How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
2.93 | 40 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 26 |
Negatively | 8 |
No change | 7 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
4.36 | 39 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.83 | 41 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.51 | 39 |
Response | # Responders |
In Person | 0 |
Virtual | 4 |
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 2 |
15 minutes | 8 |
20 minutes | 12 |
25 minutes | 9 |
30 minutes | 7 |
35 minutes | 2 |
40 minutes | 0 |
45 minutes | 1 |
50 minutes | 0 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 38 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 1 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 30 |
In a group | 9 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 0 |
Closed file | 39 |
Response Average | # Responders |
2.93 | 40 |
"No response - Honor Code"
"Questions regarding cheating including scenarios."
"can’t share the exact questions, but they asked general questions for the most part just to get to know you and understand how you’ve gotten to where you are in life."
"They really just want to know what you have done in your undergrad, how you feel about cheating and how to destress, and what you would do other than veterinary medicine"
"We were not allowed to share interview questions."
"We cannot give out interview questions due to the honor code. When registering, they give you a packet that mentions at least two (possibly three) times that you cannot share questions and that it may impact your acceptance if found out."
"The school asked us not to share the questions as it is against their honor code. They ask everyone the same questions."
"Why did you choose your undergraduate institution?"
"What would you do if you saw a student cheating?"
"Tell us about a time when you had to be a follower for something and then a leader."
"Where do you call home?"
"An owner comes in with an animal with a treatable condition and wants to euthanize it. What do you do?"
"What is professionalism to you?"
"A patient comes in with a completely curable condition, but the owner is tired of paying for the animal. What would you do?"
"Describe what being a professional means to you."
"What does it mean to you to be a professional?"
"What does it mean to be a professional?"
"What, to you, does it mean to be a professional? Think of the last time you encountered a conflict- how did you solve it?"
"What does it mean to be a professional? Also, tell us about a time that you dealt with a difficult person and what was the outcome?"
"What is your definition of a professional?"
"The vet business has a lot of death in it. How do you think you will handle this?"
"Name 5 things relating to vet med that you could get at Walmart."
"When have you needed to deal with a difficult person?"
"The questions were so boring that I don't remember them. Look at everyone else's, since we were all asked the same dumb questions."
"Who is someone you've had the most trouble communicating with in the last year?"
"Why do you want to be a veterinarian? What specific field are you interested in?"
"Why did you choose [insert name of undergraduate institution]?"
"Tell us about a time in which you had to work in a group situation. Tell us about a time there was a disagreement in a group situation and how it was resolved."
"Tell us about the most rewarding experience you've had in the last 4 years. Tell us about a group project you were involved in and your role in it. Tell us about a time you solved a conflict between two people."
"What is a time when you had to work in a group? What was your position in the group?"
"Tell us about a time you felt rewarded."
"No response - Honor Code"
"Questions regarding general knowledge of the veterinary field. Like if you know what you are truly getting into. What’s the average debt, average pay, how do you handle stress etc..."
"What would you do if you saw a classmate being dishonest?"
"What would you do if you could not pursue a career in veterinary medicine?"
"What does it mean to be professional?"
"The vet practice you work for has imposed a 15min time limitation on health exams. How would you handle this situation?"
"Describe one of the most difficult people you dealt with and how you dealt with them."
"What would be your 2nd choice profession?"
"What would you do if you saw your classmate cheating?"
"Tell us about a time when you had a conflict with someone."
"Describe a conflict you've had and what you did to resolve it."
"Tell us about a time where you failed or had difficulties with your academics and what you learned."
"What would you do if you saw someone cheating?"
"What would you do if you couldn't be a vet?"
"What would you do if you weren't going to veterinary school? What would you do if you saw a classmate cheating?"
"What would you do if you saw someone cheating? Also, what is an instance of communication you observed with a particular vet and their client, and what did you learn from it?"
"Think of a vet you admire. What qualities did they possess that inspired you?"
"Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult person."
"Describe a situation that you had to take leadership of a group."
"What was the last group project you did and what was your role in the group?"
"How do you deal with conflicts?"
"Who is the most difficult person you have to communicate with, and how do you handle it?"
"Describe the most difficult person you've ever had to work with."
"Tell us about a time you encountered people with large differences from yourself, and how you overcame those differences. What has been your most rewarding experience in the past few years?"
"Tell us about a difficult person you've worked with and how you've handled working with them."
"When was a time when you had to work with someone you didn't get along with? With someone different from yourself?"
"Tell us about a group project you were involved in, and what your role was."
