How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
2.81 | 104 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 90 |
Negatively | 4 |
No change | 12 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
5.33 | 107 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.65 | 83 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.13 | 83 |
Response | # Responders |
In Person | 0 |
Virtual | 1 |
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 0 |
15 minutes | 3 |
20 minutes | 23 |
25 minutes | 22 |
30 minutes | 46 |
35 minutes | 6 |
40 minutes | 0 |
45 minutes | 5 |
50 minutes | 1 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 4 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 101 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 58 |
In a group | 41 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 93 |
Closed file | 4 |
Response Average | # Responders |
2.81 | 104 |
"They asked me two questions about my letters of recommendation (LORs): 1) How do you know the pharmacist that wrote you this LOR? 2) One of your LORs describes you as ________. Please speak to this?"
"What do you do for fun, to de-stress?"
"How would you handle an irate customer?"
"What is a time when you had a conflict with a group member and how did you resolve it?"
"What are you strengths and weaknesses?"
"Why did you apply to Roseman University?"
"Why do you want to go into pharmacy?"
"Is there anything that you do not like about Roseman?"
"How would you deal with an irate customer/patient?"
"Why Pharmacy? Why Roseman?"
"Why pharmacy school?"
"Tell us why you want to attend USN?"
"Tell me a time when you had to work with a difficult person."
"Why pharmacy, Why USN"
"What's qualities are different between a doctor & pharmacist?"
"If I adamantly claimed to know an answer to be "A" and made my group put down "A" only to find out later I was wrong and it was "C" what would I say to my group?"
"Tell of a time you showed compassion other than with a family member."
"Do you read?"
"what did you like about your pharmacy experience? "
"Why did you choose Pharmacy, and why did you choose USN?"
"Tell me about your self. Why USN?"
"Why pharmacy? Why USN?"
"Tell me about yourself. Why pharmacy? Why USN?"
"Why pharmacy? Why USN? What have you done to prepare for the rigorous program?"
"Why Pharmacy? Why USN? Three words your BF would use to describe you."
"Besides being courteous, what does a pharmacist owe a patient?"
"may be asked differently but generally about leadership, teamwork, conflict resolution, compassion, professionalism, academic integrity"
"Whats professionlism"
"Why USN"
"Best friend cheating. . ."
"Why pharmacy? Does a pharmacist should have the same knowledge than a medical doctor?"
"Tell us about yourself. "
"Why USN? Why Pharmacy? What experience do I have in the field? Describe yourself."
"You are the teamleader, project due tomorrow, no other team members really care, what would you do"
"Why USN? Why Pharmacy?"
"Why pharmacy?"
"Define Professionalism? and 3 main qualities of professional person?"
"What would you do if you knew a colleague had plagiarized?"
"After my interview and reading the other feedbacks, I can tell you they WILL be grading you on 6 main topics (so question will arise from these) : 1) Leadership (Dealing with a 'bad' group member) 2) Compassion (Example of when you showed compassion) 3) Professionalism (Situation when someone is does not give you respect) 4) Problem solving skills (Cheating/ stealing (honesty) questions) 5) Communication 6) Motivation"
"Which campus would I choose if accepted. "
"Why usn."
"Pharmacist stole lortabs,staff knows but says leave it alone and its your first job out of school, what would you do. "
"Define professionalism, compassion+ example, "
"Tell us about yourself. Why pharmacy? Why USN?"
"Why do you think you are a leader..give an instance"
"Why pharmacy? "
"favorite subjects science and non-science"
"Tell us about yourself."
"Define compassion and give an example"
"What is compassion? Give an example of how you have shown compassion to a non-family member."
"What draws you to pharmacy?"
"Tell us about yourself. What do you do to relax?"
"how did you show your leadership?"
"Tell us about yourself. Why Pharmacy? How have you shown compassion?"
"Why pharmacy? Why USN? What are the traits of a good leader? Describe a conflict you had with a co-worker. How do you handle conflicts? How do you handle a difficult customer?"
"Give me an example of a time that you demonstrated compassion (excluding experiences with family members)."
"Why did I choose to become a Pharacist?"
"Why pharmacy and why USN? If ur neigbour was copying ur exam, would u report them?"
"1. how to deal with difficult person? 2. compassion and it's example 3. why pharmacy 4.why not nurse/pa "
"How would you handle a difficult customer?"
"(Most of the questions listed on the feedback written by others regarding professionalism, compassion, cheating, etc...were ones that I ran I'll try not to duplicate.) You have been given a prescription written by a doctor you know and respect. This prescription is one that you know is not right for the 5 year-old child it was written for, due to their age. Will you dispense this drug anyway? What would you do and why?"
"why pjarmacy? why this school? what do you like abt block system?"
"Why USN? "
"Tell me about yourself."
"Define professionalism, compassion"
"Why pharmacy..."
"Difine professinalism?"
"Why pharmacy and why our school"
"Something about a bottle and a genie and meeting any two people out of history."
"Why USN, what do you like most about the program?"
"Tell me 2 achievement and 2 challenging in your life"
"Why pharmacy instead of other health professions"
"why pharmacy... why this school..."
"Tell me about yourself"
"Tell two problems that you had in life and how do you solve them?"
"Why USN and why pharmacy?"
"They will ask you about your strenghts and weeknesses"
"describe a situation where you displayed leadership"
"Describe yourself in three words"
"Why, where, who's of phamacy?"
"who what whys about pharmacy"
"Why pharmacy but not medicine?"
"Which path of pharmacy are you most interested in? (i.e. compounding, ambulatory, hospital)"
"Tell us about a time you had to make a tough decision as a leader. What happened and what was the outcome?"
"Why pharmacy and why Roseman?"
"Why Roseman?"
"Explain a time when you had a difficult situation at school and how did you resolve it."
"How do you define professionalism?"
"Why do you want to go into the pharmacy field?"
"Why do you want to go to Roseman?"
"What is one characteristic that you think needs improvement?"
"How would you handle a person in your group/on your team who did not do their fair share?"
"They wanted to know if I had any questions for them."
"Pharmacy Experience?"
"What would you do if a Dr. prescribed a medication that you found out that would be contraindicated with a patient's current medication(s)?"
"How do you handle stress?"
"A lot of their questions focused on how well you interact in/with a group."
"Tell me about a time that you demonstrated leadership"
"If your best friend found the answer key to an upcoming test and offer to let you see it, what would you do?"
"If I found a copy of an upcoming exam, what would I do or say?"
"Tell me of a time that you worked with a group and had difficulties. How did you overcome them?"
"what do you mean by compassion, professionalism, teamwork and leadership?"
"Tell me about your healthcare experiences."
"What does volunteer mean to you? "
"You find a copy of your professors test in the copy room, what do you do? Would you tell the Professor?"
"3 words your best friend would use to describe you"
"why have u chosen clinical pharmacy as your specialisation?"
"Define compassion and name a time when you were compassionate."
"If pharmacist (your boss) was stealing lortabs, what would you do? If classmates missed a class last week, would you help them catch up if you were behind on your own work and the assestment was the next day?"
"What will you do if you are not accepted to this school.?"
"Why USN, why not another school in your state?"
"why do you want to be a pharmacist? why USN?"
"Whats Compassion"
" do i define it"
"Why Nevada?"
"As a pharmacist you are a supervisor what would I do if a technician came in everyday 3 minutes late?"
"Pharmacy closing, alot of people waiting to fill presciption, supervisor wants to close, what would you do?"
"What is a conflict you have had and how did you resolve it?"
"Why USN?"
"Example of compassion?"
"Describe a leadership role in which you've served."
"When I had shown compassion to a co-worker."
"uncooperative team member."
"Define compassion and a time when you showed compassion. "
"Biggest challenge in your life?"
"How will you make yourself standout as a pharmacist in your field?"
"what is compassion..give an example"
"Dinner with 2 people dead or alive, who would you choose and why?"
"what would you do if you dispensed expired drugs?"
"What would you do if you knew that your friend had all the answers to an exam. Would you tell the professor?"
"Tell us about yourself"
"If one member in your group is not working and you have tried to talk/encourage that person but he is plain lazy, what would you do to motivate him?"
"If you were on rounds in a hospital and the doctor as a jerk to you and refused to listen to your advice what would you do?"
"Why do you want to become a pharmacist? What started it all?"
