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"Why pharmacy?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Any pharmacy experience?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why not UCSF?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why do you want to change careers? (I've been a scientist for past 4 years)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why no UCSF?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Student Doctor Network, talking to pharmacists, I gather all the interview questions I could find, and thought of an answer for each one. " Report Response
"The students involvment. Right when you get there, there were a lot of students there talking to you and trying to calm you down. It made me feel very welcomed and not as stressed out. Everyone is very friendly and are trying to get to know you. " Report Response
"the location, and the fact that we didn't a tour." Report Response
"That it was going to be a very relaxed environment." Report Response
"I had a great experience there. I felt I could ask the students anything since these are not the same students that will interview you. The Dean is super nice and seems to really look out for the students. The faculty and student that I interviewed with were very friendly and didn't really grill me. I felt we were just talking and they genuinely were trying to see if we were a match for each other. After the interview, I felt that this was a great school, with a good reputation, and that it would teach me what I need to know to become a great pharmacist. Luckily, I got my acceptance letter 4 weeks later" Report Response
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