school. The school is across from a cemetary."
"It seems as if their students work much harder than the average student because they are not yet accredited. Also seemed very clickish...they wanted to make sure of what kind of person you are before they accept you into their school. Very religous-not negotiable."
"Student tour guide wasn't really familiar with the new facility"
"the dean said a prayer before he started talking"
"Couldn't see anything but pictures of new facility, and they asked so many questions it was if they weren't even listening to my answers. "
"The students in the student panel were also going to be interviewing you"
"Not to be nervous and have a speech prepared for when they ask tell me a little about yourself! They asked for a little about yourself in each interview and twice earlier in the day have a brief something ready to say out loud in front of the dean and the rest of the interviewees then have a detailed speech for the interviewers. They didn't ask that many personal questions so really sell yourself."
"To stress less"
"There is no longer a math assessment so don't stress about that!"
"Traffic on I-95 would be horrible and I would catch the flu 2 days before the interview :("
"nothing, I learned everything with the interview"
"That the school was a bit away from the parking garage/main campus."
"1. the quiz is NOT hard 2. not to be nervous (even if faculty at other schools seemed mean to you... they won't be here = ]"
"the quiz and writing essay is easy"
"they ask many questions about religion"
"There was nothing that I didnt read about. Feedback from previous student described the interview day to the T. Including the fact that there is a grave yard accross the street."
"Review basic chemistry, biology and math concepts."
"I wished I reviewed some basic chemistry which I have already forgotten. Beware of the chemistry professor if you get him!"
"There is a cemetery right across the pharmacy building."
"There are religion classes that are included in the program just because the institution feels like but are not required to be a pharm d. And remember you are paying for extra classes. "
"The PBA Pre-pharm students have a guarenteed admissions program. Campus is in the middle of a downtown area. Cost of living VERY high!"
"how religious it is"
"Everything is exactly like stated on SDN and I should not have been so stressed."
"How bad the traffic is getting in and out of West Palm Beach and also that the parking garage is a few blocks from the school (because I would have worn more comfortable shoes)."
"emphasis on religion, cost of living, traffic in W.Palm Beach"
"The parking deck is four blocks away from the pharmacy school building and Florida is notorious for spontaneous (and heavy) afternoon rainshowers... take an umbrella with you if possible!"
"I wish I had known how large a part religion plays in this school. The faculty and administration are certainly selected to accommodate this view, and it's suffocating."
"Flying into Ft. Lauderdale is cheaper and is theoretically 45 minutes away. It is however a very long and stressful drive. Recommend flying into West Palm Beach Airport instead. "
"I was one of only 2 not dressed in a suit...but its alright, I was dressed up enough. Also it was colder than the normal Florida days we have"
"Bible study is a requirement, but for me, it's no big deal. You can pretty much attend these and do homework/study, just as long as you don't create any distractions."
"You need to have a 135 hours of volunteer service by the end of your 3rd year and in addition to that, mandatory chapel and bible studies. Many students said they did not have enough time to fit that in their busy schedule at school, therefore, do your hours over the summer."
"That there was mandatory chapel or bible study requirements."
"It was very HOT out...but luckily, the tour was confined to the building. I wish I had more time to discoverer the rest of the campus, but I would've had a heat stroke had I ventured out in my suit for long. "
"that it was going to rain"
"Very religious, more so than the impression I got from the website. "
"Great experience the day literally flies by it'll be over before you know it, don't be nervous everybody is super nice and friendly. Make sure you leave your mark on the interviewers it was almost 20 of us there interviewing try to make yourself the one they remember when its over. Relax and enjoy beautiful Palm Beach."
"Very friendly faculty and staff, beautiful campus/location, and a great school."
"Very very very nice school."
"none, overall the interview process is made very relaxing, my interviewers were friendly and didn't ask something difficult. I really enjoyed the interview."
"Great school. Very expensive. Nice students/faculty. Lots of questions during the interview. Must be comfortable in a christian environment because you will be uncomfortable if not."
"overall, it seemed like a very good school"
"I didn't have a chance to read any feedback before I interviewed, but I know that people really appreciate up to date information, so I hope that this helps someone else who might be nervous! I know I was! = ]"
"it went very smoothly, i enjoyed the dean's eagerness in trying to convince us PBA was the right school for us, interviewers were nice, very pretty school, new facilities."
"the interview was pleasant. My faculty interviewer was very nice she made the interview seem like it was just a discussion. If you get an interview with PBA make sure you know their mission statement well because you will be asked to write an essay based on the mission statement."
"It was a cool experience."
"1) Introduction and power point presentation with the Dean. 2) short meeting with assistant dean Group Rotations 3) faculty interview (there will be four faculty interviewers, and you'll be ushered into one of their offices. If you get the Asian professor, beware of his chemistry questions. but if you get the others, they will be super nice so be yourself on those ones) 4) student interview (i have a feeling that if you had a very nice faculty interviewer, you'll get a harder student interviewer. I had a tough faculty interviewer and a super nice student interviewer. Be sure to have a list of questions in handy!! ) 5) tour 6) writing exercise (Servant Leader question) "
"Overall it was good. Everyone was friendly there. They were a bit heavy on the religious side."