"your strenth, your weekness?"
"If you were the coach of a soccer team and a parent was pressuring you to play their son over other teamates, how would you handle the situation?"
"They asked me about the pharmacy at which I worked. How should a pharmacist motive his staff? How would I handle conflicts if I was on the same level professionally with the other person vs if I was a leader/manager (I said basically the same way, of course I would be in a position of greater authority as a manager, but I would still like to hear the other person's side of the story and work out a compromise just as I would do if I were on the same level. I'm not sure what they were looking for in that question)."
"Why Pharmacy? Why not some other medical career? "
"Why the University of Southern Nevada?"
"Define compassion and tell of a situation u have shown compassion?"
"5. tell us about yourself 6.why do you think you are responsible?(i said i am responsible person)"
"Example of a time that I showed compassion except the family."
"How do you plan to juggle school and raising two boys?"
"Pharmacists are well-versed in drugs and drug-body you feel that they should be allowed to prescribe medications? Why or why not?"
"what would you do , if someone is lazy in your gp? what would you do if ur gp decides to copy another gp's report? what is compassion? show the ex. in your life where you showed compassion except the family."
"What have you done to learn about pharmacy? "
"Why did you choose Pharmacy?"
"What did you experience during (undergrad institution) that you wish to experience here?"
"Why my grades were not as great at ASU as they were at the community college..."
"Situations where group/ team work was difficult and how you overcame the challenge"
"Which branch of pharmacy fiel you think you will continue?"
"If pharmacy doesn't work out, would I consider go back my old career?(I had computer science degree)"
"What class was difficult for you and how you dealt with it?"
"Drive thru pharmacies and the benefit vs the cost or of having them or something like that..."
"Why pharmacy as a profession?"
"How to show leadership in pharmacy environment?"
"Pros/cons of block system"
"how to help a shy friend in a group speak up"
"Tell me about leadership"
"What question did you expect to be asked that we didn't ask? They make you answer that question then."
"common questions like: 1) Why do you want to be a pharmacist? (Please give a short and straight to the point answer because you have only 1 or 2 minutes) 2) what things that you like the least in pharmacy? 3) Why NSU? 4) Questions about the volunteer experience"
"You mentioned clinical pharmacy, talk about that...(more questions along this line)."
"Tell us about your self kind of questioning"
"three words to describe yourself"
"Why pharmacy?"
"How do I get patients to comply to taking medications such as antibiotics on a regular basis?"
"volunteers experience, how u showed leadership"
"How would you adapt so quick to learn English this well in 4 years in the US?"
"I saw in your essay that you talked about learning Spanish and interacting with lower income/rural areas of Hispanic demographic, is that something you'd be interested in continuing at Roseman?"
"Tell us about a time you had to take constructive criticism. What happened and what was the outcome?"
"Tell us about a time when you worked in a group and a conflict arose. How did you resolve it?"
"How would you handle a conflict with team members that don't get along"
"Describe what you did when you volunteered at the hospital."
"What has been your most challenging class as an undergraduate?"
"If you were interning at a pharmacy for one day and caught a technician who had been working there for 7 years, what would you do?"
"If you saw your boss, the owner of the pharmacy, taking Lortabs, what would you do?"
"Why pharmacy?"
"How do you deal with an upset person and example?"
"What does it mean to be compassionate?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"(My pharm experience was in the CCU of a hospital) What if you had a patient on a blood thinner and the dr write a script for another drug that does the same thing but you haven't maxed out the dosage of the first drug yet?"
"What did you do to help you prepare for this rigorous curriculum?"
"How will you handle the distractions(casinos, etc) merely minutes away?"
"How would you define a professional, for example and professional pharmacist?"
"Are you a leader or a follower (something along those lines)?"
"what change do you want in the current pharmacy scenario?"
"Two Questions: (1) You are with a group of your classmates studying for an exam when you discover that another group has a copy of the upcoming exam. What would you do, and what exactly would you say? (2) You are working with a group of your classmates, but one of your team members has not been contributing and refuses to participate. What would you do to motivate him or her? What would you say? "
"What is Compassion? What would you do if your team member is not supporting you?"
"Where do you see yourself in 15 years?"
"If your classmates found a professor's exam on the copying machine, what would you do?"
"how would u deal with a difficult patient who thought that you werent a professional."
"Your groupmate is skipping class and always wants to borrow your notes. What do you do?"
"describe professionalism? Compassion? What have you done that was compassionate?"
"Your best friend, who just had a death in her family, is cheating off of you in an exam. What do you do? If you turn her in she will be dismissed."
"Assume I do not know you, tell me about yourself"
"are there any challenges that you foresee? for people that don't like you, what do you think they don't like about you? what do you do on your spare time?"
"Define a leader"
"teamwork...wat is it according to me"
"If you know that one of your friend is cheating, what would you do?"
"Why we should choose you?"
"Have you held any leadership positions?"
"What does compassion mean to me? Explain a time when I have shown compassion. "
"What is compassion and give an example. What is professionalism? "
"Describe a conflict you had with someone"
"How would you describe yourself?"
"What is your greatest weakness?"
"How would you revolutionize retail pharmacy??"
"Describe a time you've shown compassion to a non-family member."
"Leadership question."
"fishy script from Dr. what would I do?"
"How you would motivate a student who was not pulling his share of the work."
"Why did you apply to USN?"
"What do you do to relax?"
"would you arugue with your prof regarding a grade which is a critical one deciding your pass/fail situation"
"In a group setting are you more of a leader or a follower, explain why? (they kept hounding me on this one, I told them why I thought I was a good leader but they kepy prodding where there wasn't much more to explain.)"
"how does professionalism apply to pharmacy "
"They asked me to elaborate on a quote I put in one of my essays."
"Since most of your pharmacy experience is in retail pharmacy is this the area that you want to practice in as a pharmacist?"
"What would you do if you see your pharmacist taking pain medications? Would you come and talk to him/her about it/"
"How will you deal w/ school, 3 kids and a husband?"
"Why USN? What separates USN from other pharmacy schools? "
"why USN? why pharmacy?"
"Give an example of how you've shown leadership. If a member of your group was not contributing, how would you change that?"
"What would I do if someone did not treat me professionally? What would I do if the pharmacist wanted to close the pharmacy and a patient came up with an ill child and needed medicine? (I said that I would ask the pharmacist if we could not stay for just a few minutes to help them out, and if the pharmacist insisted that we close then I would help the person find a pharmacy where she can still fill her script--I can't like force the pharmacist to stay there against his will, and I couldn't certainly fill the script by myself, so I hope that was the answer they were looking for). "
"What did you do when you volunteered at the acute care unit? Describe a conflict you had with someone when you were V.P. of the Spanish Club."
"Give an example of how you have shown compassion towards a "non-family member""
"What characters have seen from the pharmacist u have worked with that have really impressed u about this career, that u urself do not have."
"7. leadership aspect 8. team player?"
"why pharmacy? My biggest accomplishment.."
"something about you are coach to a basketball team and has a final game, would you pick a star who has not been doing good in the last games to start the game or a bencher who has been consistently good to start the game?"
"Why, if you're so interested in helping people and caring for others, did you not choose a career as a nurse of physician's assistant? It's approximately the same amount of schooling....why not nursing or PA?"
"describe yrself in 3 words. why would you think we will select you rather than any other student? leadership- aspects. i don't remember any other que. "
"Tell us about yourself? (Make sure to sell yourself and practice this questions even though the faculty had my app the 2 students did not)"
"Tell me about your strength and weakness."
"If a doctor tells you to give a patient a generic brand and says you can do whatever with the prescription, what would you do?"
"Why USN.."
"What do you do in your free time?"
"Why USN?"
"If you and the other applicants has similiar GPA. What makde you stand out. "
"What is the pros and cons about block instruction?"
"They love to ask about team situations like if one of the members of the time is not taking part within the team what I would do? (tough question)"
"What has been your greatest accomplishment?"
"Tell a conflict in your time and how you resolve it?"
"What would you do if you saw a pharm tech. taking pills for their own use"
"talk about my experience in pharmacy"
"What is challenge in your life"
"General ethics questions about people stealing tests etc."
"What are your weakness and strength?"
"Various questions relating to group work..."
"why our school"
"why this program, why pharmacy"
"What interests you in our program?"
