3 out of 10
15 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Strengths/weaknesses, same basic ones as everyone else, how do you deal with stress, etc. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Low science GPA, can you explain? I was working during my post-bacc but once I quit my grades went up to A's (I had brought my tests, but they didn't need to see them. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why LECOM? I explained that while Erie is freezing and the breeding grounds for seasonal affective disorder patients, I was only interested in sunny Florida. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why would you come to Pennsylvania if you live in California? (The interviewer indicated that he had "lost three brothers" to CA and was curious as to why I would want to come to PA). " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"With your low (2.72) science GPA, what makes you think you can handle the rigors of medical school" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read DO's in America, looked at the school website, re-read my secondary, got into town early, read the questions that they ask everyone" Report Response
"The school is brand new. The faculty interviewers were unbelieveably knowledgeable. The new school is in Florida, where I've lived before and like. The one interviewer told me that my application was "a pleasure to read" because it was so different. " Report Response
"Erie. Eww. Thankfully the new school is not there. The giant cross hanging on a chain around the interviewer's neck (I'm talking three by four inches here) Considering I wrote about having an abortion when I was 18 in my personal statement, I was pretty sad to see that, but stoked when I heard he hadn't read my personal statement! :' ) " Report Response
"The age of the average student. I'm older and prefer studying in groups of older students. " Report Response
"Get there at 8 am. Go on a tour, which is nice as everything is brand new (8 yrs). Sit in a conference room, talk to the admissions girl from S. Dakota who is really sweet. Sit through this long-ass presentation about stuff you should have thought about long before applying (like ... cost, how to fill out a FAFSA, living with roommates, studying a lot). Finally get called into a room with two interviewers who ask you the same ten questions they ask everyone else. Get to ask them questions at the end. Talk about science for a bit. They definitely try to good-cop/bad-cop you. Don't get flustered or your " Report Response
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