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School Feedback

All Questions & Responses

  • Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
  • Allopathic Medical School
  • Newark, NJ
Individual Feedback 5 5 Responses
General Info

What graduating class are you in?

Response # Responders
2007 0
2008 0
2009 0
2010 2
2011 0
2012 0
2013 1
2014 0
2015 0
2016 0
2017 1
2018 0
2019 1
2020 0
2021 0
2022 0
2023 0
2024 0

Are you pursuing any joint degrees (MD/PhD, MD/MPH, etc.)?

Response # Responders
No 5
DO/PhD 0
MD/PhD 0

Are you considered in-state or out-of-state for tuition purposes?

Response # Responders
in-state 5
out-of-state 0
international 0
Not applicable 0

What is your race/ethnic background?

Response # Responders
Caucasian 1
African American 0
Hispanic 0
Asian or Pacific Islander 1
Native American/ Native Alaskan 0
Other/Multiracial 1

Overall, how would you rate this medical program?

Response Avg # Responders
5.20 5

0 = terrible, 10 = world class

What is the reputation of the school in the medical community?

Response Avg # Responders
4.60 5

0 = really bad, 10 = top tier

What is the reputation of the research that goes on at this school?

Response Avg # Responders
5.40 5

0 = really bad, 10 = top tier

What was your undergrad GPA?

Response Average # Responders
3.67 5

What was your undergrad science GPA?

Response Average # Responders
3.71 5

What was the zip code of your residence in high school?






What do you like most about this school?

"Patient population of Newark. Believe the hype - people really are incredibly sick. You will see diseases even residents trained at other programs have never seen. Patients tend to have little to no primary care, so diseases are typically end-stage and impressive. State-school in an urban, low income area means most people don't have big egos (not always true). There are opportunities to do rotations at hackensack, st barnabas, morristown hospitals to get a better grasp of upper-middle class (insured) patient care." | Report Response

"Some good professors. Rewarding clinical experiences due to diverse disadvantaged urban population mixed in with surrounding wealthy suburbs." | Report Response

"Lots of clinical opportunities to take advantage of, and professors that really care about helping you UNDERSTAND the material." | Report Response

"urban setting, low cost, decent clinical ed" | Report Response

"Clinical experience" | Report Response

What do you like least about this school?

"Student affairs office is not great. The hospital and medical school facilities are older." | Report Response

"Lot unnecessary mandatory sessions. Teach a lot of STEP 2 material in preclinical years instead of focusing on basics. Not much STEP1 allocated study time. Administration is very arrogant and lazy. Anatomy is heavily over weighted in grading scheme, averaging 30% of the grade in all of the blocks. Overpriced for a state school. City of Newark is a food desert." | Report Response

"Block scheduling sometimes does not give enough time to absorb all the material." | Report Response

"Horrible admin, too much wasted time in 1st/2nd year." | Report Response

"Politics" | Report Response

Please provide any other general comments on your school

"Going to this school will not preclude you matching to a great residency. Keep in mind many aspects of medical school education are dependent on which residents are rotating at a certain time, which changes from year to year and may render older advice obsolete. NJMS switched to a "systems-based" 1st and 2nd year curriculum a few years ago." | Report Response

"Would not recommend" | Report Response

What was your MCAT score?

Response Average # Responders
516 5

How is the curriculum structured?

Response # Responders
Systems-based 1
Traditional 2

How many courses are taken at a given time?

Response # Responders
1 1
2 3
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0

How long are you typically in class per day?

Response # Responders
<1 hour 0
1-2 hours 0
2-3 hours 0
3-4 hours 3
4-5 hours 0
5-6 hours 1
6> hours 0

Are courses recorded for medical students?

Response # Responders
Video recording 3
Free note taking service 0
Fee-based note taking service 3
Powerpoint slides provided only 0
None 0

How many days per week is anatomy lab?

Response # Responders
1 0
2 0
3 2
4 1
5 0
6 0
7 0

How many students per cadaver?

Response # Responders
Prosections only 0
1-2 0
3-4 3
5-6 0
7-8 0
>8 0

How long (in months) do you have anatomy?

Response # Responders
3 months 3
6 months 0
9 months 0
12 months 0
24 months 0

Is the curriculum lecture-centric or small-group centric?