" word..strenghts weaknesses"
"Describe yourself in 1 word. Tell me about your strength and weakness."
"If you were accepted to every pharmacy school you applied to, how would you decide which one to go to?"
"What does professionalism mean to you>"
"Why do you want to go to Roseman University?"
"Explain more about a specific patient encounter you faced that you had written on your application."
"What questions were you expecting us to ask, but didn't? How would you have answered that question?"
"If you could have lunch with any person, living or dead, who would it be and why?"
"What qualities would you look for in a pharmacy technician?"
"Tell us two different experiences where you demonstrated being compassionate?"
"If I were to ask your son to say something about you, what would he say? (My son is currently two and a half.)"
"Who's school of theory in psychology do you subscribe to? (I'm getting my bachelor's in psychology and the faculty member on my panel happens to teach the psychiatric block... It was a good conversation)"
"What id nothing goes your way?"
"The one about convincing my group to put down the wrong answer and getting owned by it later."
"If you knew a script was wrong, but called the doctor and he/she insisted it was right, what would you do?"
"Is there a question that you thought would be asked but wasn't?"
"do u want me to ask anything? i said u can me a question to describe myself. i told because i prepared this question very confidently before the interview."
"What do you like to do when you're not studying? What are your hobbies?"
" What would you do if your best friend had an exam and was willing to share it with you?"
"5 people on a space ship including you and a deadly virus breaks out, you only have enough vaccinations for 2 people, who do you save and why?"
"what would you do if the professor taught something in class about which you already had some previous knowledge and what the professor was telling was different from what you had previously learnt. would you confront the professor ?"
"You are going to fill a prescription but you notice it is the wrong drug. What do you do? If you say you to call the doctor, what do you do if the doctor insists it is right? "
"If pharmacist (your boss) was stealing lortabs, what would you do?"
"This is a rigorous program with a pass/fail system, you need 90% to pass. How do you feel about 90%"
"If you dispensed medication for an STD, and then saw the patient flirting with one of your girl friends, and it seemed she liked him, what would you do?"
"for people that don't like you, what do you think they don't like about you?"
"I didnt get anything too out there, read everyone elses feedback, its all the same!"
"what would i do if my team members don't support my answer in the group assesment and the points matter to the whole team and am sure about the right answer.. "
"why pharmacy?"
"Assesment days consist of an individual assesment and a team assesment. Say in the past you have been passing all the assesments with 95% or higher so you know that you're doing well. You've noticed that a couple of your team members don't pull their weight or come prepared to the team assesments. You are not required to take the team assesments. Will you ever consider not going? What would you do?"
"If you and your group were studying with exams that were given to you by a student from the previous year and the next day you were handed the exact same exam what would you do?"
"If you are a pharmacist and you are at a high school (recruiting), what would you say to a highschooler about the pharmacy career and USN?"
"What is a conflict (school or work) that you had with someone and how did you resolve it?"
"Describe yourself in 3 words."
"nothing interesting, pretty much the same as those posted before"
"You are a pharm tech and the pharmacist told you to close shop. A mother with her son comes in to fill a prescription for an antibiotic...what would you do?"
"If U just moved in a remote village where nobody knows you, and other pharmacists are on vacations. So if a person enters and is walking out again after seeing you because he doesn't know you, what would you do??"
"What does ''professionalism'' mean?"
"''Imagine you were in a space shuttle with 4 other people and you were the only pharmacist. If there was an outbreak of an infectious disease and you only had enough medication for 2 people, who would you save? and why?''"
"Most of the questions were straigt forward. I was given a lot of info on how the block system worked and it sounds like something I'd enjoy."
"Hypothetically if I was a dean and given $5 million for scholarships to accept a 3.0 student who is the grandson of the person making the donation."
"If you were in charge of pharmacy practice in the retail setting, what one change would you make to the way prescriptions were handled. "
"why usn"
"What would you do if a Doctor wrote Rx for some expensive med, the patient doest have any insurance or money to pay for it, and the Doc doesn't want to change it to anything else? What do you do?"
"What would you do if you saw a fellow employee slip a pill into his/her pocket? What would you do if it was a coughdrop?"
"drug you like"
"A lady comes in scratched up/beaten up and crying just as you're about to close the pharmacy. The script she wants filled is the "morning after" pill. What do you do?(I think it was a compassion/ethics question directed at whether I thought it was my right to deny filling it due to my morals or ethics. They didn't actually say it was the "morning after" pill but it was implied, I think to see if I recognized the controvertial issue or not)"
"why USN besides the block system, refrence, and curriculum....."
"You are working on your Biology BS? What area in biology do you like the most and why?"
"Everybody knows what pharmacy can do for them but what can you do for pharmacy?"
"If your best friend was sitting next to you and asked you to give her answers on the exam, and you know that she had an emergency and was in the hospital the whole night and didn't study, what would you do? "
"What would you do if your technician stole a coughdrop?"
""If you were a pharmacist and had filled a prescription weight-loss medication for a patient with a side effect of loose stools, but had forgotten to inform her of this and she ended up messing her pants in public, then came into the pharmacy and threw the medication at you and began yelling and cursing at you...what would you do?" -- not even kidding..."
"How a pharmacist should motivate the other workers in the pharmacy (This question was based off of my response that compassion, motivation, and easy to get a long with are traits of a good leader)"
"Why will you be a successful Pharmacist? (the wording caught me off guard for some reason)."
"Give an example of how you have shown compassion to a "non-family member""
"What does it mean to u to think outside the box?"
"who does pharmacist serve?-simple but interest to me.."
"You mentioned that you want to be a retail pharmacist, is that because you have shadowing experience? How do you know whether you don't like other areas besides retail?"
"which two people, dead or alive would you like to go to lunch with"
"As I sat down, I was caught off-guard when my interviewer immediately asked me, "What question would you like us to ask you?""
"Situational questions: what would you do , if you are closing pharmacy and a patient came with antibiotic for his kid, and yr supervisor told you to close the pharmacy. what would you do?"
"Name a time you showed compassion for someone other than a family member."
"If you could meet one person, either dead or alive, who would you meet and why?"
"All questions were pretty standard."
"No interesting questions were asked, just standard questions."
"What historical figure I enjoyed the most in the book I was reading?"
"How do you study?"
"What is my favor chinese food. (apparently one of the guy like chinese food)"
"Share one experience when you had a conflict with someone?"
"Why did you choose pharmacy instead of some other health care profession?"
"How do you think you will like working in a group?"
"If I did not get in this year, what would I do?"
"If I cannot get into the school of pharmacy, what will I do?"
"If you could not be a pharmacist, what would you do"
"what i would do if my friend accidentally received answers from an upcoming test, and called me over to see them. "
"About my hobies"
"Asked about how I work in groups. The school is into group work."
"What things that you like the least in pharmacy career?"
"What would you most concerned about during your first year at USN? (not the right wording but something along these lines)"
"what would you do If a pharmacist you work with and respect is taking controled pills for his chronic back pain without a prescription"
"they have a strong focus on group work -several questions pertained to how you would handle certain situations that come up while working in a group"
"Usual questions..."
"how would you make the shift to las vegas?"
"Do you ever doubt yourself?"
"None, they were all pretty standard questions and it was very conversational."
"How will you contribute to a positive environment at Roseman?"
"Why pharmacy? (not difficult, just adding more questions)"
"Explain more about the challenges you faced as an undergraduate (application question)."
"If you were administering flu shots at your pharmacy, and you only had one shot left, who would you give it to: an elderly man around 65yrs old, or a pregnant woman and why?"
"If you saw your boss, the owner of the pharmacy, taking Lortabs, what would you do? (Difficult only because of the way he phrased it.)"
"You substitute a similar, cheaper medicinal rx instead of the rx ordered. The doctor confronts you and tells you that he is the doctor and that you are the pharmacist and you should stick with exactly what he prescribed. How would you respond to the doctor?"
"Tell me about a time you showed compassion to someone not in your family"
"What's qualities are different between a doctor & pharmacist?"
"How successful do you feel you are in life at this point in time?"
"Are you a leader or a follower?"
"They asked me to elaborate on some of the things I wrote in my personal statement."
"Nothing was too hard. "
"Working on a group project with 4 people and 1 person is not holding up their end - how do you handle this?"
