3 out of 10
40 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"How would you handle this situation? You are working in a pharmacy and a women comes up to you crying hysterically and won't calm down." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Lots of decision questions: What are the hardest decisions to make? Give an example of a time you faced an ethical dilemma, how did you handle it? Have you ever had to make an unpopular decision, if so, then what was it?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"A friend of yours has borrowed a very expensive and valuable item of yours. You have repeatedly asked to have it returned, but your friend has not done so. How would you go about resolving the matter? <---MY ESSAY QUESTION!!!" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Give an example of a time in which you were under extremem pressure to meet a deadline. How did you handle the situation?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What characteristics do you admire in a leader?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read SDN questions. Many of them came up un the interview. Learned alot about the school from the website. Got a good nights sleep." Report Response
"The students and faculty there were all pleasant and knowledgable. The atmosphere was relaxed. Also one of only 7 or 8 colleges with schools in every field of healthcare. " Report Response
"Some of the nearby areas of Richmond. Not that I did not expect it considering it is a city." Report Response
"The location of a nearby McDonalds so I could eat before my experienece started. At least they provided snacks." Report Response
"There were two 2 on 1 interviews of 20 minutes each and an essay. One is with a faculty and student and the other is an alumni and student, although my faculty and student was really with two faculty. I felt the alumni-student interview was very low stress (1) and the two faculty interview was a bit higher (5), but that was probably because I was nervous around the faculty. Also, the interviews were semi-closed file...the interviewers could see neither grades nor PCAT scores. The experience definately confirmed this school as my top choice." Report Response
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