"No response - Honor Code"
"Some fun questions about yourself."
"Your first year of vet school did not turn out as you expected, how would you deal with it?"
"If a client brought in an animal with a treatable condition and wanted to euthanize, what would you do?"
"What would you do if you saw a classmate cheating?"
"Tell us about your biggest academic failure and how you learned from it."
"Tell us about a time when you were challenged academically"
"What was the greatest academic obstacle you've encountered?"
"What would you do if you caught someone cheating."
"What would you do if you caught another student cheating?"
"Tell us about your greatest academic challenge/failure and what you learned from it."
"Describe a conflict you had with someone and how you resolved it."
"What do you do outside of school/preparing for veterinary school? Tell us about a difficult time you had academically."
"What is one of your academic failures? Also, what would you do if a client wanted you to euthanize a healthy animal?"
"Think of a conflict you have had with a colleague. How did you deal with this conflict and what was the outcome?"
"Why Illinois?"
"What has been a rewarding expierence for you?"
"Tell us about a time when you had to act as a mediator in a situation."
"Why did you choose your specific undergraduate institution? What do you do for fun? Do you want to go into [field I currently work in]?"
"Why did u apply to U of I? Why did you pick your undergrad school? What question do you wish we had asked?"
"Why U of I? "
"Tell us about a time you had to work with someone difficult."
"No response - Honor Code"
"How would you describe a vaccine to a toddler."
"How would you convince legislators to increase funding for veterinary school and veterinary medicine?"
"What does it mean to be a professional?"
"What class would you recommend to a pre-vet student?"
"Honestly, they were all kind of lame. Sorry U of I =["
"Veterinary students are prone to burn outs! How do you prevent burning out?"
"How did you go from a completely unrelated major to being pre-vet (after I told them my major)?"
"What is professionalism to you?"
"Who is your favorite veterinarian, and what have you learned from him/her?"
"Describe how communication has been important in your favorite vet's career and what you've learned from it."
"What would you do if you couldn't be a veterinarian?"
"Who is your favorite vet, and what have you learned from them about the art of communication?"
"Recall your favorite vet. Why is he/she your favorite."
"Think of a veterinarian that you've observed who had client communication skills that you admired- what made that person so able to talk to clients?"
"What would you do if you couldn't become a veterinarian? Also, what do you like to do in your free time when you are not studying or working?"
"What would you do if an owner brought in a treatable or healthy animal to be euthanized?"
"Not sure."
"What is your greatest accomplishment in the past for years? For me that was a softball question...I just defended my PhD in Bioengineering last September and had not expected to be asked that."
"Tell us about your most rewarding experience in the past 4 years."
"the dumb walmart question...interesting not because it was good, but because it was so very pointless."
"Wal-Mart question"
"You walk into Walmart, name 5 things that have to do with veterinary medicine."
"What has been your most rewarding achievement in the past 4 years?"
"Name 5 things at Walmart that have to do with veterinary medicine."
"Was there any question you wished we would have asked you, but didn't?"
"What are five things found at Wal-Mart associated with veterinary medicine?"
"What are 5 things related to veterinary medicine you'd find at WalMart? Also, is there anything you wish we would have asked you that we didn't? (then they had me answer it)"
"No response - Honor Code"
"How would you describe a vaccine to a toddler."
"there were one or two ethical dilemma questions. Don’t try to answer how they want you to answer, just answer what you would do if the situation happened to you."
"Explain to an 8 year old what a vaccine is"
"None were super difficult to answer, but I think the hardest part was generating an excellent response instead of an above average one."
"If you and another student were vying for the last spot, what would you say to convince us to pick you?"
"Tell us about a time when you had to be a follower for something and then a leader."
"Sometimes you have to be a leader, other time a follower. What have you learned as a follower that will make you a better leader someday?"
"What does it mean to you to be a professional?"
"What is professionalism to you?"
"What would you do if you see someone cheating?"
"What academic failures/struggles have you encountered and how did you overcome them?"
"The "professional" one."
"If an owner comes in with a cat, dog, rabbit, horse etc. (companion animals) that has a completely treatable medical problem, but they are tired of paying to treat the problem, and would like to euthanize their animal, what do you do? (I think I just over-thought this and made it more complicated than it needed to be, silly brain!)"
"The conflict one. I honestly don't have many conflicts with people - or at least none that make for good storytelling. "
"If someone came to you with their pet that was ill and they couldn't afford/didn't want to fund more treatment and decided they wanted to euthanize- what would you do?"
