How many people interviewed you?
Response Average | # Responders |
3.58 | 62 |
Response | # Responders |
Positively | 58 |
Negatively | 4 |
No change | 1 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
4.14 | 63 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.81 | 64 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.90 | 62 |
Response | # Responders |
In Person | 4 |
Virtual | 2 |
Response | # Responders |
5 minutes | 0 |
10 minutes | 1 |
15 minutes | 43 |
20 minutes | 13 |
25 minutes | 2 |
30 minutes | 2 |
35 minutes | 2 |
40 minutes | 0 |
45 minutes | 0 |
50 minutes | 0 |
55 minutes | 0 |
60+ minutes | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
At the school | 55 |
At a regional location | 0 |
At another location | 7 |
Response | # Responders |
One-on-one | 37 |
In a group | 24 |
Response | # Responders |
Open file | 61 |
Closed file | 0 |
Response Average | # Responders |
3.58 | 62 |
"what do you do to destress?"
"How do you handle stress?"
"Should the government be allowed to make decisions for veterinary medicine? Can you name one instant where the government went too far in a decision?"
"What are your study habits?"
"What is your learning style, and how would you describe your study habits?"
"What was my least favorite and favorite class"
"Why should we pick you?"
"What is unique about the anatomy of a pig?"
"What specialties are you interested in and why?"
"Why are you interested in _________ field/specailty of vet med?"
"What is an ethical dilemma that you've faced and how did you deal with it?"
"What do you do to de-stress?"
"How do you feel about TNR"
"What is the difference between animal rights and animal welfare"
"How will Mizzou help you to succeed/why is it the right fit for you? What will be he hardest part about coming to mizzou?"
"Tell me about your research"
"Why should we accept you?"
"What is one of your favorite types of cases? (I have 2 and a half years of experience as a vet tech)"
"What do you think the hardest part of being a veterinarian working in a private practice?"
"What is the difference between animals rights and animal welfare?"
"What was one of your favorite classes?"
"How easy it is to trap a feral cat? (I stated in my application that I am TNR certified)"
"What are the best and worst aspects of veterinary medicine?"
"Who is your role model and why?"
"What are the top five vaccinations you give to horses?"
"What is the difference between animal welfare and animal rights?"
"What is something positive and something negative about vet medicine?"
"They asked about what I had learned in a specific higher-level biology class last semester."
"Are you interested in large or small animal?"
"Tell us about some of your leadership experience?"
"Did you have any leadership experience in your extra-curricular activities, and how?"
"Compare and contrast veterinary medicine and human medicine."
"They questions were all related to my application and the questions that were not directly related to my application other people have already posted."
"You wrote in your essay that in vitro research is one alternative to whole-animal testing, tell us more about it."
"Tell us about your research."
"What would you change about wildlife rehabilitation if you could?"
"What is different between vet med and engineering?"
"My opinion on people keeping exotics as pets."
"Personal questions like do you still teach horseback riding lessons?"
"Are you planning on getting any equine experience? (I have none)"
"What have you been doing since you submitted your application/graduated?"
"What do you plan on doing with a DVM?"
"What is the most important current issue in veterinary medicine?"
"What are some specific traits a vet should have (besides knowledge)?"
"What other things can a veterinarian do besides clinical work?"
"How do you keep up to date on current issues in veterinary medicine?"
"What are/were your favorite and least favorite classes in undergad? Why? (If your answer to either is a science course, then be very prepared to defend your answer because they will prod you about it!)"
"What would you consiter the most rewarding aspect of becoming a veterinarian?"
"This seems like a sudden change for you; why is that? (I'm a non-traditional student.)"
"What do you perceive will be your favorite parts and least favorite parts of veterinary medicine?"
"Tell me about your research."
"What are good qualities of a veterinarian?"
"What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
"What are the best and worst parts of veterinary medicine?"
"What was your biggest disappointment?"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"What are your feelings about euthanasia?"
"Why did you pick Missouri?"
"Give an example of when you use leadership?"
"If the veterinary field didn't exist, what career would you pursue?"
"How do you de-stress?"
"Give us a time when you were a leader"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years? (was asked follow-up question about who employs vets of the specialty I'm interested in)"
"Why should we chose you over other qualified applicants"
"Anything you would like to highlight on your application? Or anything that has changed since submitting it."
"Why are you interested in *speciality*?"
"Tell us about a time you were a leader. What conflicts arose and how did you solve them?"
"What vaccines do you give to a horse?"
"What are your study habits?"
"Why do you want to attend University of Missouri?"
"How do you manage stress"
"You wrote down on your application that you have farm animal experience without supervision under a veterinarian. Can you tell me more about that?"
"Can you tell me an interesting case you saw at your clinic"
"Tell me about your research. How do you deal with and relieve stress."
"Tell me about your study methods"
"What was your favorite zoo animal (did an internship at a zoo)?"
"Our program is a 2+2 (2 years non-clinical and 2 years clinical), therefore we have classes in the summer and a heavier schedule. How do you expect to deal with this dense curriculum?"
"Why should we accept you?"
"Tell us more about [a particular student club]."
"What does E.I.A. stand for?"