"what would you do if your friend copied of all your answers and submitted the paper and then the teacher calls you and accuses you of cheating."
"You know your best friend is cheating on an exam. What do you do? "
"What have you done to prepare for the rigorous program? (Only becuase I didn't understand the question initially, so I asked for clarification...I told them about study habits)."
"This is a rigorous program with a pass fail system. 90% to pass. How do you feel about 90%. I wanted to say "as a number?""
"Besides having a career that will benefit your family, what other reason do you have for pursuing a career in pharmacy?"
"what do you do on your spare time? as i hardly have any...always on the"
"Really depend on you, there was nothing too crazy"
"same as above"
"If a team member in group bad talks aout the school and the professors, what would you do"
"How would you describe yourself?"
"nothing difficult"
"What change would you bring to Pharmacy field?"
"What is your one greatest asset? (I was prepared with a short list of strengths, but narrowing it down to one is difficult)"
"I didn't think this was any more difficult then others but be prepared to answer, why would we pick you? What distinguishes you from other candidates? "
"No really difficult questions that caught me off guard."
"If i had any questions for them"
"what`s the least crime u will commit"
"If you are a pharmacist working closely with a Doctor and that Doc gives you a full authority to prescribe Rxs what do you do??"
"How will you make yourself stand out as a pharmacist amongst others in your prospective field?"
"all questions were just routine"
"Why didn't you apply to the University of Utah?"
"the bad thing about pharmacy in 10 years"
"How do you handle stress?"
"A series of 4 questions about an angty customer that wouldn't calm down and how I would respond."
"How would your best friend describe you in 3 words?"
"How would you motivate someone who is unmotivated?"
"how do you motivate people?"
"...see above..."
"Tell me about a conflict you had with a co-worker--I had thought about the conflicts I had with customers, but I have not had any with the people I've worked with, I've always got along, very easy going, so I had no answer to this! Basically, I just described how I handled conflicts (like those with the customers), and how I dealt with an angry customer and that wasn't difficult. "
"If you were working on a Friday evening, when no Dr.s are around to fill a prescrptn., and a patient desperately needed meds...what would you do."
"If you saw a pharmacist take a pain pill while at work what would you do?"
"U r working in independent pharmacy and ur boss is taking lortabs with no Rx. What would u do and u know what he is doing is wrong? Pliz people think this one thru it took me forever to come to the right answer? Remember he is the boss so u cant report him to anybody in the pharmacy.Thats a hint"
"Do you want to go back to your country after getting your PharmD? (I thought this was tricky, because I was not sure they would rather people serve in the US or they wanted to see whether I have the compassion to serve my community) "
"No question in particular comes into mind, but I was definitely asked plenty of questions regarding ETHICS. Be prepared to answer honestly about how you would deal with ethically challenging situations. (They'll ask you a question and then tweak the situation to see how you'd fare under the new conditions....stuff like that.)"
"Is there any que. in your mind that we did not ask you?"
"How did you react in an emergency situation (if you've had one)?"
"How would you represent USN in your career?"
"No difficult questions were asked."
"Nothing really"
"What are some of the questions that you think we might ask but didn't ask."
"Nothing too difficult."
"If you can meet any two individuals alive or dead, who would you like to meet?"
"Why not nursing?"
"My biggest strength and weakness."
"A pharmacist takes the narcotic and you as a pharmacist see him, and he said ok, what would you do?"
"Tell me about yourself (this was the first thing they said and I was so nervous, I for got all about myself)"
"about the time when i showed compassion"
"What is challenge in my life?"
"What is the kindest thing you ever did? "
"One of questions was was something like: if an M.D. asks you, as a pharmacist, to fix a patient's problem, what would you do? "
"Define professionalism."
"what person (from the past or the present) would you like to meet and talk to."
"describe your leadership style"
"Why did I change my major? (I was a different major before)"
"What would you do if you caught your best friend cheating in class? Also, what would you do if you saw a doctor prepare a drug regimen that would benifit the patient, but it would benifit the doctor financially. (this one was confusing, but just remember they will ask u ethical ?'s and BE HONEST!!! THEY KNOW YOU WOULDNT TELL ON UR FRIENDS..)"
"There were two of your team were fighting during an important project. How would you deal with such situation?"
"Go over some common questions asked in every pharmacy school interview (i.e. Introduce yourself, Why pharmacy?, Why this school?)"
"Mostly SDN questions and mock interviews. Most people say not to write the answers to some of the questions down but personally it helped me a lot and didn’t sound unnatural."
"Read all the interview feedback to get an idea of what questions they will ask! Do mock interviews, but more importantly practice aloud in front of a mirror. Keep eye contact with yourself!"
"Read through SDN forum and general interview questions"
"Browsed this page and nothing else."
"Reviewed questions from SDN, researched the school, and asked current Roseman students and other pharmacy school students for tips/advice"
" Talking with pharmacists at work"
"student doctor network, mock interviews"
"Reviewed my application and the interview feedback on SDN."
"Read SDN."
"Read SDN"
"Mock interviews, SDN interview section"
"Reviewed what I wrote for the short essays on the application, read the interview feedback and thought of what I'd say."
"SDN & Mock Interviews"
"SDN, mock interview, researched the school, articulated why I want to attend USN"
"i had reviewed almost 40-50 question from the before i gave the interview."
"SDN is the best resource overall! I went on several job interviews fo help me feel comfortable. This helped more than you can imagine. The internet is a great resource for interview stuff."
"SDN interview feedback questions and plenty of mock interviews."
"SDN - USN website - Mock Interviews - reread my supplemental application - Wife did a lot of research for me"
"SDN, read supplemental application, USN website"
"sdn, mock interviews with family"
"Read interview feedback. Some practice with husband but not so much as to sound rehearsed. "
"SDN, mock interview, and took my mom, boyfriend, and uncle with me to Henderson (NOT TO THE INTERVIEW THOUGH). They helped me relax. If I were to go by myself, I would be in my head too much and thinking of way I could mess things up. But I had fun with my family the night before and the day of my interview, so I was relaxed and EXTREMELY excited to be there. Don't get me wrong, I was still stressed out and nervous, but that was only my body. My mind-set was different. I was happy that I even got the interview, and I LOVE the school."
"SDN, quick run through of my answers with the husband. Don't over prepare! They don't want canned answers"
"review all the interview questions on SDN, role play, play Xbox"
"sdn, pharmacists I work with - most of them are USN grads...P1 students I met at work..."
"SDN feedback, spoke to several pharmacists, and worked with friends."
"SDN and friends and my pharmacist"
"SDN, practiced with my friends"
"SDN, and with family. Talked to the pharmacists that I work with. "
"SDN, reviewed previous feedback questions and other standard questions, mock interview, other interviews"
"SDN & interview books from the library."
"SDN, mock interview, med student gave me a lot of advice"
"sdn, read articles for current news but nothing like that was asked"
"SDN, and other pharmacist!"
"Reading and preparing for questions from this website, re-reading my essays and talking to Pharmacists/other medical professionals"
"SDN Interview Feedback.. Take the questions from here and familiarize your self with them so you would not be surprised when you are asked anyone of these. Do not memorize answers, they know when an answer is realistic and when its rehearsed. "
"SDN and mock interviews"
"SDN. Most questions i received have appeared on here many times"
"SDN, mock interview with friends, talked to pharmacists"
"this website"
"talked to my pharmacists,"
"SDN, mock interview pracitce with friends"
"SDN,mock interview with friends really helped me"
"SDN, interview prep sites"
"SDN, mock interviews, rented videos from the university library on how to handle tough interview questions, etc."
"SDN, mock interviews with other pre-pharm students, review school's website"
"SDN is the best resource to prepare for this interview"
"this site and the schools site"
"There were a few questions I was asked that I actually saw in SDN, so be sure to read up on SDN!"
"Mock interviews."
"this web"
"SDN was a ton of help, reading and answering questions to myself, mock interiew by my girlfriend all really helped also."
"SDN, said my answers out loud many many many times (made sure they didn't sound rehearsed), mock interview (only once though)"
"This site, roll-play, and I asked the students in the lobby that had already been interviewed what Q's they had been asked. lol"
"I thought alot about why I wanted to become a pharmacist and why I wanted to go to the University of Southern Nevada"
"SDN,Friends etc"
"SDN and interview book"
"SDN, school website"
"SDN, Mock interviews with friends."