"What would you do if you found out that a classmate was cheating?"
"What do you wish we had asked you that we didn't? I went blank, but they said that was the stumper of the day."
"Describe a person you had difficulty communicating with. "
"none really, they were all pretty generic."
"A time you felt rewarded"
"Talk about a time when you had to resolve a conflict in a group."
"Why U of I? (this wouldn't have been hard, except I thought that it was going to be all behavioral so I was somewhat unprepared for the more traditional second half of the interview)"
"When you walk into Walmart, what are five things that a veterinarian has had something to do with."
"Why did you attend the university you attended for undergrad?"
"Describe a situation in which you had to resolve a conflict between other people."
"SDN and looking up interview"
"Practiced questions from SDN and Illinois pre-vet club website"
"I made sure I knew what I liked about the school and had questions to ask the interviewers."
"I looked up sample questions online and held mock interviews with friends and family members. I also spoke to current students to get advice."
"Practiced coming up with various examples from my life that could multiple questions"
"I went over questions I found here online and some behavioral questions (ethics or situational) and practiced my responses"
"Because the interview is closed file and I knew it was ethically based questions, I didn't prepare. I just winged it."
"Looked over the past questions on here and general behavioral interview questions and brainstormed possible responses."
"I read the SDN interview feedback."
"Looked over behavioral interview questions online, looked at the UIUC website."
"SDN, read about the school, read over my application materials."
"Glanced over past interview questions, sat down and reviewed my experiences over the past four years and tried not to over prepare!"
"SDN interview feedback, reviewed my app, read about the school, read up on behavioral interviews, thought up some situations to talk about"
"I didn't. "
"Read sample questions online, SDN interview review, brainstormed scenarios that could answer potential problems."
"Studying behavior-based questions, assessing myself"
"Glanced at some behavior questions, thought about some conflicts I've had in the past"
"Just reviewed a few behavioral questions from other interviews/websites."
"Read behavioral interview questions online. Made lists of possible experiences to use. "
"Not too much- I glanced at some behavioral questions and jotted down some thoughts, but my answers were not from those notes anyway"
"Studied past IL questions, other behavioral questions, current events, etc. and looked at some of my experiences that I could talk about."
"Studying behavioral interview questions and practicing talking about my experiences."
"Made a list of behavior type questions. Read this forum."
"Read material on schools interview site, googled possible questions..."
"Read behavior based questions online, read about the school, reviewed application."
"reading over behavior style interview questions, researching the school."
"Made a list of anecdotes that I could recall when they asked about specific situations (highly recommended)"
"practiced behavorial interview questions"
"Read over the behavioral interview sample questions posted on the school's website"
"Reading over the provided behavioral questions"
"Read through the behavioral-style study guide the school provided beforehand, also Googled behavioral-style interview questions, and read about the school online."
"Read information on their Interview page"
"reviewed questions from other schools' interviews, researched popular behavior-based interview questions, reviewed the school's web page"
"Looked at questions the school sent online."
"not much"
"My interviewer's glowing praise of the college's community"
"Even though the interviewers are not supposed to respond to your answers, they were still very friendly and still made it seem like they liked hearing your answers."
"The interview panel members were very friendly. The informational session was very helpful."
"How friendly everyone was and they genuinely want to to feel relaxed and do well."
"Clinical skills lab, curriculum , new MRI and other technology; plenty of refreshments at the interview!"
"The number of current students that were there to walk you through and support you. Also, the amount of student involvement and development"
"The new curriculum and clinical skills learning center"
"Campus and facility"
"The academics as a whole is something I like. They're on 8 week rotations for classes/clinics throughout years 1-3. They are also renovating various areas of the college."
"The information session was helpful, the day was well-organized, and my interviewers were friendly."
"The presentation by Dr. Foreman showed how much the school cares for students."
"They answered my questions thoroughly."
"The new curriculum looks amazing!"
"Everyone was very friendly and the new curriculum looked really cool."
"The faculty were super nice and helpful -- a little casual but it really helped soothe my mood."
"the wildlife clinic, the curriculum change, opportunities in the wildlife clinic beginning in the first year, the campus"
"The facilities and Mary Kelm."
"The atmosphere was very laid-back, putting me at ease."
"Course curriculum - trying to integrate clinical experience starting first year"
"Everyone was very nice, even when they had to play the part of impassive interviewers."
"Gorgeous anatomy lab, potentially new and cool-sounding curriculum, very integrated technology in the classroom."