"What is the difference between animal welfare and animal right?"
"Several open-ended questions about my experiences and research ("Tell me about working at ______.")"
"I took a lot of AP classes in high school, so they asked me why."
"What does a coffins test test for?"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 yrs?"
"What was your favorite extracurricular activity?"
"What was your favorite class?"
"Are you interested in research?"
"What was your favorite class in undergrad? Why? Give an example? (they will ask you in depth so be prepared to defend your answer!)"
"What was your favorite course, and what is an example of something you learned from it?"
"Tell us about your experience with a veterinarian."
"What do you think your least favorite thing about veterinary medicine will be?"
"Which of your extracurriculars (non vet med related) prepared you for the profession and how?"
"How will your experience with working at a restaurant help you as a veterinarian?"
"What experience will help you most in owning your own clinic?"
"What do I think about trap and release feral cat neuter programs?"
"Tell me about your experiences at your equine surgical facility. Also what extracurricular activities have you done that would prepare you to be a vet?"
"Tell me about your research."
"Tell me about a current issue in veterinary medicine you've seen in the news recently."
"Have I gained any more equine experience in the time since submitting my application, and since my answer was no, what has my previous equine experience been like (the interviewer was an equine specialist)."
"Is there anything you wished we had asked you about?"
"Questions about my background & how that would make me a good candidate/good vet."
"What are some current events that are important to the field of veterinary medicine?"
"How will you treat the clients in your care and what will be important in your interactions with the clients?"
"What extracurricular activities have best prepared you to run your own practice as a veterinarian? (I don't want to run my own practice, so I told them that and then answered the question anyway lol.)"
"Where would you ultimately like to be in 10 years?"
"What is an experience you had outside the classroom that you feel prepared you for veterinary medicine? "
"What are other areas aside from clinical practice within vet med?"
"What are some qualities that every veterinarian should have?"
"You said you struggled between vet and med school. What would you tell someone who was struggling with the same issue?"
"Your experience seems limited to small animals, is there any reason?"
"Why don't you have any work experience with animals as a veterninary technician or assistant?"
"What are some other career paths for veterinarians besides private practice?"
"Have you had any role models who shaped your career goals?"
"What was your favorite college course and why?"
"Why you over another non-resident applicant?"
"Has anything changed on your application since you have submitted it or is there anything you want us to be aware of?"
"What was your least favorite class in undergrad and why?"
"Tell us about the scientific method."
"Why would you be a good veterinarian?"
"Can you tell me what a Coggins test is testing for? (they saw I had some equine experience)"
"Where do you see the future of veterinary medicine in 5-10 years"
"Something about One Health!"
"Spring semester 2017 was not a good semester for you - was there a reason for this?"
"Why should we choose you for our program?"
"Most of your vet experience was in high school, why is that."
"What's the difference between animal rights and animal welfare?"
"Why should we accept you to UoM?"
"whats the difference between the digestive system of a cow vs. a horse"
"Tell me about an interesting case in your shadowing experience."
"Tell me about your favorite case?"
"what did you mean by 'prepared specialized diets"? (internship at the zoo?"
"What was your worst class and why?"
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"
"Tell us about your research experience."
"What did you gain from being a member of the cattlemen's association?"
"Tell me about your research."
"Why did you receive a W in a certain course?"
"How do you deal with stress?"
"What sort of cases did you see at this clinic?"
"How do you feel about the use of animals for teaching purposes/research?"
"Is there anything else we should know since you submitted your application?"
"What was your least favorite class? Why didn't you like it? How will you deal with classes like that in the future?"
"Do you hold an officer/ executive position in any of the Extracurriculars your involved in?"
"Why should we choose you?"
"Why Mizzou?"
"Pick an extracurricular activity and explain why it has prepared you for a career in veterinary medicine."
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"Did your experience with cattle make you interested in food animal veterinary work? I had 700 hours."
"Which is worse: high blood sugar or low blood sugar? This was specific to the research I was involved in."
"What extracurricular activity best prepared me for vet school/being a vet?"
"What was the size of your biggest undergraduate class? (they weren't familiar with my school)"
"Tell me about your wildlife experience."
"What kinds of jobs can veterinarians have besides clinical work?"
"They asked me to give a quick overview about my undergrad research."
"Tell us about copper deficiency in moose (very specific to my main vet/animal experience)"
"What is an example of something a vet should know how to answer but might not be a specialty or in general knowledge?"
"What qualities should a good veterinarian have?"
"Specific questions about my background."
"Where do you see yourself in ten years? What about Mizzou convinced you to apply here? What jobs outside of a clinic do vets hold? What is your biggest flaw/weakness? What are the best and worst parts of veterinary medicine as a whole?"
"How have you extracurricular activities contributed to your ability to perform in vet school?"
"What is the best/worst thing about veterinary medicine?"
"additional questions about specific experiences I have on my resume"
"A lot of people tend to ask vets about things that vets don't technically deal with. Give an example of something that someone may ask you about? (it was better worded than this but that was the gist)"
"Tell us about a memorable case from your clinical experience."
"What is a set back or disappointment that has happened?"
"Why should we choose you for our veterinary program?"
