3 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"What do you think about euthenasia (gave a senario)? What about abortion (with a senario)? And stem cell research?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What was a difficult life experience? How did you end up deciding to go to your undergraduate campus? What specialty are you considering?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What do you feel about the poverty in america? (Related to my experience dealing with poverty in central america)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How would I feel if salaries shifted and physicians began getting paid the same as school teachers where I would be living in an apartment, driving a crappy car, and sending my kids to a trashy school?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read SDN, researched on UCLA website, talked to knowledgeable people, reviewed my AMCAS and secondary and just thought a little bit about my motivation." Report Response
"The medical students actually seemed happy and there seemed to be cameraderie. There was also an abundance of hospitals within a block (Lots of resources!!)" Report Response
"The actual classroom, library, and study hall seemed relatively old and crunched together." Report Response
"The student tour was led by two second year students who led myself and two other applicants. " Report Response
"Overall I feel like I had a good experience. Two second year students led three of us around and were really friendly. They really did seem happy and personable. The curriculum sounds awesome if you are more of a hands-on interactive person who can't stand looooong formal lecture time but self-directed is important. I was a little worried when a second year student visiting the admissions office told me he knew my interviewer and had a worrisome look on his face--that definitely added to the anxiety bc the student made it seem like my interviewer was super intense and mean. It ended up being okay. The Dr. asked some random questions just out of the blue but he was friendly and had a nice demeanor. Although my interview was fairly short, he had a lot of encouraging words to share and made me feel confident as an applicant in general. WORDS of advice: Although it was conversational and laid back, definitely think about what your opinions are in regards to ethical issues and the pros and cons of your experiences!!!" Report Response
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