"How friendly the teachers and administrators were. The information session was very... informative (Candace, the technology lady, especially)"
"The information session (curriculum, computing and financial aid) was very informative. Also, my interviewers were very friendly and interested in what I had to say and answering my questions (even though I was their last appointment of the day!!)"
"The friendliness of the students, interviewers, and faculty."
"The friendliness of the panel, their openness to questions, and general encouraging demeanors."
"The students I met were very open to my questions."
"The research facilites...I went on my own little tour as I had an appointment with a friend of my adisor."
"The information session - very informative, and straight forward. "
"the information session was really the only positive part, the people presenting seemed friendly and helpful."
"Nothing really"
"good information session"
"The helpfulness of the school's administrative staff. The housing and financial aid reps that presented during the information session seemed extremely helpful and knowledgeable."
"Students seemed very cooperative with one another, not very competitive."
"People were extremely friendly, it was a kind of ''northern'' hospitality that I haven't experienced before in other northern cities. I also enjoyed the feel of Urbana-Champaign."
"The Tenant Union associated with the school seemed very helpful. Urbana-Champaign is a pretty nice college town."
"Everyone (students, faculty, and interviewers) were EXTREMELY helpful and friendly! The surrounding area is nice and has TONS of stuff to do. The Tenant Union did a presentation and gave us a list of area landlords that allowed pets and also a list of the number of complaints each area landlord had against them. That's all good info to have!"
"The town was nice."
"One on the interviewers was slouched back in her chair and seemed completely disinterested/annoyed with me before i even started talking. And then when I was speaking she was just looking off and not paying attention."
"The interview was so short I felt like I couldn't fully express everything about myself that I wanted to. I was asked only 4 or 5 situational questions and nothing directly about myself or my interests, which I would've really liked the opportunity to do."
"The questions were not what I was expecting."
"A little disorganized in terms of other activities for the day."
"There was not a lot of information on the wildlife opportunities. I would have liked to see the clinic, or have an info sheet about the opportunities available to students, and general statistics from the clinic. Also, much of the day seemed disorganized. There was only one day for interviews, and it was a Monday so on the tour, student were in lab and in class so we didn’t get to see everything. The info session I went to was very specific to irrelevant information. I would have liked to hear more about the opportunities available to vet students throughout their 4 years. Any research programs? MPH or similar opportunities? How do electives work? Etc"
"The lack of structure to the day and the lack of exposure to students in a formal capacity to ask questions."
"We got the interview schedule very late. I had to fly to IL and it was very stressful waiting."
"The first year tour givers did their best, but there were simply too many interviewees compared to first years. It also didn't seem as organized on the tour front."
"Interviewing everyone on the same day was a little stressful and overwhelming. Also I didn't understand why they had the interviews on a weekday, since they had to work around classes to have rooms available for the info sessions and students available to give tours."
"The entire day is poorly planned. Tours were stressful, and I feel like I missed a lot of highlights about the school. There are 300 students coming all in one day, and it seems that they are unable to host that many at once."
"The interview day was a bit less structured than I'd anticipated, and the tour was very short. The buildings were a bit old, too."
"The lack of back-and-forth during the interview."
"Our tour was terrible. The girl had no idea what was going on, where she was supposed to take us, and what she was supposed to show us. She spoke so softly that no one could hear her and rushed us through the whole thing. I still have no idea what half the rooms we saw were."
"No real negative impressions."
"international opportunities, the fact that they seemed resigned to the fact that they were not anyone's first choice"
"The interview was structured, which means that the interviewers don't ask follow up questions. This led to some akward pauses."
"School location and weather"
"Out of state tuition costs. We were told we could get loans in excess of the federal ones, which makes me think there is not a good scholarship presence at the school."
"Current students hard to talk to-- often didn't really answer my questions. Day felt quite disorganized ie. I had to wander around on my own a lot searching for rooms and activities and that was definitely a little awkward. Also, tour guide v. friendly but tour VERY short and hardly saw anything :("
"The third/fourth-year student who interviewed me seemed like he didn't really want to be there. "
"The tour was sub-par and the guide couldn't answer our questions. The facilities are adequate."
"The facilities are a tad old, but they get the job done. Also, I asked a question and one student spent 5 minutes trying to find someone who could answer it, and when they did, that person wasn't even too knowledgeable on the subject. "
"The odd choice of interview room. It was way in the bowels of the school right next to the loading docks."
"A lot of down time. Slightly unorganized. Well into the info session the speaker realized that the reason why the room was so empty was because he started it 30 minutes earlier than the posted time. Glad I just happened to be nearby."
