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60+ minutes
At the school
Open file
"Which 2 student organizations do you think you would want to be a part of here at Penn St?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why are there so many Mormons that come here to Penn State from Utah?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How are we going to help the millions of uninsured americans?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why is President Bush opposed to stem cell research? (this is a stupid question because how should I be asked to give someone else's oppinion? A better question would be to ask me simply "how do you feel about it...")" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Stu Doc. net" Report Response
"Great facilities, Hershey!!" Report Response
"Flights from Harrisburg to my home town were very expensive, so I had to fly into Baltimore... Would be kind of a pain to come home if I am living in Hershey." Report Response
"nothing" Report Response
"It was a great experience! I fell in love with the community, the school, the atmosphere. I felt like the students are happy, and the educative system lends to a non-cut-throat environment. I inverviewed with Dr Leure-duPree, who is the Dean of Student Affairs, and he grilled me with tough questions, but I was only able to say a few words before he interupted me and told me what he thinks--so that was easy. Then I inverviewed with Dr. Guhad, who is not even a faculty member of the Med School, but he was great. He shared some really neat experiences, and basically praised me the whole time." Report Response
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