"What do you think of the school's use of purpose bred animals? "
"If the veterinary profession did not exist what would you do?"
"Why did you choose the University of Missouri?"
"What was your greatest disappointment?"
"Name a time you were in a leadership position and a problem arose, how did you handle it?"
"Should the government be allowed to make decisions for veterinary medicine? Can you name one instant where the government went too far in a decision?"
"What role do veterinarians play in public health? What is one zoonotic disease and how does it impact animals and humans?"
"How do you view the impact of veterinary medicine in public health"
"What moment did you realize you wanted to be a veterinarian (outside of childhood), and what steps did you take to get to this point?"
"Where do you see yourself after vet school? What is the path you would take to get there?"
"What is an example of an interesting case you've seen?"
"Why do you have an interest in surgery?"
"how do you feel about fistulated cows"
"Tell me about your leadership experience."
"Tell me about your adopted bunny’s medical issue"
"The questions they ask are very personal to your application."
"How have you prepared to be a veterinarian?"
"How was your fear free education affected your position on behavior? (I'm fear free certified and mentioned it in my essay)"
"How do you deal with confrontation (especially angry clients)?"
"If a pigeon hits a window, falls on the ground beside you, and is still alive, would you take it to a wildlife rehabilitation center? (I interned at a rehabilitation center)"
"What was your least favorite class and what was something you did to make it positive?"
"If there is no veterinary medicine in this world, what would you do?"
"Why should we admit you?"
"They showed me a picture of Edward Snowden and asked who he was and what he did. I think it was to see if I pay attention to current events."
"If you were in a natural disaster zone and had to sort between feral cats and pet cats that were simply highly stressed out, how would you do so? You would be euthanizing the feral cats."
"What is the most common small ruminant where you live? (I want to go into mixed practice and mentioned sm ruminants). And what would you say is the most common ailment you've seen in goats?"
"Tell me about an interesting day at with Dr. So and So? After I described a particular case, did they describe to you what was going on with the case?"
"If you could not work in the Veterinary field what would you do?"
"Can you name a time at the clinic you work at, when you have seen a doctor incorporate a variety of medical knowledge to diagnose a patient?"
"How is public health incorporated into your job? (I had implied that it was part of my job on the application)"
"What did you learn from the places you said you have traveled to? (Interesting because I wrote about traveling to places with my marching band)."
"Do you believe climate change is man-made (related to my research)? Have you heard about the new hybrid sharks found off the coast of Australia?"
"Were you ever injured during your experiences?"
"What do you do to relax?"
"Do I think there's a lot of competition in vet school? Are good grades important in vet school?"
"What vaccines would you give your horse? What vaccines would you give your dog? Asked by the small animal practitioner."
"Tell me about your extracurriculars."
"Of all your extracurriculars which one do you think will help you most as a veterinarian?"
"Which of your extracurricular activities prepared you for a career in veterinary medicine and how?"
"What would you do as a veterinarian if all of the mules suddenly became extinct?"
"Some of the questions on my experiences and how that relates to vet med."
"Does being able to receive in-state tuition after your first year make you want to come to Missouri over other schools?"
"The questions about my background."
"The question regarding which extracurricular activities helped prepare me for (hypothetically) owning my own practice some day. It really made me think objectively about my experiences and how they've all come together to prepare me for a future as a vet."
"Why don't elephants have scrotums?"
"With all of your work experience, have you noticed something that you could improve upon (basically, what's a weakness)?"
"They started off by asking about me playing guitar and going on mission trips etc."
"What are some topics that every veterinarian should be able to discuss with clients regardless of whether that is their specific field or not?"
"With a major like Human Nutrition, are you also interested in becoming a nutritionist for animals?"
"We noticed that you joined the military right out of high school: what was the driving force behind that decision?"
"Explain the difference between Australian Rules football, and American Football (I spent a semester in Australia)"
"Do you plan on staying in an urban area?(could be a trick question - I think they were looking for some rural large animal oriented people)"
"If the field of veterinary medicine didn't exist, what would you be doing?"
"I didn't have a job while I was at school, and one interviewer asked why I did that/what did I do instead"
"What is the role of a veterinarian in public health?"
"Tell us about the scientific method. (I was unsure about what they wanted with this question.)"
"Study habits"
"What has your experience with research taught you about human-animal interactions?"
"How do you view the impact of veterinary medicine in public health"
"What is unique about the anatomy of a pig?"
"What is the difference between animal rights and animal welfare?"
"Tell me about a time when you had a problem how did you fix it and what would you have done differently"
"What is an ethical dilemma you've faced?"
"Describe a time when you faced conflict."
"How do you feel about TNR"
"How do you handle conflict? Can you tell me a time where you handled a conflict? What resources did you use? How has your experience as a resident advisor changed your conflict resolution style?"
"Tell me about your large animal/equine experience (It’s just so vague that I tripped up and didn’t answer it fully)"
"what have you learned from ____ experience? ( a lot of these types of questions). Nothing was very difficult though!"
"Why do you want to be a veterinarian? Just because it's hard to put into words how I feel"
"What is a challenge you have faced at work and how did you resolve it?"
