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"do you have any questions for me? (this was a big part of both my interviews, so have some questions ready - mostly i asked general stuff like what does dartmouth have that makes it special etc.)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"no hard questions were asked." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"read the viewbook, read my application" Report Response
"the hospital (new and georgeous, well-constructed, open, filled with light and functions well) and the students (really nice, happy, outdoorsy)" Report Response
"two interviews, both with doctors. one doctor just let me aks him questions mostly - we talked a bunch about the experiences abroad that dartmouth offers and about some experiences (non-school) that i'd had, what i'm doing now, etc. he was really nice and we had a great conversation. the second interviewer talked a lot, so i didn't say that much, but he was also really nice and the interview wasn't stressful. " Report Response
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