"This website is a fantastic source for preparation. I also highly recommend scheduling a few mock interviews through the university you currently attend, if it is offered. A good way to prepare is NOT to don't want to sound rehearsed when it comes time to actually interview. They'll pick up on that quick!"
"mock and visited this website. it helped me a lot.."
"The school website, and an interview book (for employment but similiar scenarios)"
"Through sdn website, look at school's website, practiced the interview with my friends, co-worker etc. "
"Website, studentdoctor"
"SDN and most important was meeting with a career service counselor and doing a couple of mock interviews with her. The feedback that I was given was so helpful."
"SDN, mock interviews and studying the school"
"Mock interviews with friends, online research like SDN"
"Mock interviews with friends and school website."
"Practiced with friends and co-workers"
"I had interviewed with them the year before."
"I read interview books and asked my local RPH for advice"
"practice with friends, professors"
"SDN, book on interviews"
"sdn, talked to counselors, friends, pharmacists"
"This website, My college prof., my friends"
"Practiced answers to general questions about pharmacy school, sdn, talked with Rphs"
"Went through common interview questions in SDN interview feedback and read some info NSU school website."
"Read school website, talked with my boss (RPh), read SDN, put together a question database"
"prepared it with my pharmacist, and then with my friend on the way down from Cali to Las Vegas"
"sdn, read personal statement, talked to friends, reviewed info on school"
"Read SDN, and practiced a bit with friends."
"Read some interview tips, SDN, did some practce sample writing. Talked to other students, read about the school and program."
"this website, review personal statment"
"SDN, essay, mock interviews"
"The interview day host was incredibly nice and friendly, and the interviewers were really nice."
"They sold the sell well in their orientation. I was most impressed by their IPPE and APPE hours and connections."
"I really love the orientation they prepare on interview day, excellent speakers. They are very hospitable, nice, and friendly. The students are all fantastic, too, everyone's like a family."
"The staff. Plus, current students spoke very highly of the program."
"The staff went out of their ways to introduce themselves to students, and they treated all interviewees as if we were all already accepted"
"The school seemed to really want you to succeed."
"Everyone was so nice and helpful. I felt like they all really cared about me and wanted me to do my best. It was a very welcoming and relaxing environment."
"State of the art facilities. Friendly and kind staff."
"How nice and open everyone was"
"The faculty went out of their way to put all of the candidates at ease."
"The other students were very helpful and friendly."
"South Jordan, UT campus location."
"the curriculum, the atmosphere"
"the orientation"
"The faculty, the orientation, the students, the tour -- everyone was nice, amicable, informative, answered any and all questions."
"The staff was incredibly friendly, and very helpful. The students seemed excited, very intelligent, focused, and friendly!"
"their punctuality in the schedule "
"Everyone at the school was so nice. Dr. Deyoung is really sincere, and he does his best to help applicants feel comfortable. The University is very neat, clean, and architectually beautiful. "
"Everyone at USN is very friendly. They try to make you feel relaxed."
"friendliness of staff/students, tours were given"
"the comfort level at the school.. everyone was extremely friendly and the professors and the students just wanted us to relax and not worry at all."
"Dr. DeYoung remembered my name when I asked him a question later in the day. Everyone is so friendly. "
"The 'family' atmosphere."
"How accomadating everybody was"
"The faculty and students REALLY try to make you feel "at home". I didn't feel like an interview meeting, it almost felt like an orientation on the first day of school. Dr. DeYoung and Dr. O are amazing guys, so outgoing and fun. The facilities are top notch. Great location in Vegas. The P1 students were so willing to share experiences, stories and overall get you excited about the potential to be enrolled there in August. Overall, a GREAT experience!"
"The atmosphere, the faculty, everything in general."
"the people at school were very warm and friendly...Dr De young is one of the nicest person i have come across.."
"hip, modern decor"
"the brand new school with plasma screen TV for classes and the neat environment"
"how enthusiastic and nice the people were. They really try their best to make you feel comfortable and relaxed for the interview."
"Everybody was very friendly and any questions that I had were answered by the students or staff. "
"small, nice campus"
"I thought the students were very inviting and friendly...they were excited to be there and help us out!! :) Dr DeYoung is always happy!! :)"
"Students seemed nice and the school is new. The school is much smaller than I expected though."
"The facilites are amazing. They are brand new (at the location in Utah)."
"The P1 students hung around the whole time. I was one of the last people to interview."
"DEYONG hyperness!!!!"
"Everyone was very enthusiastic and friendly. Very low stress level."
"Despite a large class size they seem to know each and every student. It seems like a close familial environment. "
"How friendly and entheusiastic everyone was about their school. This included Laurie Briggs who immediately made me feel welcome and put me at ease, Dr DeYound who was one of my interviewers, and EVERY student I met. This has quickly become my number one choice."
"Everyone is personable and friendly. P2 students were very helpful to the interview candidates"
"I was very impressed with how welcoming the introductions were, how relaxed the staff and faculty were, and how everyone was so supportive and were there to answer any questions we had. During the interview, the interviewers made sure that I was comfortable since the sun was starting to set and the light was coming through the window. I thought that was very nice and considerate of them. "
"Dr. DeYoung is so nice and does his best to put everyone at ease. Faculty and students in general were very helpful and friendly"
"faculty is just amazing..facilities are good and current students are really nice and helpful"
"The presentation about the school was very informative, they answered lots of my questions and gave the appearence that they thought they were #1. I think their confidence in their school really inpressed me. I was also able to talk to a few current students that gave me a lot of info also."
"nice faculty comportable environment"
"The enthusiasm of the staff. Also, the fact that every exam has to be passed with 90% or above, which means you've got to know your material."
"Nice facility with state of the art technology"
"my interview was at Utah location. I love everything about the school: brand new campus, nice and caring professors, students at the school saids that pharmacy class here is like a family to them. "
"I liked the attitude of the faculty"
"USN is up on technology. The students who go there don't seem like they spend much time at The Strip."
"How nice the faculty and students were. "
"faculty people are so nice"
"The staff were all so welcoming and personable, made me feel totally comfortable and at ease. The student tour guides were all really cool too."
"The staff is so outgoing and friendly! "
"Everything! The facilities are brand new. No texts; everything you'll need is on a laptop they provide for you. The block system rocks! The staff/faculty are extremely cordial and polite."
"Everyone was very very nice"
"Finally, they have financial aid"
"it is small school and tour takes only 15min. but, students and professors are very friendly."
"Friendliness of the faculty"
"The friendliness and enthausiasm of the students as well as faculty."
"The staff is absolutely amazing!! It was apparent how caring these people were the second I stepped onto campus. The environment at this university is very "family-like." Everyone is extremely kind. The professors are definitely people who you can easily approach."
"all staff was very nice and welcoming and helpful"
"I knew this before but it's worth mentioning. All the classes are in a block type format so you take one class at a time. Also they do not do any labs, you learn by going to a pharmacy facility (hospital, retail, etc) 2x a month starting your first month at the school. "
"All faculty members and students were very nice and friendly. They had provided us some snacks as our breakfast. "
"The faculty/students are very friendly and receptive, also the presentation about the school was very informative and explains more about what the school is about. I found out that during your 3rd year, you get to intern anywhere you want (even of state) as long as it is approved. "
"The energy of the faculty and their enthusiasm towards where the program is headed."
"Everything: the faculty, the students and the way that everyone is so positive and friendly. The block system is also hreat."
"very nice people and the school and its neighborhood is really great. Students are very happy."
"People are very friendly. I was only little bit nervous"
"Everyone was friendly..."
"Everyone was very friendly at the school. I was really impressed when they told me that it was only 3 years instead of 4 and that the block system was in effect. During the interview which was conducted by a toxicology prof. and 2 students was, for the most part, very pleasant. One of the student who interviewed me was very nice and helpful do not recall his name (looked hispanic)."
"One of the professors was very nice and personable."
"The tour by far. It was conducted by a first year student I believe his name is sergio. He was very knowledgable about the school and showed a great deal of passion for the program and all the new programs such as the MBA degree and RN. He was very proud of the school and that means a great deal to me."
"The faculty is nice"
"how nice everybody was (interviewers, staff, students)"
"every one there was very welcoming"
"They were really cool. NOt stress.Just talked normal"
"Everyone was really nice."