Response Avg # Responders
6.00 4

0 = 100% lecture, 10 = 100% small group

Are standardized patients used?

Response # Responders
yes 4
no 0

How much patient interaction is there in the pre-clinical years?

Response Avg # Responders
6.25 4

0 = none, 10 = extensive

Are syllabi provided for the student?

Response # Responders
yes 4
no 0

How frequently do pre-clinical medical school activities have mandatory attendance?

"Infrequently. If you so choose, you can stay home and watch recorded lectures." | Report Response

"Core, the least helpful or relevant class most of the time (exceptfor H&P) has mandatory attendance for most of their crap." | Report Response

"Somewhat infrequently. Cirriculum is neither systems based or traditional. Courses are attempted to be integrated (for example, pathology, pharmacology, medicine, preventative medicine, and nutrition is combined into a Disease Process, Prevention, and Therapy course)" | Report Response

What books are unnecessary?

"most." | Report Response

"UCV, most of the texts. Most of the test questions come from lectures, unfortunaetly this makes most of the questions on the tests less helpful for borad study and the big picture." | Report Response

Is the curriculum designed to promote a specialty? If so, which specialty?

"NJMS is associated with the well-respected PM&R program Kessler. More than a few students choose PM&R each year, but this is not pushed." | Report Response

"none that I know of" | Report Response

Location & Housing

How do you feel about the location of the school?

Response Avg # Responders
4.75 4

0 = Uncomfortable, 10 = Desirable

Do you feel safe on campus?

Response Avg # Responders
6.75 4

0 = Not safe, 10 = Very safe

How available and convenient is public transportation?

Response Avg # Responders
5.25 4

0 = Non-existent, 10 = Extensive & convenient

Is a car necessary at any point during your education here?

Response # Responders
Pre-clinical years 0
Clinical years 2
All years 2
No 0

If a car is required for education, how available and convenient is the parking provided to students?

Response Avg # Responders
8.50 4

0 = Almost impossible, 10 = Available & convenient

Is on-campus housing available?

Response # Responders
yes 4
no 0

What is the quality of available on-campus housing?

Response Avg # Responders
4.75 4

0 = terrible, 10 = great

What percentage of your medical school classmates would you estimate live on campus, if on-campus housing is available?

Response Avg # Responders
3.75 4

0 = 0%, 10 = 100%

Is couples housing available?

Response # Responders
yes 1
no 1

Is nearby off-campus housing available?

Response # Responders
yes 4
no 0

How expensive is nearby off-campus housing?

Response Avg # Responders
5.00 4

0 = exorbitant, 10 = reasonable

Please describe the on-campus housing if available (i.e., cost, type - studios, 1-br, 2-br, etc.)?

"super high cost dorm style. they know they have you by the short hairs so they gouge." | Report Response

"Studios, 1br, 2br, and 3br. All expensive for the location (ranging from ~800-1200per person) but very nice (but overbaring with regulations - very dorm like in that aspect). Only hospital staff or students can live in housing however" | Report Response

Cost/Financial Aid

Are fees/tuition expensive?

Response Avg # Responders
3.40 5

0 = exorbitant, 10 = reasonable

How is the cost of living (rent, food, bills, etc.)?

Response Avg # Responders
4.20 5

0 = exorbitant, 10 = reasonable

Are many institutional scholarships/grants available?

Response Avg # Responders
4.60 5

0 = none, 10 = many

Is institutional aid need-based or merit-based?

Response # Responders
Need-based 0
Merit-based 0
Both 2


Are faculty members very open to students during office hours?

Response Avg # Responders
6.00 4

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very open

Are faculty members very available to students via email/message board?

Response Avg # Responders
7.25 4

0 = Not at all, 10 = Very available

Are there many opportunities to shadow/work with clinical faculty?

Response Avg # Responders
8.50 4

0 = none, 10 = lots

Are the faculty willing to mentor students in regards to career guidance?

Response Avg # Responders
7.75 4

0 = no, 10 = very

Is the class ranked?

Response # Responders
yes 3
no 0

How is the instructional faculty during pre-clinical years?

"Not great." | Report Response

"anatomy amazing, biochem/gentics so so, physio good, neuro good, mirco/immuno so so, path good, pharm poor, biostats/epi good." | Report Response

How is the instructional faculty during clinical years?

