3 out of 10
7 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Tell me about yourself." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why medicine instead of another field?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about your research." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Describe yourself in one word" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If I were conducting this interview with your friends, about you, what kind of person would they say you are and what would they say about you?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Re read apps, SDN feedback, mock interviews." Report Response
"New building is nice. Funding available for summer research/clinical fellowships (summer research is a joke ~ you get $2,000 to spend 6 weeks hanging out in a lab and make a poster)" Report Response
"Arogance of students/faculty. Administration doesn't care about students. Research faculty knows little about medical school operations so don't bother asking questions during the "Do you have any questions?" portion of your interview if you get a Ph.D. Anatomy is at old medical science building in a dungeon like lab. Campus near State St is really ugly. Major roads/train tracks run through campus. Housing is expensive, school has no parking, and the city doesn't provide adaquete public transportation to offset costs." Report Response
"Suit/tie not required. I also wish they had better explained where to go." Report Response
"It's a state school so if you're out of state and get an interview they like you. If you're in state, its a token interview. For in state students all they really care about is your grades/MCAT & volunteer activity. They expect your service hours to be in the hundreds. As I say in the negative impressions area, the research faculty have no clue about the way things run. Neither does Beth Menzer or Tena Krummel. If you really want to know things like their residency placement/student satisfaction/statewide medical school ask to speak with Lucy Wall. They base admissions on a point system giving and taking points for Academic Record (GPA/MCAT), Community Service (medical and special populations), LORS~personal qualities, and Diversity (take it as you will)." Report Response
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