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5 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Situational: How would you handle, in a retail pharmacy, a customer who wants a refill of his vital medication, even when he has no refills remaining/no written prescription from his doctor?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Describe qualities a pharmacist needs and qualities a GOOD pharmacist has." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell about one situation you had to empathize with a friend (not sympathize!)." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Name 3 qualities to describe a leader (in your opinion), explain. Follow up: How does said leader keep his or her people working smoothly? How to handle issues? How to keep morale at a good level?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If you had an open-book exam in a class, and your pal asked you for an answer, what would you do? (<cough> leave said pal hanging! it's open book, open book tests don't exist in college, at least they haven't for me <cough>)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Student Doctor Net! YAY FOR SDN! Also, I brainstormed around a dozen questions for myself to answer as practice. Questions ranged from views on importation of drugs to situational "if you were a retail pharmacist and this happened" types. That's really all you need to do, the interviews are more like conversations." Report Response
"Good faculty, students are generally upbeat all over campus, fair amount of student diversity, improvements happening all over campus due to a new University President who - at the least - brings fresh blood to the leadership of the uni." Report Response
"Facilities are slightly old, admissions being reduced from 120 to 90 because Louisiana is relatively poor (and also due to some pharmacy students falling behind - many are older with family and have trouble staying on track), Monroe can be a really boring city depending who you are." Report Response
"I wish I knew not to take the route I took to the college on my interview day! Dozens of cement trucks filled the road and traffic was blocked off, backed up, and detoured. I was quasi-late for the initial meeting in the lobby, therefore. Pues, que sera, sera." Report Response
"First, please note that this University is now called the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Well, the interviews strike me as very conversational. So, speak up and speak well of what's on your mind for every question asked. If you don't know for sure how to answer, don't worry - take a few moments, and maybe tell the interviewer that you don't know by experience but your opinion at this time is such and such. I had two interviewers with interesting pharmacy-related experiences, so be sure to ask about the interviewers' education/background/work experience. The essay portion takes place in the afternoon, opposed to the interviews of the morning. On the essay, you'll receive three topics to write on (can be anything) and you choose one. 1 hour is given to type or handwrite the essay - a fair amount of time to construct a basic and coherent response. On a final note, everyone I encountered on my interview day appeared upbeat/positive/friendly. Good signs." Report Response
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