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2 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Do you know any other languages?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Nothing really." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"website" Report Response
"The hospital, New England Medical Center, wasn't too bad. Better tahn I thought it would be." Report Response
"Several things: I sat in on a class and the lecture was literally overflowing. People were sitting in the aisles and standing at the doorways taking notes. There are just too many people at that school. Also, The school is unreasonably expensive. In fact teh director of admissions was actually encouraging us to go to cheaper schools with great repuations (e.g.- UCSF or UMASS) if accepted (I'm being completely honest that he said this!)." Report Response
"I knew that Tufts was in Chinatown, but I didn't know that the location was gonna be so drab." Report Response
"Tufts is very expensive. For some reason i can't get around that fact, but that's just me. Also, Boston (and espcially Chinatown) is just not my kind of town. It's disorganized and the people are just plain mean. It's not taht bad of a school. It's just not my cup of tea." Report Response
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