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Interview Feedback

Individual Response

  • Western University of Health Sciences College of Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy School
  • Pomona, CA
Overall Experience

How did the interview impress you?


What was the stress level of the interview?

5 out of 10


How long was the interview?

40 minutes

Where did the interview take place?

At the school

How many people interviewed you?


What was the style of the interview?


What type of interview was it?

Closed file

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"When was a difficult time for you and how did you overcome it?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 2)?

"Which course was one of the most difficult?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 3)?

"If you were asked to work in a group with students, how would you deal with a member who could not speak english very well?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

"What makes you laugh?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most difficult question?

"If you got accepted to USC and Western, where would you go?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

How did you prepare for the interview?

"I reviewed the school's website, SDN." Report Response

What impressed you positively?

"The faculty and students were very enthusiastic and friendly. I liked the two faculty members that were interviewing me. " Report Response

What impressed you negatively?

"The campus was very quiet and appeared to be less social. No student life." Report Response

What did you wish you had known ahead of time?

"Once you exit the freeway, you still have a lot to go!" Report Response

What are your general comments?

"The interview is closed file....they dont see your transcripts. They do see your resume though. Two faculty and one student interview you. Pay attention to all the interviewers. Make eye contact to all. Ask them each a question when they are done asking you questions. I had Dr. Sam as an interviewer and he likes people with a sense of lighten up a little. The essay question was super easy. This interview and essay never expected you to know any current event information, so don't worry about the HOT topics of pharmacy for Western...its strictly social. Make sure you emphasize that you are a team-worker." Report Response

Tour and Travel

Who was the tour given by?


General Info

On what date did the interview take place?


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