2 out of 10
35 minutes
At the school
Open file
"SDN, my AMCAS application, but really just relax and have fun...this is an opportunity to get to know the school " Report Response
"The students - took us out for a drink the night before, were really friendly and enthusiastic. The day was structured and pretty relaxed." Report Response
"The tuition - I just couldn't understand why the school is so expensive - they're not really offering anything extraordinary (for that price). Also the location. It seemed dead, despite the fact that there are a couple of schools around the area. Need a car to get around." Report Response
"Nothing really" Report Response
"It was a positive experience overall. They tell you that Albany is known for ethics questions and it is true - at least in one interview I was asked a few ethics questions. My second iterview, we just talked about current affairs, Iraq and democracy...pretty interesting. I wasn't really impressed with the school itself to be honest, and I think my first interviewer must have sensed that...I quess that's why they put me on a waiting list." Report Response
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