"What type of leader are you? (I felt like I talked too much because I explained the type of leader I was AND gave explanations)"
"How many different types of chemical reactions are there? (I should've known this. I had been a chemistry tutor at my school)"
"Elaborate on E.I.A. and talk about prevention."
"Tell me about your study aboard experience."
"What were your favorite and least favorite science courses and why?"
"What is a Coggins test? (I don't have equine experience yet, so this stumped me! It looks like it's a common question, so don't make the same mistake I did and look it up if you don't know!)"
"How would you handle euthanizing a healthy animal?"
"Why should we accept YOU?"
"I see you were involved in a lot of extracurricular activities, did you have any leadership roles? (I didn't)"
"None were very difficult. They just kept asking more in depth questions about my answers so sometimes I felt unprepared for their questions."
"Is there an explanation for why you don't have more farm animal experience?"
"A question that was semi related to my research. But it still wasn't that hard. I just expected them to focus more directly on what I did my research on."
"What does a Coggins test for? (I want to work with small animals, that caught me off guard!)"
"How do you feel about purpose-bred animals for education yse?"
"Why is your grades so high but your GRE score so low?"
"Tell me about your experience in the residence halls. Five years of experience in a short answer is not easy."
"Name a famous veterinarian (totally drew a blank!!)"
"Tell me about the future of vet medicine in the next ten years."
"What changes do you see for the future of veterinary medicine?"
"Questions pertaining to a bad semester I had during undergrad."
"Questioning my equine experience...only because I did not have a good reason for why I don't have more experienc..."
"What would you do as a veterinarian if all of the mules suddenly became extinct? (Kind of obvious if you stop and think about it, but it caught me off-guard. A total trick question!)"
"Tell us something else that you want us to know about you? Shouldn't be difficult, right? I did not answer this well despite some prep."
"Tell me about your research."
"The question about keeping up to date on current issues. I totally blanked on names of vet med websites and publications and ended up babbling a bit."
"The question regarding my biggest flaw/weakness. I'm glad that I expected to receive this question and thought it out well before my interview, as I'm sure I would have stumbled or put my foot in my mouth otherwise."
"This seems like a sudden change for you; why is that? (I'm a non-traditional student.)"
"What do you perceive will be your favorite parts nad least favorite parts of veterinary medicine?"
"Any questions you wanted us to ask you?"
"None - all were straightforward and simple."
"Why should we choose you instead of another applicant?"
"Who would you say is your best role model?"
"Why should the admission committee choose you?"
"Why should we choose you, What makes you want to come to Missouri"
"Why should we choose you? (maybe not difficult for some)"
"made my own quizlet based off my application and reviewed sdn"
"Student Doctor Network"
"Mock Interviews"
"Studying the questions on SDN, mock interviews, practicing answering questions out loud, Big Interview"
"Review SDN questions but mainly study my own application. Interview goes in depth on what you have already submitted!"
"I reviewed my file and looked at past interview questions."
"Read through SDN interview questions. Thoroughly studied my application."
"Reviewed SDN interview examples, learned as much as possible about school from website and Zoom activities, mock interview on Zoom"
"SDN, Facebook, UoM students"
"printed all questions from SDN and interviewed myself, mock interview at my school"
"SDN interview feedback. Reviewed application."
"SDN questions, went over application with a fine tooth comb"
"I looked on SDN and wrote out possible answers and practiced them."
"Looked up questions on here and wrote out all my answers. I would recommend practicing your answers out loud, which I didn't do because it was my first interview and I thought I would be fine just knowing what I wanted to say"
"I made a list of questions from the SDN network and thought of scenarios/answers I could use. I also went over my application and essays"
"SDN forum for interview and "Mizzou c/o 2022" forum. I work with an alumni and asked plenty of questions."
"I talked to a professor at my school about how I should answer certain questions. We formulated some responses, but I didn't memorize the answers. I used SDN to see what kind of questions had been asked in the past. I also talked myself up so I wouldn't be nervous at the interview."
"Looked up questions on SDN"
"Reviewed my application, re-read the studies that I assisted in researching, read up on current events in vet med (although this was not discussed)."
"Looked over the past questions here and thought about how I would answer them, looked over my application and shadowing notes."
"Running over different questions with friends and associates, having people ask things."
"SDN, internet research, and the school website. I also reviewed my application materials."
"SDN interview feedback and brainstorming potential questions and answers"
"I did a practice interview at Career Services at my school and looked up a bunch of questions online."
"Mock interviews and the questions on here"
"Looked over past questions, and researched the school heavily."
"Read over my VMCAS application and SDN questions"
"Read the questions on this website, read the school's website, read veterinary medicine current events/news"
"Look over questions from SDN"
"Read SDN, JAVMA and did a mock interview."
"Mock interview with my mom the night before, reviewed sdn interview feedback, school website"
"Looked on SDN. This is my second interview so I also went over the questions they asked me last time that I thought I did not answer well and prepared for the hardest questions."
"Went through my application, questions on this site, and had my SO go through some questions that he thought might pop up."
"Reading over old questions on SDN"
"Read the entire school's website, used SDN to prepare."
