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"if you see someone cheating at workplace what do u do" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"tell me the mistake that u made and how would u correct it." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about yourself, about things that are not shown on your application. ( i did not answer this one well because basically I put all positive things on my app)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
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"the dean greeted me the moment I walked in the hallway. He then gave us the presentation about the school history.The dean and all staff are extremely friendly. the school are in the property of government and that why my gps could not find the school location." Report Response
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"i was told by others that johnson city is a rural area. I had to drive along the mountain from ashville NC to johnson city. my first impression about the area told by others is that the area is poor and rural, may be there are not many places around. However, when i get there, i really like the city. It has major stores that a city has. this area is so associated with poverty. pharmacies use same technology standard that is used in a city" Report Response
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