"Super nice faculty and brand new school."
"nice people! nice nice school! "
"The schools block system really is nice, and there are measures in place to insure you pass the course"
"great faculty and students, lots of opportunities, modern facilities"
"Everyone was really nice and genuine, all the faculty and students seemed to really like being there. Brand new facility, and they're starting up other programs there too."
"School moved to a brand new building, classroom are fantastic and each have 3 huge plasma screen video monitors facing comfortable seats and ample desk space with individual internet connections. Each assigned study group has an assigned breakout room complete with conference tables and white boards as well as internet hookups. Truely first rate facility. "
"Everyone was very nice, they were very informative."
"school is amazing, brand new facilites, faculty cares about students"
"Nice and friendly students, terrific falcuty members."
"Seat deposit is pretty pricey for such an unknown school"
"Nothing, really. I really wanted to go to Roseman, so I was fine with everything I saw."
"Campus - we stayed inside one fairly small building for the entire campus tour."
"The tour guides I encountered were all students who were just pulled from studying and asked to give tours; they weren't prepared well."
"The school is just like a business building, the tour was just whatever to the guide."
"I thought it was weird that there were current students playing ping pong in the main area that the candidates met, but I didn't feel any negative aspects of that day. It was a great experience."
"Cost of tuition"
"The cost of tuition and fees."
"The tuition...and the fact that it increases each year."
"Not exactly a campus-style setting."
"Small campus size, increasing tuition rates and orientation. Also, the required 90% pass rate on exams."
"Las Vegas :-)"
"there is no cafetaria"
"The (Henderson) campus sorta looks like an office complex. The library is tiny. You'll have to find a quiet place to study somewhere else if you can't study at home."
"During my interview, the professor made almost no eye contact and yawned multiple times, the last time actually audibly (in the middle of my sentence). Although I assume that this was just to test me, I found it very unprofessional."
"The location. Henderson isn't the best place to go to school. But it's close to Vegas, and the cost of living is low, so it's not bad."
"I got the impression that students skip class more than I ever would have guessed. "
"Some of the inappropriate outfits of the other interviewees."
"The P1 student chomping her gum and bashing the school. What a downer"
"library was very tiny.. but i will manage.. i love small and cozy places more than large and oblivious"
"How much you have to work in groups in the curriculum. I learn by studying my book at home or in the library. Not everybody learns well by discussing the concept with others in a group. "
"its a very small university whose student are not eligible for federal (fafsa) financial aid"
"nothing! The school is small but I really didn't think it mattered."
"I don't have any negative impressions... :)"
"The campus was really quiet."
"The fact that the school emphasizes too much on grades and not on the difficulty of the school at which you take the courses. "
"Strict interviewers and they don't even look at you while you are answering!!"
"The school is very small and sterile. It will be a drastic change from a large, buzzing university."
"Small campus and housing. "
"Not one thing!!"
"The building was smaller than I expected and it was in an office park. The library was small as well."
"Not very many current students showed up, so we couldn't get any feedback from them"
"Not really feeling the location of the school (a casino with Hooters literally across the street LOL). The school was also pretty small, about the size of a Heald college campus. "
"Campus is nothing more than a commons area, bathrooms, and classroom for each group. (P1, P2, MBA, Nursing)"
"VERY VERY small"
"Hardly any faculty has their office on campus - it seemed difficult to contact anyone if I had a concern/question"
"nothing about the school. "
"nothing particular"
"The school is tiny. There are few resources to use - the library is tiny. I come from a huge public school, so I'm probably biased, but I think I might own more books at home than USN has in their library."
"Nothing really."
"campus is smaller than i thought"
"Nothing, everything was just great. "
"There wasn't anything that disappointmented me with the entire exp."
"From this year, laptops are included in ur school fees meaning those of us who already have one will have two, if u cant sell it or give it out."
"The campus is not too impressive, in an industrial area, and is small compared to large schools, however it is a private not for profit so I would be concerned if it looked much different."
"Campus was relatively small compared to other school.(ex.library was small)."
"Nothing really, maybe that you have to go off campus to get something to eat, but that's not a big problem"
"The school is a bit small for my taste. I wish they had a school gym."
"During the interview, the toxicologist asked very difficult questions. I felt if like I was in the spot for doing something wrong."
"One of the professors was grumpy and cold."
"Did not like the location of the school. It seems to be so recluded surounded by storage buildings."
"nothing at all"
"Iterview suppose to finish 30 minutes they finished in 20-25 minutes."
"The campus is in an office park, no environment or character at all"
"campus didn't have many students yet; therefore, it didn't have a study atmosphere at all...LONELY... :-("
"tough interview - not terribly difficult questions but it was a tough interview for some reason (i guess this really isn't a negative)"
"My experience left a bad taste in my mouth. The interviewers were clueless and the questions were completely irrelevant to pharmacy. This school really needs to check itself. If you have ever wondered what the word "sketchy" means, just pay a visit to the Nevada College of Pharmacy (or whatever they're calling themselves these days!) "
"Construction, school is still empty, interviewer was kinda mean..they didnt ask some realistic questions"
"Direction to school is bad, confusing roads, under-construction streets..."
"The writing assessment prompt is not that difficult"
"Don't worry so much!! You'll just end up feeling bad and anxious, and that will definitely affect your emotions during the interview. After my interview, I felt horrible and disappointed because I focused on the negative too much. If it's meant to be, it will be, so try to keep a clear mind! (I know it's easier said than done.)"
"I kind of knew things from the student doctor network, but I guess I wish I had known to drink water beforehand and maybe if I had a bottle of water during the interview."
"That I would get in. :) I felt well prepared with knowing about the school and practicing possible interview questions, so I didn't feel stressed about anything. I recommend taking in the moment and expect to have an enjoyable experience. No one is there to catch your mistake or watch you struggle. Your best is expected so prepare ahead of time for it and go with the flow once you get there. You got asked to interview so they want to know more about you as a person."
"Although the interview is important, it's only 30% of your final score. If I had known this ahead of time, I may not have stressed quite so much over the interview."
"My actual interview time."
"What time my interview was scheduled. (I got a ride there and didn't know what time I'd be done in order to get picked up.)"
"There is a yearly tuition increase of 4%. There are many students at USN that are unhappy with how things function there. Most students feel like they are not retaining what they are taught due to the block system and accelerated pace."
"the scheduled interviews are not really on schedule. They tell you 5pm but I got mine @ 4"
"That In-n-Out Burger had a secret menu, and that the rental car companies are at an off-site from the airport and you need to take a shuttle to get to them. Also, FOX rent a car is not in this off-site building, you need to take ANOTHER shuttle from the off-site to get to FOX."
"That there would be about 2 hours of down time when you basically just sit around waiting for your interview."
"just relax, be cool and confident. they used to ask the normal question that u can get it from and they used to check your confident, communication skills and professional behaviour."
"Nothing. I had done enough research."
"i had done my research about the school and the program so nothing came as a surprise."
"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. If I had known, I might have been able to sleep better the night before. "
"Well, I called the school about a many times before getting an interview, just to clarify curriculum, application process, etc. I also vistited the USN Henderson campus to take a tour and talked to Ms. Laurie Briggs (also before getting an interview). Ms. Briggs is GREAT btw. So nothing really suprised me"
"Nothing really. I had done my research, so there were no surprises"
"All info about the tuition/student loans."
"That I was first! It was good though!"
"nothing really.. i was well prepared and when they asked who is not nervous today i was the only one...admitting to it which i thought was very honest of me.. as i was very cool even tho it was a matter of life and death for me..."
"There's no bookstore and textbooks aren't required."
"the financial aid situation"
"How much they stress really have to be able to answer lots of questions dealing with working in groups. "
"n/a "
"Both campuses have the PharmD/MBA program"
"Lots of people at the same time. there were like 70 of us...."
"USN does not award traditional letter grades - pass/fail system - 90% or higher to pass. "
"How beautiful Henderson was, and I wish I had a few more days to look around."
"Hotels can be expensive. Motel 6 is cheap and not that far away."
"That 160 students are accepted in Henderson and 80 students accepted in Utah. "
"The testing process, 90% to pass. That they offer an MBA program also."
"You need to bring a PHOTOCOPY of your drivers license and passport"
"NO ESSAYS!!!!! love it."
