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"what to you is Osteo. medicine? and why osteo? have a good answer cuz you really want to tell them why you want to go into this field...why primary care..." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What is one of your weaknesses?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"asked a question from an article they gave me. in response to my answer asked again, what to you is a holistic form of medicine? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I think the most interesting question was along the lines of whats your weakness? I know this is a common question and posted on this website plenty of times but I just don't think I my answer was too too great, at least I didn't feel it was the best answer that would impress someone. so think of something good!!" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"the interview was laid back and relaxed. Dr. King and Dr. Kreuger interviewed me and I had listened to a presentation earlier by Dr. Kreuger. Great guy by the way. He noted that I was paying close attention and relating to what he was saying during the interview. during the presentation I was seated the furthest on the table so he is a keen observer and heads up the PBL program at this school. don't get on his bad side, he was cracking jokes every now and then." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"talked to friends attending, read my application essays, SDN" Report Response
"beautiful and hi tech campus. everything was spotless, makes you feel like you're at NASA or some place where highly confidential stuff is going on. really really nice facilities. designed to hold 600 ppl but since class of 2009 is going to be their 2nd class, there will be plenty of room for everyone and more than enough time to look at their plasticized cadavers and real cadavers. " Report Response
"Nothing really...I had to wait from 9-11am. My interview was the last one at 11am which was kinda whack. I get impatient easily so the wait kinda went on and on...." Report Response
"That they only used the secondary application to ask interview questions. Surprisingly, they didn't have any of my letters or anything before hand...got lost in the mail so I had to re-send everything." Report Response
"great great experience. I felt that this is a great campus, bradenton is a great area and is part of this huge developmental master plan. the community is sparse right now but a lot of stuff is going to be built soon. the bldg is brand new and everything is state of the art. the pbl approach, they stress this, is the only approach used..so if you're not interested in it, then don't even apply. great ppl, great faculty, great everything...if i get in, I would certainly attend" Report Response
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