2 out of 10
9 out of 10
50 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Why do you want to be a doctor?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why do you want to attend this school?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Are you interested in academic medicine?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Questions about my research from the student interviewer" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What is the weakest part of your application" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read AMCAS application, read this site." Report Response
"Everyone is soooooooo nice. The admissions of director (Jennifer Welch :-)), the interviewers, the student tour guides,the people in the hallways... " Report Response
"Here's the list....just kidding. Nothing was negative." Report Response
"I did not need to stress about this interview as much as I did. It was my first interview and I didn't know what to expect. Hopefully the rest are just as good. " Report Response
"I stayed with a medical student the night before so she gave me some off the record information, basically she is happy with her decision, everyone is nice and laid back. They have a note taking service run by the school. All the notes for each lecture are give to the student in a packet and this is the primary study material for the students. Most don't even buy the textbooks. Also, all the lectures are video typed so if you miss a class you can watch it on the web later. So the day begins with meeting the director of admissions Jennifer Welch (she is sincerely a nice person). She gaves an overview of what is the day is going to entail and talks a little bit about the process from interview to notification of decision. I had two morning interveiws scheduled, typically you have one interview in morning and another in the afternoon. The earliest interview is 9am and the lastest in our group was 2pm. Around 11:30 there is lunch and a brief informational session given by Ms. Welch. After this is a tour of the school by medical students and then you are free to leave. There is some down time so you have the opportunity to sit in on classes if you like. I'm glad this was my first experience. Everyone that interviewed was commenting on how well the interviews went which is good, but since it is unlikely that all 13 of us are being accepted a guess you can't get an idea of whether or not you will be accepted by the interview experience. In sort, it was a good day and everyone is REALLY nice:-) Oh, just a reminder don't forget your small photo on the day of the interview. " Report Response
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