"How to motivate others. Haha."
"Most everything they told me I had already basically known about, and everything that I found out, mainly from talking with the tour guides, it didn't really matter whether or not I had known about it ahead of time."
"I felt i was very well prepared. I dressed in a suit and tie. I brought my birth certificate and drivers license. I didn't need a pen, but it would have been nice...I suppose."
"That the interviewers had read through my file!"
"I was well-informed going into this interview, so I can't say that anything was new to me."
"They do not have their Title IV funding yet. THis means no federal aid, yet. By next year it will be in place and hopefully by the fall of this year but there were no promises, so for those getting in this year it might be all private loans, yikes."
"There's actually 3 people interviewing you instead of 2, not a big deal though"
"Nothing, if you read about the school on their website then you won't be surprised by anything."
"That there is really no reason to be nervous. Everyone is there to help you relax and feel comfortable."
"The school is one building but very modern."
"Be prepared to be stressed specially if you get a interviewer with something to prove."
"nothing, but prepare to ask questions to make your interview last."
"Well I could have done more interview questions. I do not feel like my interview went very well, i was very nervous"
"should have booked to stay in vegas for at least 1 day after the interview to check things many good buffee, so little time...hehe..."
"just be relaxed"
"How long the process would take....all the students were divided into groups for the interview with different interviewers...depending on the luck of the draw you may there awhile"
"I should prepare the short answers for some common questions such as why do you want to be pharmacy because I was the last person to have an interview. Hence, the interviewers were kinda rush. Oh, by the way, if you are from out of state, and your time is much different, I suggest you to have a stomach full before you come to interview. Dr. Manley had a hearing problem, so please speak up. Else, you have to repeat your answers many times."
"don't stay at the HoJo on Paradise Rd!"
"That vegas sucks"
"how nice they are there"
"What a waste of time and money the trip was."
"Block System, and how much taxi cabs are in las vegas...if anyhthing rent a will save u atleast 100 bucks if u want to go around the city a bit"
"Incredibly nice staff, so much so that the school went up in my personal rankings after the interview day"
"TIPS: What definitely helped me the most was practicing aloud with myself. Practice the questions posted on here at least 4-5 times to remember your talking points and the general direction of your answer. They ask a lot of situational questions as well as "Tell us about a time..." questions, so be sure to think of situations you've been through ahead of time, especially situations where you had to act as a leader, conflicts (with teammates or patients/customers), etc. For sure they will ask the "Why our school" and "Why pharmacy" questions, so practice answering these questions. Make sure your answers to all questions come from the heart. Be sincere, and the interview panel will sense and feel that from you, and things will go well. :)"
"This was my first interview, and I thought I did badly, but I got in. So, I feel honored that the school thinks of me highly. I think your undergraduate work other than the prerequisites might not matter to them. I just worry if I am really prepared to get 90% on every exam and can deal with the curriculum."
"I had a great interview experience. I walked in thinking it would be up-tight and all professional but the admission's office showed their personality and it made me feel that I was able to do the same. My interview was later on in the time slots and I'm naturally very nervous in these types of situations but luckily I had a couple people that I was able to talk to while I waited which took a lot of stress off. The orientation was interesting, I liked that the dean was honest about the difficulty level, and the information I learned made me want to go to this school even more."
"Overall, the experience was good. The staff does everything they can to make you relax, like cracking jokes and goofing around with each other."
"All in all, it was a good, albeit nerve-racking, experience."
"It was my first interview, but I really liked the school and the P1's that I met."
"This school was my first choice before orientation. After orientation and talking with current USN students it became my last choice! Comparing this school with others that I interviewed with, I felt that USN is most interested in making money off you. Do your homework on this school, there are many issues posted online that past students have had with USN. Hindsight, be sure to apply to several schools because after orientation you might realize you were in the dark!"
"Keep in mind they have access to your application during the interview."
"I think this is a really excellent school and I really like their block system"
"felt like the interviewers were rushing to finish"
"I liked everything other than the small library, guess I'll just have to study at home for the most part. Somewhat dark in the lecture halls, I feel like you can fall asleep easily, especially with the AC going during the summer. The desks in the lecture hall are sort of narrow."
"Be yourself! Don't be intimidated by the interview. Remember that you should be honored to even be invited to interview - more than half the applicants are turned away without an interview at all!"
"Overall, I was impressed with USN."
"Don't walk in to the interview without reading all of the interview feedback! Make lots of eye-contact, and try to create an environment of laughter and fun; afterall, they will grade you the moment you leave. "
"Just be "your self". NO need to stress. "
"Interviewed March 17th Accepted on March 23rd"
"They do try to make you feel good about being there. The interview questions were similar to the ones I read here so there were no big surprises. Read here and it should prepare you for most of the questions you will get. "
"It may be easier said than done, but BE YOURSELF. If you really like USN and want to be there, let that show in your attitude. Sure you may be nervous, but being mild may seem like you don't really care to be there (unless you're a mild person to begin with, then by all means BE YOURSELF). When I got there, people asked about my stats...let me tell you, it's too late for it it to matter about your stats when you're AT the interview. It's on a point system, so whatever your stats are, you can't change that. The only thing you have control over at this point is how 'true' to yourself you are and how excited you are to be at USN. Do not worry about your competition. The point is not to be better than anyone else, the point is to do the best that you can do so that when you look back, you will have no regrets. To be honest, if I could do it again, I wouldn't change a thing (well, maybe to let them know that I LOVE to cook as a hobby...I feel that cooking is the only thing I do outside of schoolwork and academia that it may have been improtant to point out that I do have a life outside of school. Nonetheless, a minor detail). Sure I couldn have been more calm, but then I would have felt that I was portraying a 'fake' verson of myself. I was very active and could BARELY contain my excitment, even when being grilled by the interviewers (JK, all three were very nice, especially the professor--I will omit his name). Hopefully, USN felt that I would be an excellent canditate for their program. Good luck, to all of you who want to go to USN, I hope it will be a good 'fit' for you, because that's what they will be looking for. Will you fit in? Will you contribute? Will you be able to work in teams despite differences? Can you be a leader without being a dictator? Do you have compassion that is not taught in the textbooks? And if so, where did you get that compassion? Do you have good study ethics? Can you be competent? How will you handle moral delimmas? If I was USN, that's what I would want to know...."
"Overall a good experience. I hope I don't have to repeat it though. :o)"
"ask questions! I was so nervous I forgot mine...but remembered them and some while on campus tour with 2 P1 students..."
"Amazing school, dont over prepare, be yourself and be confidant. I freeked out before hand but once I walked in they did a great job at lightening up the atmosphere andmaking everyone comfortable. Remeber, you wouldnt be there if they didnt want you, as much as your trying to sell yourself, they are trying to sell to you."
"just be yourself and don't LIE....or make up stuff... "
"The faculty speaks of the founder and president of the school as if they are his followers, "Based upon the curriculum established by our founder. . ." He's not just the prez of the school: he teaches, and I believe he was conducting interviews also. "
"Very nice interview. They just want to know you"
"I was really nervous when I walked in but the interviewers helped me feel more comfortable. They just really want to know how well you can communicate with people. "
"I was nervous but everyone there made me feel comfortable. It was a very positive atmosphere. "
"I was very nervous but the interviewers were very nice, encouraging and positive."
"Overall, I think the experience was great!! Dr. DeYoung is great and wants you to feel welcome. I was able to get to know a few P1 and P2 students and ask them questions to get a feel for what the school will be like. They also try to help you relax and they understand how you feel. I think this is a great school and hopefully I get a call soon!! :) "
"I had a lot of fun. Amazingly, I wasn't nervous at all even though everyone around me was. I think the only time that I had butterflies was when I sat on the interviewing chair...then it went away when I started talking."
"The panel was very friendly and I felt like they really wanted to know who I am."
"It was OK experience... Vegas was awsome though!!! hahaha "
"Overall it was a relaxed atmosphere. They project a feeling that they are there to help you and answer your questions, not to eliminate you."
"Stressful when I first arrived but had a great interview so was relaxed afterwards. Talk to the students who are already in school there and ask them questions.. "
"The best interview experience I have had to date. Everyone is so close, like a big family. I got to meet one of the SDNer's and that made it fun too."