"The student-run tours were a little disorganized, but my tour guide was great so a little chaos was worth it."
"The organization of the day and the format of the interview. "
"most everything else...the tours were infrequent and not good, the interview format was bad, and the whole day seemed chaotic."
"The facilities were old, they didn't really care whether I was there or not. The students seemed indifferent. Chambana is much more geared towards their almost 40,000 undergraduates, who I'm really not in the mood to deal with during my 4 years of vet school."
"not the greatest geographical location"
"Not a big fan of college towns like Urbana-Champaign; facilities were somewhat old; 1st & 2nd years are mostly confined to the Basic Sciences Building."
"The buildings were dungeon-like. Even though they had some pretty cool equipment, it was buried in these windowless, cold, cement cells."
"The school and facilities just seemed old. "
"Too many people interviewing on the same day made everything impersonal. There weren't enough tours being held. Current students didn't seem positive or negative about the school, just neutral. "
"Honestly, I was overall very impressed with everything! I think the tours could have been more in-depth, though."
"One of the interviewers didn't seem like they wanted to be there; unorganized interview day; the facilities were more like a high school."
"That they were not gonna ask me anything about myself or try and get to know me"
"That they weren't going to ask me about myself or why I want to be a vet. I was overprepared in that sense, but otherwise I was properly prepared/"
"We were told we would have 2 of 3 specific people, but I wish I had known which 2 I would have so I could come up with more specific questions."
"I wish I had known that most of the time spent preparing would be a moot point since very few of the questions asked were ones I had prepared for."
"Have some more student related questions ready because I’m the main atrium while waiting they are tons of students able to answer any questions."
"That the wildlife clinic is not part of the tour"
"Nothing. It was pretty straight forward and followed the schedule pretty well."
"How quickly the interview would go by."
"I wish I had known more about the new curriculum ahead of time."
"Nothing as of yet!"
"That the interview was structured."
"The questions they asked were not nearly as difficult as the ones I found online, so I didn't need to stress that much."
"How much stuff I was going to get when checking in! I didn't have a bag so it was a bit cumbersome to carry everything around all day."
"More about the town's location and culture. Also that we weren't going to be getting much in the way of written info/brochures, I definitely would've come earlier in the morning to attend more of the Info Session."
"That the questions weren't going to be mind-boggling. I had psyched myself up for something much harder. "
"That the interview was closed-file; everything i wanted to reference in my own life I had to give a background on because my interviewers were not familiar with it."
"That I didn't really have anything to fear."
"Nothing...I am familiar with the campus and the organizers did a fine job so my day was great. Although, there was plenty of downtime and had I not planned my day - I would have been pretty bored."
"How truly impersonal the interviews were. "
"not to buy the boxed was nasty"
"The first hour or so of tours were jam-packed with people. After the initial wave of people, the tour groups were much smaller and it would have probably been easier to ask questions and get a more thorough tour."
"That I couldn't count on current students to come to my aid when I was looking for someone to answer questions! They all seemed busy studying."
"It was about to snow 12 inches the next day!"
"They asked everyone the same questions. The questions aren't that difficult if you read over the information they give you. They say the interview is about 30 minutes, but mine was less than 20. "
"I wish I'd known just how relaxed of an environment it would be. Maybe I would have been less nervous (I doubt it)!"
"Was not impressed with the interviewers, did not seem like they wanted to be there. And the virtual interview was not a plus"
"Have versatile examples ready that you can apply to many situations"
"My interviewers were so sweet and I loved it! Such a stress-free experience."
"Loved Illinois"
"The interviewers just want to know who you are as a person, don't worry!"
"Enjoyed the experience. I will chose this school if accepted."
"UIUC seems rather unique in its curriculum, and in a good way. There doesn't seem to be much going on outside of Champaign, but the campus is huge and it seems like there'd be plenty to do. Strongly considering this program if I get accepted."
"This seems like a great school. If I don't get into my instate, this would be my top choice."
"Pretty smooth interview! Just relax and take your time to think before answering."
"There was a typo on the first line of the letter/packet about the DVM/PhD program, and no written information about the possible new curriculum changes, just an "announcement" saying that they were changing things-- I really wanted something to have to take home about it!"
"The vet students were very nice and my tour guide seemed to know what she was talking about. The other pre-vets weren't terribly friendly though (at least the ones I spoke to). Maybe it's because we were all so nervous. "
"I was able to show up around noon because my interview was late in the day. It was a fine time. I wish that question 1 had been "tell us a little about yourself""
"Overall it was a good experience and I was glad I got the panel I did."
