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Interview Feedback

Individual Response

  • Washington State University College of Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy School
  • Spokane, WA
Overall Experience

How did the interview impress you?


What was the stress level of the interview?

2 out of 10


How long was the interview?

30 minutes

Where did the interview take place?

At another location

How many people interviewed you?


What was the style of the interview?


What type of interview was it?

Closed file

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"Do you have any experience working in a pharmacy?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 2)?

"While operating a pharmacy, choose the best answer A, B, or C?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 3)?

"(Yes/No)Have you ever been in a situation in which you have held a leadership position. No explaination was necessary. After I gave him my answer, he just circled yes or no on the form. " Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

"The second question. It was simple. It went like this, choose the best answer A,B, or C. What kind of question is that. NO real thought process, or investigation of the candidate. " Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most difficult question?

"None. The question were all survey type questions. I wasnt even give a chance to explain any of my answers. A,B,C, Yes/No thats all. " Report Response | I was asked this question too

How did you prepare for the interview?

"mock interviews and this website" Report Response

What impressed you positively?

"nothing" Report Response

What impressed you negatively?

"The interview was more of a survey. A,B or C; Yes/No type of questions. The interviewer did not give me a chance to express me own self. It was a waste of time and money. Why couldnt they send me the survey questions through the mail. " Report Response

What did you wish you had known ahead of time?

"The sample essay. What question they were going to ask me ahead of time. The question was. Who is a life long insparation? I had to write a 1 page essay." Report Response

What are your general comments?

"It wasnt the best experience and not what I expected. I spent alot of time and money which I could have used more stategically. If they want to give us a survey, send the questions through the mail. " Report Response

Tour and Travel

Who was the tour given by?

Admissions staff

General Info

On what date did the interview take place?


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