"Reviewing questions"
"I thought out answers to questions on SDN's interview feedback and tried to brainstorm logical questions they may have about my application."
"Read through the SDN interview feedback (thanks!) and read over my application materials"
"Looked at SDN and thought of answers to the questions on here. At least two of them came up in my 7-question interview!"
"I read interview feedback and prepped for those Q."
"Read through my application"
"Read this website, re-read my VMCA and supplemental apps."
"I read all the interview feedback for Mizzou and several other schools, took the time to think about how I might answer more difficult questions, and then did my best to clear my head of it so I wouldn't sound scripted or rehearsed during the interview."
"Reviewed my file"
"Reviewed my application and my animal experience notes."
"Read over my application, poked around some vet med websites (JAVMA, DVM360) to read recent articles and debates, reviewed past questions posted here and came up with answers to all"
"Interview feedback, research issues and missouri's website, practicing out loud"
"Read over VMCAS and supplemental applications, skimmed school website, read my thesis, read recent veterinary magazines, prepared and studied flashcards with common interview questions - then tried to relax as much as possible the day of the interview!"
"went to this website =) and went on the schools website"
"I didn't have time to do anything but show up and be as honest as I could, for my grandmother was in her last few hours of life."
"Reread my application, researched current events in vet medicine"
"reviewed application, reviewed goals, interests, motivations etc."
"Read over my application"
"the interviewers were so so nice!!"
"Very nice waiting staff"
"It wasn't that bad, the individuals were nice and the interview was less stressful than I thought it would be."
"The moderator was so nice! The interviewers gave me good feedback on my answers."
"The student ambassadors were all really helpful and supportive, and they also gave us some insight into what student life is like. Some also sat in the waiting room with me and helped calm my nerves before the interview."
"They were all very friendly and helpful"
"All of the committee was very nice and considerate to the fact that I was nervous it felt like. Even though it was a short interview it did not seem rushed."
"The interviewer who asked me about my speciality interest seemed genuinely interested in me."
"The faculty were very friendly and loved to talk about not just the school but how they loved their students. It also seemed that the students were more of family and not competition."
"Very low stress, asked specific questions about my application, responded well to my questions"
"The interviewers were extremely kind and the interview was very laid-back and conversational."
"They had an ambassador to sit with you while you waited, which helps stop the nerves from building right before"
"The faculty and students made me feel welcomed and at home."
"Everyone was extremely nice and personable"
"Everyone was so so nice! They had current students in the lobby who talked to us before the interview which really calmed me down."
"There were current students in the waiting room with us we could ask questions to and they helped to calm us down."
"other interviewers were very nice and relaxed"
"How relaxed the board was. They stood up and shook my hand and laughed when I made small jokes. I got the vibe that they just wanted to make sure I was able to handle their curriculum since it is 2+2 and heavier than other schools."
"How informal the interview seemed. They joked a laughed with me about having worked at Subway in the past."
"They were so friendly and laid back with us."
"The supportive and welcoming environment of the school impressed me the most. I LOVE IT! I didn't know much about Missouri besides the 2+2, when I applied. After this experience, Missouri became my top school."
"The passion the student ambassadors had for their vet school and how much they clearly loved it there. The 2+2 curriculum. The ability to become a resident after 1 year."
"I felt well prepared, none of my interviewers were confrontational or seemed like they were trying to trip me up."
"How they tried to put me at ease and how casual it was overall."
"I loved how conversational the interview was. Everyone on the committee was very friendly and when I noticed my time was up, they just kept talking and asking me random questions because they had a break between interviews and "just figured they'd chat a while" about things that weren't at all related to vet medicine."
"I loved how the community of the school is so supportive! Also, the pictures everywhere of Mizzou vet students and faculty with their pets are a great touch."
"Everybody from the students to the faculty to the interviewers was very nice. They all definitely went out of their way to answer any questions that I had, and it was clear how much the school cares about its students."
"The tour was awesome and there were current veterinary students everywhere to answer questions and just talk to you. The facilities were very nice"
"The student ambassadors were very friendly and did their best to make us feel comfortable and relaxed. The staff were also very friendly, and not intimidating or over-bearing."
"Everyone was very friendly."
"How nice everyone was."
"Everyone associated with the school is very willing to go out of their way to help you in any way that they can, and the school pride is phenomenal!"
"Facilities, friendliness of professors/admissions staff, 2+2 curriculum"
"They were all friendly and welcoming."
"I really liked walking through the teaching hospital. I also met with a few students on and after the tour, and they seemed generally happy even though it was finals week for them."
"The people were SO nice. Very low stress interview even though it was my first one. The facility was impressive, the student ambassadors were genuinely friendly and helpful, and one member of the interview committee even personally knew my boss from Florida."
"The friendliness and happiness of students."
"Everyone at the school was incredibly friendly, there were 3rd and 4th year students who would stop by the office throughout the day just to say hi and good luck. Also, the facilities are amazing."
"The fact that you can get in-state tuition after the first year."
"It was VERY open file. I felt like the interviewers were really prepared for my specific interview. They also seemed nice enough."
"EVERYONE (students/staff/faculty) were EXTREMELY nice!!!"
