School Stats
- Resident Tuition $33,692
- Non - Resident Tuition $62,612
- Application Fee $90
- AVG DAT 20.0
- AVG GPA 3.4
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Admissions Information
- Office of Admissions
- Dean's Suite 6th Floor South
- 650 West Baltimore Street, Suite 6410
- Baltimore, MD 21201
- United States
- Phone: (410) 706-7472
- Fax: (410) 706-0945
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: www.dental.umaryland.edu/
School Overview
University of Maryland School of Dentistry Fast Facts
School Info
The University of Maryland Dental School is the direct descendant of the world`s first dental college, the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery (BCDS), which was chartered by an act of the Maryland General Assembly in 1840. It has successfully upheld the aspirations of its founders, Drs. Horace H. Hayden and Chapin A. Harris. The Dental School is an exciting place to be, a place with unique history and tradition in our profession, yet eager to embrace a future that assuredly will be different. The School`s mission is to improve the quality of life in Maryland through education, research and service related to health, with special emphasis on improving dental, oral and craniofacial health through comprehensive education, research and service programs.
The Doctor of Dental Surgery curriculum integrates the basic, behavioral and clinical sciences. The Dental School has its own biological science faculty who assure that students develop a solid understanding of oral and craniofacial health and its relationship to overall health. Students begin their patient care experiences during their first year of study. Students acquire a full range of clinical experiences including treatment of emergency, medically compromised, and physically and mentally challenged patients. The comprehensive patient care approach to clinical education prepares students for the demanding responsibilities of dental practice.
Perhaps the most exciting happening for the School and the future of oral health education in Maryland is the construction of a new Dental School building to replace the Hayden-Harris Hall, built in the early 1970s. The new replacement building, opening in 2005, will enhance all aspects of the School`s mission with a positive impact on scholarship, teaching, research, and patient care. The replacement building costs $124 million and the State committed $103 million with a challenge to the School to raise the balance from private sources. This is the largest ever financial commitment by the State of Maryland for an academic building.
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