School Stats
- Resident Tuition $16,063
- Non - Resident Tuition N/A
- Application Fee $0
- AVG MCAT 509
- AVG GPA 3.9
- LIZZYM Score 68.5
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Admissions Information
- Office of Admissions
- Room G740 - Health Sciences Centre
- 3330 Hospital Drive NW
- Calgary, AB T2N 4N1
- Canada
- Phone: (403) 220-4262
- Fax: (403) 210-8148
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: cumming.ucalgary.ca/
School Overview
University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine Fast Facts
School Info
The Faculty of Medicine has four main educational components: undergraduate, including medical and health sciences; post graduate medical; graduate science, and; continuing medical education. Together they represent the continuum of learning from the moment a prospective physician enters medical school through to his or her professional practice or beyond.
There are 7 block courses plus the longitudinal courses of Medical Skills, Research Methods and Evidence-Based Medicine, and Applied Evidence-Based Medicine in the 2 pre-clerkship years. The third and final year is called the Clinical Clerkship. During this time, students work on hospital wards, in ambulatory care clinics and doctors' offices as well as in the Emergency Room. All students will spend from 4 to 10 weeks in community hospitals in Southern Alberta learning Family Medicine as well as some specialties.ÿ During the clerkship students rotate through a variety of specialties spending from 4-12 weeks in each.
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