"Everyone was really nice and I really like the ease at which an OOS student can achieve IS tuition."
"Everything. I fell in love with the campus and the people from the moment I arrived. It's just one of those places where strangers treat you like family and you feel like you've just arrived home when you get there."
"For such a large group it really was a very relaxed interview. I think they really want you to relax so they can see you at your best. "
"People seemed really happy and friendly, students seem to be given a fair amount of responsibility in clinics, their spay/neuter program that gives students a lot of opportunity to practice"
"Everything! Esp. the in-state tuition"
"Everything! The town is the perfect size with cheap(!) cost of living, the facilities at the school are top-notch, and the curriculum is great. Especially can't say enough about the people! Both students and faculty are SUPER friendly, kind, and trying to make you feel at home during the whole day. Couldn't be more pleasant!"
"the people were very friendly, facilities were very nice, and the staff was more than welcoming. they really want to get to know you."
"All of the interviewers genuinely seemed to be interested in learning more about me, not trying to stump me with off the wall questions."
"The interviewers were very friendly and easy to talk to."
"very friendly environment, everybody was very easy to talk to and had a good sense of humor"
"Nice facilities, VERY friendly people (students and staff), good food (they served us lunch and dinner)"
"Just the lack of employment question that threw me off a little bit"
"Interviewers were very cold and didn't give back much feedback"
"Nothing of note."
"The recruiter threw some shade at another vet school lol"
"The attitude of one of my interviewers was just plain rude. He asked why I did poorly one semester and I said "I was recovering from a personal situation and had yet to be diagnosed with ADHD, both made doing well difficult." Didn't specify the situation. And he said "I didn't need that level of information, but thanks.""
"Besides being on zoom (bc of COVID, not their fault), it was. very pleasant experience!"
"I wasn't warned I was being moved to the interview from the waiting room (Zoom)"
"Nothing (:"
"Overall great day! would be nice if we had more than 15 minutes to explain everything"
"One of my interviewers didn’t feel the best so I’m not sure he was completely immersed in my answers"
"The interview was running a little late."
"The first question I got was what was my favorite zoo animal, which caught me off guard. The lady was also very stone faced and didn't seem like she wanted to be there which made me nervous."
"I felt like when I finally got comfortable, the interview was over."
"Nothing I can think of"
"How religious and conservative the area felt."
"Like others have said, it's a very quick interview. For me it was only a 3-hour drive up there, and I enjoyed the tour and seeing the town as well, but for those who have to travel a long ways it could be annoying."
"Really not much, except for that the feral cat question was a little weird and something that I didn't have any experience with so it was kinda off the wall."
"One interviewer was incredibly rude and asked me a very personal question that was extremely off topic and he kept harassing me about it until I talked about it enough."
"The buildings were a bit outdated"
"Nothing, I was very impressed with the school, the program, and the people."
"I am used to a big city so the town seemed small to me."
"Columbia is beautiful, but just outside of the town struck me as a little sketchy."
"Not much"
"I wish I had more time to answer questions."
"I didn't feel like the admissions staff tried to sell the school to me. I know it was the middle of the week, but it would have been nice to have felt even somewhat wanted after missing class and traveling to the school."
"The location wasn't my favorite, too cold out there."
"small facilities compared to class size"
"I was out of state and we only got 15mins (exactly, timed with a stopwatch) for our interview. I spent a lot of money and time traveling, so I feel that they could have given us more time."
"I wish I had gotten more time in the interview; I feel I would have been more comfortable if I had had more time to explain & warm up. I spent almost as many hours driving as my interview was minutes, that was kind of depressing."
"All tests are computer based."
"They seem to be taking in more students than their classrooms and labs can reasonably handle."
"I'm from a city and there is absolutely nothing surrounding Columbia. Columbia itself is a cute college town but if you need some city life, this is not the place for you. "
"Honestly nothing"
"Nothing - had a great visit and it is definitely at the top of my list."
"Nothing: it went very very well."
"town is not very close to any urban centers"
"the city of Columbia wasn't spectacular"
"I went for the handshake and they were not doing handshakes LOL"
"How unengaged the panel would be"
"More specifically the questions they asked."
"Everyone said that the questions would cater specifically to your application, but I wish I had reflected more on my research experience so that I could have answered one of my questions better. Also, it was not as “conversational” as I expected, the interviewers were not unfriendly by any means but the whole process was pretty cut and dried."
"There were 6 people interviewing me."
"That they would ask me about the anatomy of a pig - farm/food is the only area I don't have hundreds of hours in."
"Generally pretty standard questions, don't stress too much about difficult questions"
"I wish I would have known ahead of time that the interview was going to be relaxed to calm my nerves prior to the interview."
"SDN prepared me well, I wish i had known they would ask me about food animal things (I didn't have much experience)"
"The interview would go by fast."
"How relaxing and enjoyable the day would be!"
"How amazing the school was. Such a family environment and way more relaxed of an interview than I expected."
"The questions they ask are not suppose to trick you. They truly want to get to know who you are as a person. They only asked me questions that were related to my application and general questions about leadership, my school life and how I balanced a heavy course load with a full time job."