"Mostly good but luck-of-the-draw." | Report Response

"depends too much on where you are. VA is cool, Hack you don't do much of anything, UH is hit or miss." | Report Response

Clinical Rotations

Are the desired rotation sites easy to obtain?

Response Avg # Responders
4.50 4

0 = difficult, 10 = easy

Is desired rotation order easy to obtain?

Response Avg # Responders
6.00 4

0 = difficult, 10 = easy

Are the elective rotations easy to obtain?

Response Avg # Responders
5.75 4

0 = difficult, 10 = easy

Is there substantial hands-on experience for medical students?

Response Avg # Responders
7.00 4

0 = none, 10 = substantial

Are the rotation sites conveniently accessible for medical students?

Response Avg # Responders
5.00 4

0 = difficult, 10 = accessible

How far are the clinical sites from the main campus?

Response Avg # Responders
4.50 4

0 = far away, 10 = close

How are clinical rotations scheduled? What are the required rotations?

"Lottery system. Required: internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, OBGYN, surgery, neurology, psychiatry, emergency medicine, PM&R." | Report Response

"lottery. the usual/standard core." | Report Response

"3rd year required: Internal Medicine (12weeks, 4 at University, 4 at outside hospital, 4 in outpatient), Surgery (8 weeks, 3.5 at public hospital, 3.5 at private hospital, 1week lectures before shelf), OB/GYN (6 weeks), Psych/Neuro (4weeks each, one grade from the two together), Pediatrics (6 weeks), Family Medicine (5weeks), 2 2week electives (one following OB Gyn, one prior to thanksgiving that is the entire class). 4th year required are 4 weeks subI in Medicine, Surgery(General, Trauma, or SICU), OB/Gyn, or Family Medicine, 4 weeks Emergency Medicine, 2 Weeks PM&R, 2 Weeks Public Health, and then 26weeks of electives (which works out to 10 weeks off, and you are eligible through first three years to earn up to 6 more weeks off through tutoring, mentoring, or working in a student run clinic)" | Report Response

What responsibility do med students have on the wards?

"At University Hospital you are highly involved in patient care. This is the main advantage to this program. Of course this varies service to service and between hospitals, as it will with all schools." | Report Response

"again, it depends on the location. UH yes, Hack no, VA kinda" | Report Response

"Varies depending where, residents, and the medical student. I have felt useless, and I have felt entirely in control of a patient. I have removed a gallbladder during surgery, and I have been not allowed to scrub." | Report Response

What is the status/condition of the affiliated hospital(s)?

"UH is not gongi anywhere. Hack is on the outs but no big loss, VA still here. Prob is arising that we share with IM students and DO students so spots are tough/" | Report Response

"Hackensack is one of the largest hospitals in the nation, and relationship is strong." | Report Response

Social Environment

Do students do a lot of activities outside of school together?

Response Avg # Responders
6.00 4

0 = none, 10 = lots

How would you rank student involvement in extracurricular clubs?

Response Avg # Responders
5.50 4

0 = none, 10 = lots

What is the range of extracurricular clubs available?

Response Avg # Responders
5.75 4

0 = almost none, 10 = wide range

Is the student body cooperative or competitive?

Response Avg # Responders
6.75 4

0 = competitive, 10 = cooperative

Is the environment supportive for underrepresented minorities?

Response Avg # Responders
6.75 4

0 = no, 10 = very

Is the environment supportive for lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexual students?

Response Avg # Responders
5.25 4

0 = no, 10 = very

Is the environment supportive for students with disabilities?

Response Avg # Responders
4.75 4

0 = no, 10 = very

Is the environment supportive for married students?

Response Avg # Responders
5.50 4

0 = no, 10 = very

Is the environment supportive for older/non-traditional students?

Response Avg # Responders
5.50 4

0 = no, 10 = very

What do the students typically like to do in the area?

"we tend to booze it up in hoboken or NY. no one really likes to hand in newark which is a shame. occassionaly there will be parties in Society Hill." | Report Response

"Go to Hoboken or NYC" | Report Response

Post Graduation

Is this school known for producing physicians strong in a certain area? If so, which area?

"not really sure." | Report Response

"Clinically strong regardless of field" | Report Response

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