"They went out of their way to make me feel comfortable. "
"We were introduced to the dean, and some faculty members who talked about the curriculum and schedule in detail which was really nice. They also talked about the testing and how the school helps everyone quite a bit to succeed. I felt like I was already accepted. Then we were allowed to do a tour if we wanted and waited for our interview time. During this time, the students and staff went around and asked us if we had any questions, they also let us know about our interviewers which was nice to help us prepare for the interview. During the interview, I felt very relaxed and the students and faculty allowed me to feel this way. It was conversational style and nothing too hard or intimidating. This school is very innovative and the faculty member that interviewed me really wanted to make a difference in the future of pharmacy. Being that USN is a private school, they don't need to go through all the red tape the public schools have to go through. I was impressed that USN was able to recruit such innovative people. The dean actually calls you to let you know that you have been accepted which I thought makes the school even more personable. "
"it was good,but have not being offered admission yet,pls if there any one went on or before me,should let me know what`s going on.thanks"
"It was overall a good experience. The faculty and students were very friendly and tried to make the interiew experience as stress-free as possible."
"overall its a good experience..I was relaxed..didnt felt that i was being interviewed at any point of time during interview of the interviewers as very nice..she was enthusiastic and helpful"
"Went well. They gave me the impression that they will really prepare you to become a very competant pharmacist. I feel they offer a great education but a really crappy campus life (which isn't that important anyway.) The interview was a breeze, nothing to tough, I am a white male and was very much in the minority which I think will be great exposure to different cultures, life, etc. if accepted. One of the interviewers was a little intimidating but after talking to some students beforehand they informed me that she really is a nice person and just puts on a hard face for the interviews. One it of advice, spit out your gum before you go in, I forgot and tried to swallow it and dang near choked as I was walking in the room."
"The interview was casual, almost like a conversation. "
"Some down time to prep and talk to USN students. If seemed like students liked the block schedule"
"another great thing about the USN: this is a three year program and your summer and last year rotations can be done anywhere as long as the school approve it. "
"Went very well, was very conversational. I was relaxed and that helped, also being the last one interviewed I think helped because the interviewers were relaxed."
"USN gets the job done. "
"Like any other interviews, I was EXTREMELY nervous and stumbled a couple of times. However, the interviewers were all very nice and understanding. After the interview, I kept on re-thinking about the questions that they asked and was upset at some of my responses. Nevertheless, I got a call a couple of days later saying I got accepted. =)"
"Overall interview went well, staff was great, students were friendly, facility is small but more than adequate, USN is a great school!"
"I was really nervous. I expected them to ask me more questions, but they were running behind, so hopefully, that was the reason. I asked them lots of questions at the end. This is really important, 'cause they give you lots of time. Make sure to ask questions!"
"Great experience! They said they'd call us personally once we were admitted to the school (as early as late February, but more than likely some time between Mar and April)."
"Wonderful...way better than the year before!"
"Be urself and know exactly what u wrote in ur application coz they will ask u questions relevant to what is in ur application.Like Exprience etc"
"it was my first interview and nervous. My interviewers were two professors and one student.. The current student asked two questions and two professors asked about 7 questions.. Time went too fast... they're going to tell us final decision in Feb. "
"very positive experience. The faculty was very nice."
"The interviewers were two students and one faculty. They kind of put me at ease yet remained professional. For whoever is reading this and have an interview, let your confidence show and as much as possible remain calm. I really do feel good about this interview."
"RELAX!!! I tend to stress about these things, but you do not need to work yourself into a frenzy over this interview. The interviewers are quick to put you at ease and it should quickly turn into a very conversational experience. They are not the type to condescend and "trick" you. Really....just relax. I wish everyone reading this the best of luck!! :) I have been accepted to this school and am looking forward to an incredible experience starting Fall 2006. :)"
"it was good. i was not very nervous. there were 2 stusents and one faculty who toook my interview."
"Very comfortable, everyone was nice and seemed to be forthcoming. "
"The interview was very organized, and the faculty and students seem very excited about the school and its potential. USN focuses on real on-site training, and offers a lot of opportunity for clinical and community pharmacy. If you want to stress on research, then this is not the place for you. High passing rate for boards."
"I was impressed with the enthusiasm of the faculty and students. Finding out that a PA program is going to be available as a dual degree program in the next year or two was exciting as well."
"Candidates meet in the Student Commons area. A couple of the faculty members talk about the school (Block system, testing standards etc). Then you indivdually interview with either 2 faculty members and one student or 1 faculty member and 2 students. Very low stress and a positive experience"
"This interview was one of the best interviews I had, since it wasn't stressful at all. all the faculties and students were so nice and helpful and supportive. they have a really high passing rate in Naplex"
"Overall, a positive experience. The school seem set a high standard with 90% to pass any class. "
"Everyone was helpful and open to answer any questions."
"For the most part I feel positive about the entire process."
"Puting the nervousness aside. IT WAS MY MOST POSITIVE EXPERIENCE YET!!! Everyone was so nice specially all of the students."
"The interview was not hard, but I was extremely nervous. I was interviewed by a professor, P1 student and P3 student. They give a hour long presentation about the school and financial aid. The tour was given by a current student, who was very nice and had lots of nice things to say about the school. He mentioned that they were also starting a PA program that you could complete after the PharmD (1 additional year of school). They also have a MBA program that you can complete during the breaks. Interviews are after the presentation and you can leave when you finish the interview."
"very nervous at first, especially when it was almost my turn for the interview...but the interviewers made me feel better...they seemed relax, and smiled at me when i gave the i guessed my answers weren't so bad...good luck to those reading this feedback to prepare for your interview...hope this helps"
"Really good experience, just always tell truth and be honest and give good examples,don't give just answer yes or no"
"New building, excited students, nice staff, cool school in a cool town."
"It was a nice experience. The faculty and staffs were very sincere and super nice. Although I didn't answer questions in the way I wished them to be, I was satisfied with my interview."
"What a nice looking school! Do your homework on them though. They asked many questions directly related to the way they run things and how you would like/handle it."
"the school is great, however, i dont think i can live in vegas for three years...the recreational choices are limited in this town"
"a great experience"
"Overall it was a pretty quick process, the school is pretty small, so we just had our interview, took a short tour and met a lot of people in the student lounge. No essay required, they took out the requirement this year."
"Great interview experience, very professional. Interviewed by two Doctors of Pharmacy /PHD's and one current student. "
"If you're searching f or a school with a stellar reputation than this is definitely not the school for you. The faculty and adminstration are, well, you'll see for yourself if you ever make it out there for an interview!"
"I've been to 2 interviews before this one and this was the least stressful, the panel was very nice. Just be yourself and be truthful, they really just want to get to know the person behind the papers and GPAs"
"Positive experience, nice staff and faculty + students."
Response | # Responders |
Student | 94 |
Faculty member | 5 |
Admissions staff | 2 |
Other | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
Enthusiastic | 61 |
Neutral | 14 |
Discouraging | 2 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.27 | 77 |
Response | # Responders |
In state | 28 |
Out of state | 52 |
Response | # Responders |
0-1 hour | 23 |
2-3 hours | 9 |
4-6 hours | 29 |
7+ hours | 12 |
Response | # Responders |
Airplane | 27 |
Automobile | 49 |
Train or subway | 2 |
Other | 1 |
Las Vegas-McCarran
Las Vegas
Response | # Responders |
At school facility | 0 |
With students at the school | 0 |
Friends or family | 12 |
Hotel | 30 |
Home | 5 |
Other | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
< $100 | 14 |
$101-$200 | 15 |
$201-$300 | 15 |
$301-$400 | 7 |
$401-$500 | 5 |
$501+ | 1 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.11 | 79 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.86 | 83 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.66 | 83 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.87 | 39 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
9.59 | 39 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.84 | 37 |
"None they are really nice and they made you feel really comfortable"
"If a student calls before orientation to get a quote price on how much financial aid a student would normally qualify for, it's okay to tell them. They tell you in orientation anyway!"
"More visible signs on where to park and enter the building. For the record, in Henderson: go down Sunset as far as possible, then turn left into the larger parking lot and enter the Student Lounge about 1/2way down the lot."
"Pick a more experienced interviewer!! I felt I was more mature than him, although I am only 24."
"It would really help if we can save and come back later to fill the rest. But i found it kind of cha"
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?