"I felt extremely prepared. Although I had a tough time finding the interview room."
"Your interview scores are finalized right after you finishing interviewing, so just relax for the rest of the day and have fun - you're not being evaluated outside the interview room."
"I can't think of anything, there were no surprises for me. I didn't need to stress so much!"
"How beautiful the school was and how much I would love it!"
"It wasn't going to be as laid back as everyone had said."
"That yes, it is stressful and sort of adversarial, whatever else you may have heard. Also, just because each interviewer has asked a question and they've asked if you have any questions doesn't mean the interview is over."
"There's no reason to panic. At one point, I forgot the word for something, and I ended up just apologizing and saying that I was very nervous. They just laughed and said that they were there once too."
"I wish I had known that they would ask me questions only related specifically to my experience and my work, not trick questions about other animal experience that I do not have. Knowing it would be questions that I already knew the answer to would have helped me relax."
"How nice everyone would be. People had said this but I didn't believe them because I am a quiet person and thought it would be terrible no matter how nice they were but I was wrong."
"That they would ask me in depth questions about areas outside of my interest."
"That I would be so impressed by the school!"
"It would have been nice to know that at the end of the interview, there is no time to ask questions to the interviewers."
"the name of a famous veterinarian!"
"To seriously consider Missouri! What an impressive program. Do not wear heels on the tours because you have to put on booties. And really don't stress about this interview it's very personal and very nice. Also stay at the courtyard by marriott hotel they have shuttles to and from the airport and the school so I didn't even rent a car."
"Be less nervous"
"How complimentary the interviewers would be toward my application/me :-)"
"not to drag my coat around--leave it in the lobby for the tour!"
"That touring the large animal facility required wearing special booties..those were hard to walk in with heels."
"That I could park in the unmetered spots!"
"How relaxed the whole process would be. Knowing that several people would be interviewing me terrified me at first, but they each spoke to me separately and I was able to focus on the person who was asking the question, as opposed to the entire room. I also wish that I had known how personable and friendly the interviewers would be. Everyone made jokes and funny side comments throughout the interview, and I felt as though we were just having a conversation and that they were truly interested in getting to know me, not in making me trip or harpooning me for even thinking that I belonged there. It was like a 15 minute group hug with a table separating us all LOL."
"How low-stress the interview actually would be. When people tell you not to lose too much sleep over this one, believe them!"
"how cold it would really be!"
"I think that my interview went so much better than anyone had prepared me for. Everyone had me thinking that I was going to be running a gauntlet and it really wasn't that bad at all - no different really than a job interview that for a position you really want."
"I wish I had known what their ''ideal'' student was...they're looking for large animal vets who are going to stay in the midwest"
"They are really nice and the questions are geared towards your specific application"
"The questions were very straight forward, but the panel never smiled or gave much feedback. Seemed very intense."
"Have a great response to 'why should we admit you' and be up to date on current events, you never know what they might ask!"
"There were some questions that threw me off and left me disappointed in how I’d answered, but it was not too different from what I expected."
"I was really unimpressed with my interviewers. I had some pretty interesting experiences - zookeeping, research, etc - and they didn't ask me about any of it."
"The faculty seemed to genuinely care for their students which I loved to see. The interview was not trying to mess you up, they just want to know more about you!"
"Good transition to Zoom with a few minor issues. Very friendly interview, interviewers seemed genuinely interested, even at the end of the day"
"Great interview process, even with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. Interviewers were extremely kind and the interview was basically conversational."
"Relax and be you for the interview! They just want to genuinely get to know you!"
"I felt I rambled for a few of the questions because I knew it was a short interview and I wanted to make sure I got out all my points. Overall I loved the school and I absolutely would have gone here if my in-state school wasn't cheaper. Such an amazing school and such a family environment."
"I thought I did not answer very well (not as well as I did at Penn) but I still got an acceptance"
"The area is not ideal but the school is amazing. You only have 6 weeks of summer off and have classes for the rest of the time. Also instate tuition after the first year for OOS applicants!"
"I've had my eye on Mizzou for the past 6 years (ever since I wanted to be a vet), and I felt very confident for the interview and I think preparation is key. Just don't over prepare!"
"They told us that they already know everything about us and they just want to get to know us a little more. The experience was very laid back and comfortable."
"It was a fantastic interview day!"
"Reading and thinking about the questions on here really helped me prepare. Also just be prepared for questions about weak points on your app (e.g. poor grades, low experience hours)."
"Enjoyed my time there, wish I had been less nervous!"
"The school and program are amazing, as well as the admissions staff, but some of their interviewers were very cold, perhaps to see how I would react, but it was still shocking."
"I loved the school and facilities and everyone was so friendly and welcoming, including all the student ambassadors who are there to answer questions and give tours throughout the day."
"After my interview, I like the school better but feel that they're less likely to accept me."
"Overall, the school definitely impressed me, and I would definitely consider going there if I get in. However, I wish that the interviews were slightly longer because I was just getting comfortable with my interviewers when time was up."
"Top choice by far! Make sure you know your application (VMCAS), everything they asked was directly from my app. Very laid back and relaxed!"
"Very impressed by the school!"
