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"Why Do yo want to go to UIC" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How would you balance school and Research" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What are current issues in Health care and how would you deal with them" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Did you have any role models that you have used to pattern yourself after? (based on my desire to do research)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What was the most challenging experience you have had up to this point. I wasn't asked this question but I heard that they asked the following: Would you turn in a fellow student that you saw cheating in a test? Hint: The answer is "yes". I may seem like your being a tattle-tail but you have to keep in mind that it is a "ethics" question. IE its testing your ability to make hard but ethical question. The basis for turning in a cheater would be that this person is obtaining their degree under false pretences and my be a hazard/danger to patients in the future (as they may not know the relevant material)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"read SDN (thanks this was a big stress reliever!), reveiewed personal statement,read catalog " Report Response
"Really liked the interviewer, REALLY liked the student tour guide, impressed with research oppurtunities open to students and support programs" Report Response
"Nothing" Report Response
"Volunteer programs avaliable to students to gain more clinical experience." Report Response
"The interview went really well. All members of the panel were very friendly. Most questions were based on my personal statement. Other Than that they asked the questions given in the question section. I wasn't asked this question but I heard that they asked the following: Would you turn in a fellow student that you saw cheating in a test? Hint: The answer is "yes". It may seem like your being a tattle-tail but you have to keep in mind that it is a "ethics" question. IE its testing your ability to make hard but ethical decisions. The basis for turning in a an individual that has been cheating would be that this person is passing their classes and obtaining their degree under false pretences and may be a hazard/danger to patients in the future (as they may not know the relevant material). The tour and lunch were nice and the tour guide (a m4 student) was REALLy cool! I also heard they asked questions like: Have you thought about doing the DO (docter of osteopathy) instead of the MD? (I'm not really familiar with the intricate diffrences between a DO and MD degree so I didnt have a good answer for this one). Good Luck ! and thanks for the Help!" Report Response
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