"Give yourself ALOT of time to get there. I got stuck in traffic for 2 hours and was late, CAREFUL WITH ACCIDENTS. Ahh the faculty who interview me was friendly. You also get an interview with a student that a little bit more relax and you can aske questions "behind the scene". Ahh the student was straight foward and told me that PBA is not a good school because since their facility open in 2004 there are still some changes that are affecting the students enrolled. "
"Besides the student interveiw, it went well. My fauclty interviewer was young and had not been at the school very long. Overall, I left with mixed feelings due to what my student interviewer said."
"Arrived 30 min. early, chatted with some greeting students, faculty, and other interviewees on the thirth floor of the building. Then went back to the first floor to meet with the dean. Introduced ourselves to the group before the dean presented a power-point presentation, then said a prayer. I had the student interview with a P2, then a tour, then writing, then faculty interview. Talk, talk, and talk even though I am not much a talker. I felt like not only the professor and the student who interviewed us but the whole team at the interview have their parts in evaluating us as well."
"started in the afternoon.. we met the dean he said a prayer. then we had orientation and then we had a writing sample which we had a dictionary to help us, then we had interviews with the student (p-2) and a faculty"
"First was presentation about the school. It was a little long and I only learned a few new things. Next was student interview. This was more or less a good time for you to ask an actual student how they liked the school and such. Next was interview with faculty memeber. The interview seemed very short and to the point. They just wanted to get to know your personality and why you chose Pharmacy. Then there was a 30 minute essay on servant-leadership followed by a tour. Everyone at the school seemed nice and wanted us to be comfortable. They had cookies! "
"I really enjoyed the school and came away with high regard for their program."
"First the dean spoke to us and prayed with us, then they showed us a powerpoint presentation of the school, there was a faculty and student interview, an essay, and finally a tour of the pharmacy building. Overall it wasn't very stressful but the day seemed to drag on and the servant-leadership question was asked in both interviews and in the essay, which made it annoying."
"long process: presentation by Dean, PRAYER, tour, Essay to write, Faculty interview, student interview. Students required to go to Chapel over 20 times a year"
"Overall, very relaxing and comfortable atmosphere with strong emphasis placed on the idea of "servant-leadership". Be prepared to ask lots of questions (I was prompted by each interviewer to ask at least four or five)! "
"The student interview was amateur hour. He was clueless about how to ask questions and conduct an interview. I almost broke out laughing. The campus tour consisted of going up and down the elevator at the pharmacy school building. The constant overtones of the entire day was Christ and religion. I've never been asked to pray before an interview."
"I was and am highly impressed with this school. It is a small campus and it is expensive (most private schools are). Even though it is a new program, I think that they are building a School of Pharmacy for the future and one of quality."
"It was a wonderful experience. I really enjoyed the school and my interview experience."
"Overall, it was much easier than I thought it would be. I had a little trouble on the essay, but was able to write a sufficent amount. The faculty is very friendly but there is a really large emphasis on religion, particulary Christianity. During my interview the professor suggested that this is an opportunity to find God again, and he gave me a little pamphlet. But aside from all that, it was very relaxed. The campus is very small, only about 3000 students, with only 75-80 pharmacy students per class."
"The day began with a welcome presentation by the dean, and another presentation by a professor who gave lots of information about the school and curriculum. The rest of the day consisted of 2 interviews (one with a faculty member, and one with a student, but the faculty interview has a greater impact on your application), a tour of the building, and a 30 minute writing assignment/essay (the order in which you complete these depends on which group you're in). There were 20 interviewees, and we were divided into groups of 5."
"I was very comfortable with the student interview - very much a conversation type, but the faculty interview was quite stressful for me. I did not know what questions to ask the faculty interviewer. For the writing assignment, I did not have much/enough to say... filled up only half a page."
"Like all the rest. Gather in a large group, got the presentation by the dean and then a professor. Broke up into small groups where you had a one-on-one interview with a professor and then a student. Had a tour of the building, and then had a essay, 30 minutes, very easy. Then done."
"An all-around great interview experience! I don't believe many schools are as friendly, warm, and welcoming as PBA. Although Christianity is not a pre-requisite at PBA, it is a factor that is strongly emphasized. (mandatory chapel and bible studies) The curriculum is pretty tough, but like anything else in life, you have to work hard for what you want!"
"its a nice school."
"Overall it was a beautiful school, but it is noticable that they are a new program with numerous kinks to work out still"
Response | # Responders |
Student | 27 |
Faculty member | 0 |
Admissions staff | 11 |
Other | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
Enthusiastic | 14 |
Neutral | 16 |
Discouraging | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
In state | 17 |
Out of state | 13 |
Response | # Responders |
0-1 hour | 7 |
2-3 hours | 9 |
4-6 hours | 5 |
7+ hours | 9 |
Response | # Responders |
Airplane | 15 |
Automobile | 15 |
Train or subway | 0 |
Other | 0 |
Palm Beach International
palm beach airport
Response | # Responders |
At school facility | 0 |
With students at the school | 0 |
Friends or family | 5 |
Hotel | 14 |
Home | 3 |
Other | 0 |
I live nearby
Hyatt Place West Palm Beach
I live nearby
Hyatt Place West Palm Beach
Response | # Responders |
< $100 | 7 |
$101-$200 | 3 |
$201-$300 | 5 |
$301-$400 | 0 |
$401-$500 | 5 |
$501+ | 7 |
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?