"This was my first interview, so I was way nervous. One of the interviewers held eye contact the whole time I answered her question, which put me on edge. Another interviewer acted as if he ignored me completely until it was his turn to ask me a question, then it was very brief."
"This was probably the friendliest interview I went to, everyone is really just there to learn more about you, not back you into a corner!"
"Great school! Definitely moved to the upper portion of my list!"
"Overall, I like what I've seen of the school, and haven't heard complaints from the people I know who go there."
"Boy was I impressed by Missouri! The people and program were outstanding. You can get residency and in state tuition after only one year, making it more affordable than even my in state school. I went out there with Missouri as a back burner school but now it is a viable option."
"LOVED this school!"
"All in all, a good school. If accepted, it's a more than viable option for me."
"If you stay at the Courtyard Marriott on LeMone (and you should!), specifically ask for the courtesy shuttle to take you to and pick you up from your interview. They'll pick you up from and take you to the airport, as well, so it saves a ton of money!"
"The interview was low stress. The interviewers were casual and friendly and just want to know about you and not so much what you know."
"Almost every female I saw was wearing a pant or skirt-suit. I wore a blazer and dress pants and felt fine but I wouldn't go much more casual than that. Male outfits were a little more varied. "
"the interview went by so quickly! it was a quick and easy process. they really just want to know more about you and ask further questions about the application in order to clarify everything. they were very nice and an interesting thing was that one of the interviewers noticed I had taken statistics and proceeded to ask me a question, but asked it in such a way that he messed it up and basically told me the answer!"
"Wonderful. I walked out thinking that I had done really well, and I must have because I was picked up on my first try and I was not a Tier-1 applicant."
"Very positive. The panel didn't seem to be interrogating. Everyone was really nice and helpful."
"Unexpectedly pleasant"
Response | # Responders |
Student | 45 |
Faculty member | 1 |
Admissions staff | 3 |
Other | 0 |
Response | # Responders |
Enthusiastic | 47 |
Neutral | 2 |
Discouraging | 0 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.61 | 61 |
Response | # Responders |
In state | 15 |
Out of state | 44 |
Response | # Responders |
0-1 hour | 3 |
2-3 hours | 9 |
4-6 hours | 18 |
7+ hours | 19 |
Response | # Responders |
Airplane | 20 |
Automobile | 31 |
Train or subway | 0 |
Other | 1 |
st louis
Columbia regional
kansas city
Columbia Regional Airport
Columbia Regional (Memphis hub)
St. Louis
Response | # Responders |
At school facility | 1 |
With students at the school | 1 |
Friends or family | 3 |
Hotel | 36 |
Home | 3 |
Other | 0 |
Marriott Courtyard
Marriotte Fairfield jct rt. 70 & 63
Courtyard Marriott
Hampton Inn and Suites Columbia
Hampton Inn
Super 8
Holiday Inn Executive Center on I-70
best value inn
Days Inn
courtyard at marriot
Hilton near campus
Holiday Inn Executive Conference Center
Country Inn & Suites
Red Roof Inn
Marriott Courtyard
Marriotte Fairfield jct rt. 70 & 63
Courtyard Marriott
Hampton Inn and Suites Columbia
Hampton Inn
Super 8
Holiday Inn Executive Center on I-70
best value inn
Days Inn
courtyard at marriot
Hilton near campus
Holiday Inn Executive Conference Center
Country Inn & Suites
Red Roof Inn
Response | # Responders |
< $100 | 8 |
$101-$200 | 6 |
$201-$300 | 3 |
$301-$400 | 8 |
$401-$500 | 8 |
$501+ | 10 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.71 | 63 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.51 | 63 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
6.41 | 63 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
8.82 | 57 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
9.46 | 57 |
Response Avg | # Responders |
7.68 | 56 |
"Make it clear when students will be hearing back"
"Extend the length of your interviews and make sure your interviewers seem somewhat interested in your applicants. I had more questions but was cut off before I could ask them."
"The entire process was very smooth. I appreciated that they were more ahead in the cycle than most schools. A virtual tour of the school would be very nice to have."
"If continuing on Zoom, recording to be watched later"
"You're all very passionate about your jobs and the school. You're not allowed to quit your jobs!"
"None. I had great interactions with everyone at the office!"
"Kathy is amazing!"
"The process for confirming my Missouri residency was confusing, but that's the fault of the residency office, not the CVM. Other than that everyone was very friendly!"
"Tell us where to park. I had to move my car because there were not any signs saying we could park in the permit spots."
"Please tell the applicants where to park when they get there to interview."
"I'd suggest considering using email to notify applicants instead of snail mail. It is more cost effective for them plus we spend less time waiting for those darn envelopes to arrive :-)"
"Kathy Seay the admissions director was great. Friendly, hospitable, and efficient"
"Great job getting students for tours, Q&A, ect. I also felt very informed of deadlines, requirements, ect."
"I thought it was a great experience. Only thing I can really fault is that for those of us flying from far away, it's a pretty big expense for only a 15 minute interview."
"None. Everything was fantastic and went perfectly."
"I feel the admissions office does a great job and gives timely feedback with everything that you nee"
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?