"It was pretty short (about 20 minutes). The interviewers were very friendly. The first half they read questions from a manual and the second half was open ended."
"I was nevous for the first minute or so, but once I started yapping I calmed down. If anyone furutre applicant is invited and interested in research I would make appointments to meet those professors as there is plenty of time during the day. Plus, you get to see an additional side of the college."
"In general it seemed as if they were not trying particularly hard to recruit, even though much of their materials in the packet referred to the day as ''Class of 2011 recruitment day''. The whole thing seemed rather impersonal. The tour did not offer much in terms of actually seeing the facilities they have at the school - lots of hallways and not much else. As it was closed file and intended to be a short interview, it did not seem as if the panel really cared too much about getting to know me. "
"pretty bad overall, I don't feel like I was able to express myself during the interview, but it seems OK because I don't like the school anyway"
"I originally planned on being there at 8, but then realized that the schedule was so unstructured that I didn't really need to be there until 3:30 (my interview was at 4). I slept forever and then drove around for a while. I didn't bother to go on any tours, or go to the information session about...tablet PCs (I really don't know why they bothered with this). I showed up at 3 and ''registered'', which involved someone's secretary throwing a folder at me. The interviewers seemed tired and ready to go home. I think I did well but I don't really care anymore."
"very positive. half of the interview was behavorial, half was more open-ended questions. all the people were very nice."
"The first half was like a standardized test (''I am going to read you... good luck'' then it was just me responding to questions and they couldn't give feedback). My interview was early so I got some extra time-- this was great because I felt that the best part of the whole day was chatting with my interviewers and hearing what they thought of the program/location after the official interview was over. I wish everyone had that opportunity, as it made the place seem really great despite the aged facilities."
"Interviewers: One faculty member, one clinician, one 3rd or 4th year student. In my interview, the student did most of the talking and asked all the questions. I was asked the behavioral questions, then more personal ones. There's no conversation between you and the interviewers during the behavioral portion; they just let you talk and move to the next question when you finish. After the behavioral portion, the interviewers relaxed a little and made comments to some things I said. "
"The interview is NOT THAT BAD! It's closed file, so they know nothing about you going in. They asked me very few questions actually pertaining to vet med and really just seemed to want a better idea of what kind of person I am."
"All of the students were asked the same questions; should have gotten there earlier since no one seemed to know where to go. Over all, the day was very unorganized."
Response | # Responders |
Student | 32 |
Faculty member | 0 |
Admissions staff | 0 |
Other | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
Enthusiastic | 22 |
Neutral | 10 |
Discouraging | 0 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.26 | 39 |
Response | # Responders |
In state | 12 |
Out of state | 26 |
Response | # Responders |
0-1 hour | 3 |
2-3 hours | 6 |
4-6 hours | 11 |
7+ hours | 14 |
Response | # Responders |
Airplane | 16 |
Automobile | 17 |
Train or subway | 2 |
Other | 0 |
Southwest through MDW
O'hare in Chicago
St Louis
Response | # Responders |
At school facility | 0 |
With students at the school | 0 |
Friends or family | 1 |
Hotel | 28 |
Home | 0 |
Other | 1 |
Holiday Inn Express
Hilton Garden Inn
Holiday Inn Express
Hilton Garden Inn
Response | # Responders |
< $100 | 3 |
$101-$200 | 8 |
$201-$300 | 5 |
$301-$400 | 2 |
$401-$500 | 7 |
$501+ | 6 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.40 | 40 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
5.78 | 40 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.10 | 39 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.48 | 27 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.78 | 27 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.39 | 28 |
"I would've liked to hear from them more often and been sent interesting and useful information for prospective students."
"It was mentioned that decisions MAY be sent by email. I'm hoping they are! I think the open-ended questions (vs. the "scored questions" were more helpful in letting me show my personality to the panel."
"A little more communication after admission is offered."
"Decisions by email; multiple interview days; earlier interviews"
"Everything was going a slow this year but understandable as they had new employees."
"Update portals as soon as admissions decisions are made rather than waiting for us to receive letters."
"Consider adding a second interview day. Your prospective students will then be able to have better tours and actually attend the info sessions and ask questions."
"Applicant status page very thorough and informative. Polite and timely email communication when my F"
"Give the tour guides a more comprehensive list of talking points. Our guide couldn't answer our ?s"
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?